Irreconcilable Agendas

The U.S. military isn’t what it used to be a couple decades ago when it toppled Saddam Hussein’s government. It was defended by a decrepit military with many commanders bribed not to fight in a covert operation leading up to the invasion. It was a spectacular sight to behold on television, but that part was left out to the American public.

So, it wasn’t quite the brilliant military achievement by which America’s future martial prospects should be measured. Iran or Russia would be a much different scenarios that we’d have zero prospect of emerging from triumphant. This doesn’t deter my friends with silver oak leaves from being upbeat about it, which is scary.

We were lied to that Saddam had something vaguely to do with 9/11 and also that he had a cache of WMDs which he’d use on the rest of the world because he was nefarious like a Bond villain or something. The evidence presented was not at all credible. It’s the first time that I can recall that everyone was told to believe some sort of drastic international action ought to be taken based on risible nonsense.

Netanyahu testified to Congress that this would have “enormous positive reverberations.” In fact, he “guaranteed” it. Freeing the people of Iraq was all about our national security, of course. After all these debacles, Netanyahu is still there along with the Jews in the United States who cooked up the plan. These are literally the exact same Jews behind the horror in Ukraine and all the other failures such as Libya and Syria.

These Jews, currently known as neocons in the United States and formerly Trotskyists in Russia, are totally incompetent strategists as evidence by the comprehensive failure of their projects. In the United States, they’re above accountability and accurate criticism so their objectives still constitute the bipartisan foreign policy of the American Empire regardless.

This is why we move from one debacle from the next as they continue to seek global Jewish domination with the United States as their mechanism, whereas before it was supposed to be the Soviet Union and communism. Stalin got rid of them, the surviving rats scuttled to America, and after the Soviet Union collapsed this current iteration of the plan sprang into action.

Over in Israel, Netanyahu has managed to keep riding the tiger through the support of a different group of Jews with more immediate desires. They make no pretense of blending into Western societies, openly espouse amoral and genocidal religious principles that the rest of the world would find shocking, commit massive atrocities that provoke global outrage, have hordes of children, and are essentially retarded. The children part is how they grew into the group calling the shots in Israel. It certainly wasn’t cunning or deception.

This leads to idiotic Israeli policy decisions, such as bringing the specter of general conflict to the Middle East through a genocide and simultaneous direct confrontation with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran while the resources of the American golem are stretched to the limit and its prestige depleted in a failed neocon project in Ukraine. It can’t even stop the Houthis from attacking shipping but they’re counting on it to deliver for them big time, so much so that they’ve bet the farm on this one.

Both were evil and stupid ideas, but one thing at a time, if either is to have the slightest prospect of success. If Russia had been knocked out in the Ukraine project as intended, the expansion of Israel and elimination of its enemies would’ve been much easier. The retarded Jews don’t think in broader terms like the neocons, though. In their minds, the goyim are there to serve and die for them, so we might as well get on with it.

Although Jews as a collective pursue conflicting goals, this is a clear example of different factions being unable to synchronize a priority. These Jews in Israel would never be able to prevail in Washington because they can’t hide what they are, while the more subtle neocon Jews don’t have the numbers anymore to keep a lock on how decisions are made in Israel. Both vastly overestimate the feasibility of their ambitions and capabilities of the U.S. military to achieve them, but the ones in Israel are much dumber in this regard.

As a quick primer, what’s happening to the Arabs in Gaza isn’t worth World War 3 to anyone. Even if all 2 million of them are killed, it still wouldn’t be worth it to kick off the big one. So, various governments might deplore what’s happening and make other impotent gestures but they’re not going to war over this matter alone except for the Houthis. Apparently, the Taliban wants to send fighters as well.

However, in Islamic countries, the populations are inflamed over what they’re forced to impotently watch on the sidelines. This compels leaders to make heated statements to try and mollify them. Leaders the world over say various things all the time purely for convenience.

Erdogan is popular in Turkey but he’s presiding over a public anger about Gaza, and he can’t tell the public he’s not going to do anything substantial, especially as this would disrupt various lucrative arrangements Turkey has with Israel, so he employs empty rhetoric instead. He threatened to invade which isn’t going to happen, obviously.

So, now the Jews are threatening Erdogan with getting their golem Uncle Sam to do a Saddam Hussein on him, seemingly unaware that Uncle Sam isn’t in the shape he was back in 2003 and that Turkey is a much larger country than Iraq. Toppling the Turkish government and taking the place over wouldn’t even have been a feasible proposition back then, either.

