One claim made by well-meaning rightwingers is that feminism, although a terrible idea that has done significant damage to society, must be understood in the context of backlash against the abuses women suffered by men. This view postulates that feminism is an overreaction against certain ills that women faced and, in order to both understand and properly combat feminism, it must be understood in this situation. While this idea may have (on the surface) some merit, and many early feminists cited abuse as the origin of their work, it as an oversimplification of what actually took place.
Before I begin this essay, first let me state that I do not deny that women, at times, faced horrific abuses by men in the pre-feminist world. It was deplorable and there was no excuse for it. But, it is critical to remember that abusive men were, in fact, considered wicked in the West and, more importantly, measures were taken to combat their misbehavior. Yes, it was not a perfect system, but no system built by men can be. And, this leads to the major problem with understanding feminism in terms of backlash – the major civilization that treated women the best was also the one that birthed feminism. The fact that the West treated the fairer sex better than any other civilization is beyond serious debate at this point. Thanks to the influence of Christianity, women married later and had a far greater choice over whom they married. Furthermore, by banning polygamy, women had greater leverage within their own marriage, for they were the one and only wife rather than just another wife, if not a sex slave. Making divorce difficult, by drawing from Matthew 19: 1-11, also improved the condition of women because it meant a man could no longer abandon his wife for growing old.
Contrast this to the rest of the world and we can clearly see just how well Western women have historically been treated. The Islamic world tends to be viewed as the biggest offender in contemporary society, but in reality, women in both India and China had it even worse due complete male dominance – hence why those societies were able to produce something like the sati and feet binding. Many White feminists have ended up in horrifically abusive situations by marrying non-White men, a situation that could have been avoided had they simply understood the trends of world history rather than adopt the stunningly naïve view that White women are the natural allies of non-Whites against the “evil” White patriarchy. If feminism could be understood, in terms of backlash against abuse, it certainly would have arisen in the area of the world where cruel mistreatment was far more common. But not only did it not originate there, its cultural impact has been far more minimal than in the West, even to this day.

What’s more, these women are often strong supporters of practices that would be deemed as deplorably sexist in the West. To pick just one particularly illustrative example we can look to Afghanistan. Though it might seem impossible to Western ears, the Taliban does enjoy a significant amount of support from Afghan women, especially outside Kabul. There is simply no way for a guerrilla army to sustain itself for 20 years, as the Taliban did, without significant civilian, and particularly female, support. Guerrilla armies live and die by the willingness of the civilian population to put their lives in danger by supporting them, and the Taliban clearly met this goal. Furthermore, they would not have been able to take over the country practically overnight without a great deal of support among women. The simple fact of the matter is that, to Afghan women, the United States is a wicked occupying force bringing sin and destruction with them and the Taliban is fighting for the Afghan way of wife.
To understand the real origins of feminism we must not look at “the West” for its origins, but a particular area of the West – Yankeedom. A map of the active feminist organizations during the 19th century will show one curious fact – they hit a hard stop at the Mason-Dixon line. Feminism was the interest of Yankee women, not Southern women. Feminism, although it has overtaken the West, is ultimately a product of Yankees and the areas of England Yankees came from. Feminism is the product of a Yankee mindset that is on a mission to change the world and remake it in their own image. In practice, this means going on crusades to rid the world of “oppression.” As soon as Yankee women decided that women were oppressed, feminism became part of this little crusade. Yankees, who should be distinguished from some of the good folks who live up north, were the natural people by which feminism could triumph. And because the Yankees have largely ruled the world since 1945, it is only natural that this era has been the success of their ideas, one of which is feminism.
I certainly do not deny that women have faced horrific abuses in the past, and while the West was certainly better than the other major civilizations, it was not entirely blameless. However, the rise of modern feminism, and especially its radicalization in the 1960s, cannot be understood as backlash against that abuse. It was simply too limited in the areas from which it arose. Rather, it was (and is) another Yankee attempt to make everyone else like them, the same mentality Southerners have been fighting against for nearly two centuries.

There is no doubt in my mind that feminism is the direct result of men not living up to their responsibilities as a husband, father and provider for the family. Men became lazy and soft and wussies and refused to work, refused to participate in their marriage with their attitude of “let the little woman do all the work.” Did feminism result from physical abuse? Some of it did, but most of it was from men just simply not doing anything.
@MA in MO
Nope. It was purely foisted on an unwilling public by elites and was always unpopular until access to birth control meant boomers had unlimited access to consequence-free hedonism. Then the men flipped.
Your attitude is typical of a boomer. “The reason the women were unhappy was because of the men!” Wrong. Women are easy to manipulate because they’re emotional thinkers by nature. The cigarette industry had a pesky problem. Women just wouldn’t smoke cigarettes. What did they do? They hired Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays is thought to be the father of marketing. He convinced women to smoke by running ads with women smoking proclaiming they were “lighting a torch for freedom.” To get a woman to do whatever you want, all you have to do is convince her she’s oppressed if she doesn’t do it.
As for men “refusing to work,” I didn’t (and still don’t) see women clamoring to do all of the dangerous and unglamorous jobs the men were doing during first wave feminism like mining and construction. Now, they can’t even tolerate a 40 hour work week at a desk making power points nobody pays attention to without copious amounts of boxed wine and prescription anti-depressants. Women want all of the perks of being a man but none of the responsibilities. That’s the core of feminism and that’s why they don’t feel hypocritical when they say they support equality but are adamantly opposed to a women’s draft and that they don’t care about the astronomically higher male suicide rate.
Feminism’s roots lie solely in the doings of certain hat size wearers. It all begins and ends there. Just like everything else that is destroying White civilization. Blaming it on anything else is missing the mark completely.
As someone said: feminism’s not about helping women, it’s about hating men. It’s the curse of Eve… on steroids
this one sentence at the end of the article underlines my realization of this past week!
“Rather, it was (and is) another Yankee attempt to make everyone else like them, the same mentality Southerners have been fighting against for nearly two centuries.”
You all, Have you all ever heard that Yankee expression, Oh, they are *still* fighting the Civil War!”?
The issue of slavery and Succession were mostly “of the moment”, albeit a very important Moment! But the attitudes were, and *are* ever ongoing. Pre-1860 to right this minute.
“Like them”?
No religion other than What We Permit.
No family bonds such that now one can Do *anything* without family judging to even giving advice.
No culture. Especially culture with a feeling component. Like music. They, up there, and out West there, seem to like abstract intellectualism without feelings.
The movie “DELIVERANCE” shows, to me, how these boating men, with their repressed subconscious, projected that awareness onto the mountain men such that these mountain men became judgemental mirrors of these Yankee’s undeveloped feelings and subconscious mind!
Even the accents are seen to be something to Correct [verb]!
the real Civil War is far from over!!
Feminism was/is a Satanic Jewish device to destroy the White race made in God’s blessed image.It is true the Yankees are filth but they are merely that Jewish/Cromwellian blend that destroyed England.The Yankees materialism made them willing helpmates of the Devil’s children the Jews.The Yankees=the Jews=Satan.Quite simple.We see now not just wars or natural disasters but abominations from Hell itself.This is the End and our Lord Jesus will appear in the sky brighter than the Sun.Remain steadfast and all our suffering shall be a thing of the past.The Jew and the easily duped White woman go together like Eve and the Serpent in Eden.The truth is our greatest weapon.God has brought the internet to give us a chance at truth.God bless all here.