‘Tis the Seasoning

I noticed a steak and burger seasoning on sale, so I tossed it into my grocery cart as I was going to be grilling burgers for the family yesterday evening. It said it had a “salty, garlic, spicy kick,” why not? White people actually do season their food when it’s not being served to black people in jail and public school, after all. Besides how an interest rate works, this might be the secret we’ve best kept from Black America.

As I was about to shake it on the burgers, I happened to catch a glimpse of “bioengineered food ingredients” on the back. This got me to read the nutrition facts. So, basically to deliver a combination of garlic, salt and onion powder with some sort of lemon flavoring to your burger, this company had created a concoction of various corn syrup byproducts, soy compounds, and silicone dioxide. Of what proportions, consumers don’t get to know, so I just tossed it into the trash can.

Nothing is what it purports to be in America these days, right down to the seasoning. As the average voter is now essentially a mutant and our political system acts as a filtration device to sift for the worse possible people this shithole has to offer, we’re witnessing an ever-growing disconnect between the politicians and the voters. This leads to farcical attempts by the politicians to make themselves seem normal by the standards of the voters.

As far as I can remember, the spice thing started with Hillary Clinton saying she always kept hot sauce in her purse as some sort of way to humanize herself by being quirky. She was accused of copying this from a Beyonce song, but I can pretty much guarantee she had no idea who this singer was, let alone the lyrics to her song.

That fell flat even though the media tried to run with it, but new ideas don’t come around politics too often, so now the Harris campaign is trying to run with it as well. I’ll give it to Kamala Harris that she’s not carrying weight like a connoisseur of the American mutant diet. So, it would seem odd that she would have to pull over her massive armed convoy to get a bag of Doritos, especially since she could click her fingers and get someone to do this for her. Maybe this sort of PR will work, since people like me don’t even vote.

We do seem to be reaching a new plateau in terms of absurdity where there’s really no pretense made about appealing to incredibly ignorant and stupid fat mutants whose reading level probably leaves them with difficulty comprehending the nutrition facts on a label.

The Romney vs Obama election was the last time the candidates tried to make it seem like they were running because they wanted to contend with each other over a set of differentiating approaches to the economy and foreign policy. Trump turned everything into it’s going to be the “best ever” and there was no going back. It worked for him, so why try to make up some jargon about false policy differences that nobody understands or cares about?

I’m not sure why the Harris campaign is trying so hard since this election has been fortified for democracy with mail-in ballots. However, it does seem like Trump has received the blessing of panicked Jewish power system that senses it might need him in the White House instead of prison when things really kick off in the Middle East, which could be any minute now. Having half of the electorate riled up because he’s behind bars would distract from our commitment to sacrificing ourselves for Israel and anyone who’d be fine with this is going to be voting for Trump, not Harris. This could explain quite a bit.


When Trump was running against Hillary, and expected to take a lopsided loss, there was no secret made of the fact that he’d activated the enthusiasm of horrible racist and antisemitic Americans. This was thought to be so detrimental that Hillary’s campaign made it into a talking point about “deplorables” in what might prove to be the greatest blunder ever in an American presidential election. 2016 was a really fun rollercoaster, whereas now it’s just a cavalcade of cringe.

One of the reasons that the polling didn’t show Trump winning back then was due to the fact that he got enormous amounts of white voters to the polls who don’t vote because they hoped that some of this racist, antisemitic stuff would turn out to be true. People like us don’t answer polls, so there would be no way to gather accurate metrics for what was going to happen on election day. This was something we were pointing out in the alternative media at the time.

Trump received more votes than any incumbent president in history back in 2020, but since none of the racist, antisemitic stuff turned out to be true, he wasn’t able to turn out that element a second time. The mail-in ballots sealed his fate, but the lack of deplorable support was a major blow to his reelection chances. Again, there’s no poll anyone is going to answer where they admit to not voting for Trump again because he wasn’t a racist, so we don’t have any useful metrics.

He definitely doesn’t have our support this time around and he doesn’t even look to be courting it. Both campaigns are going to double down on stupid and double down on Israel. Israel matters less and less to voters, so it seems counterintuitive, but they need to signal they’re dependable to the Jews calling the shots. Either one of them accusing the other of not doing enough for Jews is outrageously absurd, but that’s the tenor of things now.

Whatever happens with this election, there’s not turning back on stupid. Of this prediction, I have supreme confidence.


  1. “our political system acts as a filtration device to sift for the worse possible people this shithole has to offer”

    It’s phrases like the above that make you my favorite writer on this site!

  2. Trump would be an outstanding sales manager at a Brooklyn used car lot. Commie-La, with a month or so training, could become an average postal clerk in DC, that is, if she showed up for her shift half sober.

  3. *smacks lips*
    *robs store*
    Hol up
    *leaves behind 3 bastards with 3 baby mommas*
    You be telling me
    *dumps entire bottle of Lawrys garlic salt into crab boil*
    You didn’t seezin yo food?
    *shoots up neighbors house*

  4. I’ve noticed an increase of “contains bioengineered food ingredients” lately myself. Most of what we consume is made-from-scratch (I enjoy cooking), organic, or approved by the non-GMO Project. I’d be very interested in knowing the brand and name of the spice you threw out…

  5. There’s a Jew World Coming – by Crass Idiot

    There’s a Jew world coming
    And it’s just around the bend
    There’s a Jew world coming
    This world’s coming to an end

    There’s a new boss calling
    You can hear him if you try
    And he’s growing stronger
    With each day that passes by

    There’s a bad news morning
    Dawning soon for you and me
    There’s a Jew day coming
    Worse than bad rhinoplasty

    Yes a Jew world’s coming
    The one we’ve had nightmares of
    Gonna’ be bad, gonna’ be hard,
    Gonna’ be tough

    Gonna be tough… x 2

  6. I recently read a tome by Schlomo Sand titled “The Invention of the Jewish People”. I wanted to know more about the ideology behind their “faith”. As it’s written by an Israeli historian it’s a dry read but eye-opening – it shines a light on their narcissistic psychopathy.

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