Turkey also happens to be a pivotal member of NATO since it can invoke the Montreux Convention to prohibit most naval transit into the Black Sea if a war breaks out, which it did as soon as the Russians began the SMO back in 2022. Surely, NATO would love to have warships in there harassing the Russians, but Erdogan won’t let them in.

He’s also purchased the Russian S-400 rather than the Patriot AA system, forcing the United States to boot Turkey from the lucrative F-35 program. Erdogan refuses to participate in the attempt to strangle Russia economically, being poised to collect a lot of revenue from fees for a future Black Sea pipeline among other things.

Turkey isn’t a NATO vassal like Germany, which will take whatever abuse comes its way. Erdogan is the last person the neocon Jews want to be alienated completely from NATO. If they could get him to play ball it would cause significant problems for the Russians, but their fellow Jews in Israel can’t leave this one alone. It’s hilarious just how stupid they can get. They’re even lobbying to have Turkey kicked out of NATO:

If there’s going to be any salvaging of their global domination plan, some immediate things the neocon Jews need is for the hostilities in the Middle East to be negotiated to a conclusion, so they’d have more leverage in negotiating a settlement to freeze the conflict in Ukraine in their favor. What’s going on in the Middle East is an existential liability for the United States which the Russians could leverage in a variety of ways.

This is why we see all the coverage of potential negotiations over Ukraine in the Western media which ignore the cards held by the Russians. They’ve repeatedly stated they have no interest in freezing the conflict so it can be revived later by NATO but that won’t stop the Jews from trying as it’s the only possible way to stave off defeat.

Meanwhile, their fellow Jews in Israel just murdered the head of Hamas, who is considered the legitimate leader of Gaza in both Moscow and Beijing, on the soil of their critical ally Iran, while continuing to up the bombing of Lebanon. These Jews are rejoicing at finally being able to kill him after previously killing his family, which is a key aspect of their Satanic religion that they openly espouse as they’re doing it.

From an international policy perspective, this is an insane practice for the Jews in Israel to be conducting, and the neocon Jews get this part, but Western media won’t cover it like the Islamic and Chinese media do, so Americans don’t understand how much of the world perceives their actions. Celebrating the murder of children is bad form unless you’re a Jew and probably also living in Israel.

It’s also a great way to get the Russians and Chinese to realize their efforts to negotiate a truce are pointless and throw up their hands on the issue, allowing Iran to retaliate with greater force. Assassinating a key ally and invited guest to their presidential inauguration on their own soil might even be more provocative to the Iranians than the bombing of their embassy annex in Syria. This murder was a really dumb thing to do at essentially the worst time possible.

This is threatening to drag the United States further into the broadening conflict in the Middle East. We’re not going to be able to sit on the sidelines as these retarded Jews bring the temple down on their heads through blind ambition and bloodlust. It appears they’re held back only by their own restraint.

I’m quite skeptical that a call from the White House pleading “please stop with this you’re creating too big of a mess for America” would sway much with these particular Jews. I could be wrong, but I can’t explain how anything that transpired has been in the interests of America, that’s for sure.

The idea that Israel can eliminate all of its enemies and expand continuously without eventually triggering a conflict that brings it to an end is absurd. Likewise, the notion that through various schemes and manufactured conflicts both Russia and China can be eventually toppled in order to establish an American stranglehold on the planet through which the Jews can rule it. This is all evil and insane. That conflicting factions of Jews are trying to accomplish both at the same time just underscores this fact.

An escalation is looking more and more likely. If it does happen, historians will be looking back in hindsight amazed at just how idiotically these Jews in Israel behaved. Hopefully, our grandchildren will be around to read about it. But, who knows what happens to us after we get dragged in?


  1. They have been a curse to the world since Good Friday when they demanded the death of the Messiah and said “may his blood be upon us and upon our descendants.”

    1. I’m not to sure about Washington , they make a lot of donations thru aipac , adl controls FBI, check out donations from aipac , we’re already under their control.

  2. Fantastic Tom.I appreciate your wisdom on the Synagogue of Satan and its attempts to create a Satanic One World government as the Bible tells us.The Jews have destroyed our White Southern culture and people beyond repair(unless God decides otherwise)so to see them wiped out would be a pleasure.They are sick,perverse and demon possessed and they wouldn’t have it any other way.Germany is calling,Jews.And they may finally get justice.

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