Video games can be fun. At various times in my life, I’ve had enough time to play them. Not right now, but sometimes I did. One of the game series I enjoyed was Dead Space. Essentially, you show up to a derelict outer space location where everyone is dead and horror ensues. The plot was great so I don’t want to give too much away in case you have time to play video games.
Perhaps this will be a plausible scenario for the International Space Station whenever whoever shows up to rescue those astronauts finally arrives. There’d really be no fun in playing a video game about starving to death in a can floating around the Earth. Pretty much the same thing goes for getting laid off from an engineering job so your aerospace company can hire black people instead. I’ve heard it’s getting tough in the job market even for white male engineers, but this is what one would expect as civilization collapses in on itself.
Video game plots often involve abstractions, such as dystopian future scenarios. These were welcome distractions from real life, but now that the future arrives and the dystopia is something we live, the abstractions are less fun because we know what is actually going to happen. We know that they’ll hire the diversity and calamity will ensue. I’ve been writing about it for years and actually well before I started quoting the Bible and feeling crazy. This is no fun at all.
Diversity means dysfunction and when you put large, complicated flying machines into the scenario, it means these things will crash or at least pieces will fall off of them and kill people below. In other words, you can predict the calamity based on the simple formula of diversity + to whatever it’s being added. For example, if you add Haitians to automobiles, then everyone in the area will have their insurance premiums tripled. We’re talking about math here, and math is boring.
The basic premise of much of the fiction I’ve been consuming my entire life is that while the future might be terrible, it’ll at least be exciting. You’ll be battling Skynet’s extermination robots through the rubble of LA, this sort of thing. The reality has turned out to be that the Jews will murder you by blowing up your pager, which was cutting edge technology when the original Terminator movie came out. To be honest, I’ve been nervous around my phone all week. It’s so diabolical but simultaneously lame.
Moreover, they’ll never stop bringing up stuff from the past that isn’t even true and furthermore is disproven now that they’re trying this thing they claimed happened in the past and it proves to be a disaster. As these poor bastards up in the space station remain stranded because Boeing is too diverse get them home or even stop parts from falling off its planes, Congress just cranked out yet another award for the black female secretaries from NASA they claimed programmed the moon missions. They’re not even alive anymore, but just like Emmet Till, the fake story never goes away.
The moon missions were possible because, back then, NASA was too racist to rely on diversity and had white male mathematicians with PhDs do the calculations. This is exactly what anyone sane and reasonable would expect. Why they’d rely on the least suitable demographic on this entire planet for math to program space missions defies all reasons until our End Times when there’s not even a mission because they can’t get the ship to work.
These black women were exactly what their job titles stated: secretaries. The area around the facility is quite black, so that was the labor pool from which NASA was hiring for these sorts of non-technical jobs that weren’t critical to the mission’s success. It wasn’t hiding anything until this absurd story was made up about them. Coastal and Central Virginia is full of blacks. NASA hired them instead of spending lots of money bringing in white secretaries from somewhere else.
It would be like if the Jews produced a movie about my life after I’m dead and made it about how the surly old black guy I pay to cut my lawn was actually the one who caught all the dogs and wrote all these ID articles. This would be ridiculous. Having to constantly maintain a straight face as we’re told all of this ridiculous shit is turning out to be one of the most challenging aspects of our unfolding future.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Remember the Afronauts:
The need for speed:2005
Most wanted video came!
Those iconic BMW 3 series taillights!
Dixie is the best for Car racing!
The mighty jews… scared of a ten year old boy with a flag: