The most critical fact to bear in mind when consuming any media coverage or expert opinion of a member of the U.S. military on the situation in Ukraine is that there’s no plan anymore. There was a plan, initially. This plan was cooked up by the neocons. These are the most influential and aggressive faction of Jews in terms of determining American foreign policy. It’s these exact same Jews who cooked up the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan along with every other military adventure since the end of the Cold War.
Their plan was to set up a quagmire for Russia in Ukraine which would force Putin to intervene directly on behalf of the Russian population in Donbass. This would justify the ultimate sanctions package against Russia which otherwise the rest of the world would be able to openly disavow since Russia is a critical exporter of energy and other resources.
Decisive faith was put in these sanctions, so much so that the entire political leadership of the West showed itself to be a pack of fools for believing that the Russian economy would implode overnight as intended. Not that this matters or any American remembers, but it did happen. It was touted hardcore, if you’ll recall.
The American media refers to “Russia” while the real game is the Russian Federation which is the largest nation on Earth according to geographic size and by far the wealthiest in terms of resources. The ultimate objective of the sanctions was to foment economic collapse in order to facilitate domestic conflicts in the Federation, not to “punish Putin’s aggression.”
The ensuing turmoil would enable the United States to create political fracture points in order to separate the 100+ small minority groups with massive territories from the significant Russian majority. These would be easily controlled, like pretty much all other small nations that aren’t North Korea.
This concept is referred to as “decolonizing” Russia. The Russian public is quite aware of the game; although, the American public is told that our heroic support for Ukraine is a response to Putin’s desire to recreate the Soviet Union. There’s actually no secret made of this project. It’s simply not discussed in the American media.
These neocons are descended from Trotskyists who fled the Soviet Union when Stalin took control after the Jews had basically conquered the Russian Empire and murdered its royal family in what was probably a Kabbalistic ritual. The current shooting chapter of this drama was a very long time in coming; although, to the American public it suddenly began when Putin decided to invade Ukraine back in 2022. In other words, there are volumes of backstory into which I’ll avoid delving too far.
The point of this particular article is that there was no plan for what would happen if the Russian economy didn’t collapse from the sanctions. This would follow the same pattern of Jewish ambitions in Iraq and Afghanistan which turned into unsolvable catastrophes after the results didn’t unfold in the manner they projected in various books and white papers. The U.S. military spent years trying to solve the problem these Jews created with their ambitious schemes even though no solution existed.
Any coverage or commentary you’re watching ought to be filtered through a couple of facts. First, there’s no way to inflict a military defeat on the Russians in Russia. Ukraine isn’t a separate country in this regard. Second, it’s impossible to resolve this catastrophe to American satisfaction. To put it another way, once again there’s no solution. Ukraine is part of a pattern.
American satisfaction at this stage would be to halt the conflict along its current lines and introduce a saleable narrative about how we rescued what’s left of Ukraine with our superior American weapons and expertise, enabling the Ukrainians to hold off Russia on the battlefield. The conflict could then be revived once the neocons have time to come up with a new brilliant scheme.
Trump is boasting that he can solve the situation immediately upon returning to office. His plan is to threaten the Russians with escalation and offer to halt the combat along its current lines in exchange for lifting the sanctions. That’s probably what any administration would try to do by 2025. The Harris campaign can’t say that at the moment for obvious political reasons.
Setting aside the issue of the sanctions not working and the Russians not caring about them anymore, the faulty premise of this approach is that Ukraine is holding off the Russians on the battlefield and could continue to do so indefinitely. This seems believable to the ignorant American because the Russians haven’t taken massive swathes of territory since the intervention began. That’s because the line being contesting in Donbass is incredibly fortified.
Attacking these positions directly through massive minefields would be pointless. This was put in place by the Soviets because the terrain and Russian population of Donbass made it the logical place for their final stand against a potential NATO invasion before evacuating Moscow.
Soviet leaders who’d come up through service in World War 2 figured a NATO invasion would be preceded by a nuclear attack, so that’s why they built specific facilities and infrastructure to survive. It was already quite a funhouse before the coup in 2014, and then NATO had 8 years to work on it in preparation for the intervention provoked in 2022.
However, while this line continues to hold, the Russians have inflicted over a million casualties on Ukraine and destroyed much of the irreplaceable equipment and munitions stockpiles that NATO had to send. The lengthy and complicated process of shutting down the Ukrainian electrical grid through a series of missile strikes is also underway. The Russians have been making significant progress against the line slowly in order to minimize their own casualties and its central hub is now in their crosshairs.
Somewhere in 2025 this line in Donbass will have collapsed along with modern life to the west of it because there’s no longer any electricity. The stunt of invading Kursk for headlines has hastened the inevitable, even though it bolsters the narrative about Ukraine holding its own against the Russians. Likewise with the idea that NATO is considering the delivery of long-range missiles to Ukraine that would somehow rout the Russians and win the conflict.
Putin has been explicit that this would spell outright war with NATO. These weapons would have to be deployed by NATO personnel against Russia using NATO targeting systems. There’d be no way for the Russians to save face by pretending the Ukrainians fired the missiles at them after these systems were merely delivered from the West. It’s all just narrative nonsense.
Whatever Trump might boast, and Harris might hope isn’t going to happen. The real question is what concessions Putin might be willing to make for a lasting peace when this conflict is concluded on his terms. The deal the West is hoping for would be political suicide for Putin and a massive strategic defeat for Russia. The Russian public is infuriated by the entire situation, including the constant drone terrorism to which the Federation is now being subjected. Putin has domestic political considerations which our media pretends don’t exist.
The media always refers to this as “one man’s war of choice” or “Putin’s war of choice” along with marketing it as the “full scale” invasion or war but none of this is true. The reality is that Putin’s approach has been far more restrained and moderate than what the average Russian wants to happen and what any other potential Russian leader would do in his place.
He signed two agreements to resolve the Ukrainian crisis peacefully before intervening and then a third almost immediately after the operation was underway. The main criticism against him in Russia is that he was naive for having ever taken the West’s word for anything. The notion he’d halt the combat operations on terms favorable to the West in exchange for promises seems pretty absurd at this late stage when the entire edifice in Ukraine is tottering.
What’s interesting is that in order to make sure a crisis in Ukraine can never be recreated for Russia, at a minimum Putin would need to take measures that are considered nightmare redlines for the West. Principally, retaking Odessa on the Black Sea. It’s full of Russians but couldn’t declare for Russia immediately like the Donbass and Crimea because it wasn’t geographically connected.
Western leaders talk as if letting the Russians have what they’re currently occupying in Donbass would be some sort of enormous concession that Putin should accept in return for being defeated. In reality, if the Russians took all of Donbass that wouldn’t be as big of a strategic loss for NATO as Odessa and depriving the Ukrainian rump state of access to the Black Sea. This is why it’s not even talked about as if it’s up for negotiation. Yet, it’s the elephant in the room.
2025 won’t be a good year for NATO or Ukraine, this much is certain. Whatever happens, I’m confident in predicting that the media and politicians will claim, “we somehow won.”

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
If God ever gives Dixie independence, you’d make a great Secretary of State in a Southern administration that’s NOT moronic … like the new one in D.C. is bound to be. That one will be occupied by either Trumpstein or CamelToe Whoreis.
German Confederate
Politicians to me are just low level demons for the most part, like all these governors going to be installed on the west coast.
Pretty disturbing out here for a freedom loving man, let me tell you. I thank God and Jesus Christ for helping me to keep it together in a victorious way and the opportunity to be here at ID. I’ve been listening to Legacy Live by the Outlaws lately.
Better Grey than red
A Blessing knowing you and all here at ID.
God Save The South!
When the trans Atlantic sea floor internet cables get cut, time for Western Europe and the British to think an end to this conflict!
Good day Gentlemen and Ladies, God bless Dixie
“Quagmire for Russia”
Гигитти Гигитти alright!
Interesting thoughts as always from Mr. Shackleford. I’ll offer a few of my own. When it became apparent that Russia was not going to collapse from all the shit the West was throwing at it, the Tribe hit on another trick: strike a deal with Putin.
Russia could quickly and easily end the conflict on terms satisfactory to them: 1. Crash the power grid in Kiev. 2. Destroy the bridges crossing the Dniepr.
That they haven’t done so raises questions. Now the Ukrainians have invaded Russia, taken nearly 500 sq miles, and show no inclination to leave. Or of being made to leave. Something fishy is going on over there.
IMHO, when Russia didn’t collapse as expected, the Tribe quietly approached Putin with an offer: “Take it slow and give us time to finish sucking the West dry, and then we’ll move our assets into Russia, and make YOU the shot-caller of the World.” And he agreed.
To me that’s a much more explanatory thesis than the silliness being paraded by the pro and anti Putin parties.
Interesting thoughts as always from Mr. Shackleford. I’ll offer a few of my own. When it became apparent that Russia was not going to collapse from all the s*** the West was throwing at it, the Tribe hit on another trick: strike a deal with Putin.
Russia could quickly and easily end the conflict on terms satisfactory to them if they wanted to: 1. Crash the power grid in Kiev. 2. Destroy the bridges crossing the Dniepr.
That they haven’t done so raises questions. Now the Ukrainians have invaded Russia, taken nearly 500 sq miles, and show no inclination to leave. Or of being made to leave. Something fishy is going on over there.
IMHO, when Russia didn’t collapse as expected, the Tribe quietly approached Putin with an offer: “Take it slow and give us time to finish sucking the West dry, and then we’ll move our assets into Russia, and make YOU the shot-caller of the World.” And he agreed.
To me that’s a more plausible thesis than the silliness being paraded by the pro and anti Putin parties.
Your theory on Putin is one I’ve considered also. It makes sense that the tribe will anoint a new global reserve currency when the dollar goes the way of the post WW1 Deutschmark. Russia and China would seem to be the two contenders. The big question is, ‘what is Putin really thinking’? Is he really willing to follow the U.S. in becoming Israel’s new bitch, or is he thinking of asserting Russian hegemony against the JWO? Stalin tried that, and, as the story goes, was poisoned.
Something else I’ve noticed is how Putin isn’t being savaged in the msm now. Not like he was when the SMO kicked off anyway. By itself that raises some questions.