Saving our Greatest Ally

The situation with the Houthis in Yemen encapsulates the insanity of America’s foreign policy. Their operation against shipping by countries which support Israel is a direct response declared against the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

They’ve offered to stop immediately if the genocide stops. That’s all it would take, just desisting from this genocide which goes against all the values America claims and our self-declared moral leadership of the planet. Instead, we launched Operation Prosperity Guardian which has been a predictable failure. Even the name is a joke.

For all of the firepower the United States can deliver from above, the devastation inflicted on the Houthis isn’t what the public was led to believe. Why anyone would’ve been expecting success in the context of what happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan is a fair question. The recent Saudi war on the Houthis failed despite a much more ruthless approach. There’s a definitive pattern to these ill-fated endeavors.

The Gaza Strip has had more bombs dropped on it than both Dresden and Hamburg, while the Jews are still taking casualties without an end in sight. What’s more, Western drones which used to surveille and strike with impunity are being shot down. This isn’t the Global War on Terror anymore.

The U.S. military has never before had to fight an adversary with all the insurgent advantages of the Taliban, but capable of striking international shipping with ballistic missiles, while shooting down American drones. This pretty much sums up the Houthis.

The American Empire was never able to subdue the Taliban, but it wasn’t in such a vulnerable position in terms of the Taliban’s firepower. For instance, if the Houthis can take out MQ9 drones, helicopters would be at significant risk if the failure of airstrikes leads to a ground incursion in Yemen.

The small, cheap drones, available to everyone, have also revolutionized warfare in ways which the United States will struggle to overcome if a wider conflict breaks out. The Russians have acquired far more experience in countering drones, but they still have big problems with these things despite the adaptations.

They’ve also used them to take out American tanks and armored vehicles operated by the Ukrainians. There’s been plenty of sport made out of the losses the Russians have suffered from drone strikes, but the United States hasn’t yet had to contend with anything on the scale of what they’ve been trying to mitigate.

An important reason for why the firepower of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis has become a salient question is that Netanyahu’s faction of Jews seems to be trying to provoke a broader conflict in the Middle East that will drag the U.S. military in directly on their behalf with the goal being to collapse Iran and put an end to Hezbollah.

Getting rid of Hezbollah’s opposition is an absolute necessity for Zionist expansion, which these Jews must’ve calculated will be an easier task once its Iranian base of support has been eliminated. They can’t eliminate either Iran or Hezbollah on their own or even subdue the Gaza Strip. Hezbollah already defeated them back in 2006.

Sure, these are deranged, evil Jews but the logic of why they need their Golem to enter the fray is obvious and it would explain why they started a conflict which they have zero chance of winning on their own.

It’s quite possible they wanted Hamas to retaliate last October and allowed it to happen without preemption as a pretext for a definitive victory against the militant enemies of Zionism. After the Hamas raid, the IDF promptly attacked Lebanon and demanded that Hezbollah cede strategic territory along the Litani River so the notion that this conflict is about addressing the threat from Hamas is ridiculous.

We’re 76 years into the nightmare entity known as Israel, with the historical expiration date in the minds of the aforementioned Jews for Jewish kingdoms being 80 years. They’re already in a crisis they can’t extricate themselves from and, if they lose political power, Netanyahu is going to prison for corruption.

A confluence of factors is pushing them towards an escalation. The direction seems inexorable if the Biden Jews can’t rein them in somehow. It must be frustrating for them that Netanyahu is focused only on his own ambitions regardless of the war they started with Russia, which is going very badly for NATO. He doesn’t even seem capable of taking the implications of this ongoing failure into account.

The Jews in the Biden Administration clearly don’t want a showdown right now and have been pleading with Netanyahu to back off. Finding some way to deescalate the situation is the only rational course of action given the current realities of military power.

These efforts don’t seem to be of much avail and the split between these factions of Jews has grown quite public. It’s somewhat hilarious that the Western media can cover this disagreement without acknowledging it’s between different factions of Jews, one of which is in control of the U.S. government and the other whose distinction is a higher degree of blind psychopathy.

Wariness of the Biden Administration Jews towards getting dragged into another major conflict at the moment is probably irrelevant since they wouldn’t be able to let Israel get itself wiped out. The Netanyahu Jews are in the driver’s seat on this one. They’re basically retarded and don’t seem to grasp what limited utility the U.S. military proffers towards their ultimate objectives.

Whatever happens next, it won’t be good for Israel. It’s not like we get a say in anything that happens, so all we can do is wait and watch. The Madness of the Jew is the stage America has reached.


  1. Your articles get a fraction of the comments they deserve, sir; your knowledge is impeccable, your writing style stellar! My theory (as to why the comments to your posts are so paltry) is that virtually no one reading you knows what the *uck you’re talking about. For my part, prof. Smith at the Orthosphere suffers from the same problem – you’re both speaking in terms heads above everyone else. I’m not saying you should “dumb it down,” just pointing out the reason for your low comment numbers from my perspective. In any event, I learn a great deal from your writing, so, I’m trying to encourage you to ‘keep it up’ as much as anything.

  2. If only it were a case of the religions of Satan just fighting and taking themselves out, we could just sit on the sidelines. As our country is overtaken by one of the sects, we will be unfortunately destined to send our children in to die for one of the wrong sides.

  3. Good stuff as always! Yep, the West in general and the US in particular are jewish battlefields. For example, the republicans are owned by warmongering Zionist jews; while democrats are owned by degenerate, faggy jews. And hardly anyone sees it.

  4. Great work Tom.I love all the excellent information you give us.Thank you and God bless you.The Jews who control America may think they are invincible.But God is bringing forth the truth.

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