The Mailroom: British Anon and Dixie

Note: We occasionally receive fan and hate mail, sometimes a mixture of the two. Since this correspondence was so interesting, we decided to post it for the blog readers (and haters).

Enjoy, the Editors.

Keep anonymous. Cultural questions regarding the relations of Commonwealth, Britain, and Dixie

As the title says, I do not want to be named at all, and want to be anonymous, with not even the pseudonym on this email address mentioned. Nonetheless, I was curious how “British” your ideas for Dixie were. Here’s a few questions.

[Series of questions follows]

Identity Dixie Response

Thanks for reaching out. When we get these sorts of questions, they’re typically from journalists or activists (one and the same), not fans of the blog.

Since we cannot even address you by name, we’ll choose something else. For this correspondence, you’ll be named: “Pogey Bait.”

Also, Identity Dixie does not have a totally fixed and unanimous position on each and every topic. It is a blog with various contributors with their own opinions – many are Anglophiles, others despise the British government, and some are part-time Irish Nationalists. The commonality is the desire for a Free South (plus holding traditionalist positions). That stated, Pogey, a great majority of ID writers are Anglo-Celtic in their ethnic background, and generally hold favorable views on the Little England movement, BREXIT, and a desire to not see Albion destroyed through mass migration and incompetence.

A response, and just mine, as an Anglophile from the Carolinas:

Pogey Bait: What spellings do you want to use. e.g. Realise or Realize? Colour or Color? Centre or Center? Cancelled or Canceled?

ID Response: Pogey, that is at the discretion of the ID writers. In a Free Dixie, though? Many of the ID contributors would like to tar and feather Noah Webster for what he did to our language.

Pogey Bait: Would you standardise an accent? If so, which one?

ID Response: Absolutely not. The South has many unique accents – from the Piedmont to Texas to the Tidewater to Appalachia. All of them are unique and worth preserving.

Pogey Bait: Would your head of state be a monarch or a president?

ID Response: Most of the ID contributors would like to see a return to a small “r” republic, with each state a sovereign nation voluntarily wedded in a confederation. It would, generally speaking, mirror what the Founders envisioned. Conversely, there are some Southern Nationalists that do, in fact, believe that a monarchy should be restored – they vary from loyalty to the Plantagenets to the House of Stuart. However, almost all of the ID writers deplore the Windsors.

Pogey Bait: Would your head of government be a directly elected President or a Prime Minister appointed by the lower chamber of government?

ID Response: Pogey, we would certainly not have a “prime minister,” that’s a foolish title. If there were a “president,” he would not have nearly the power as the senile codger in the White House has now.

Pogey Bait: Would you create a national Public Television department and set of channels a la the British Broadcasting Corporation or Australian Broadcasting Corporation?

ID Response: No.

Pogey Bait: What would education look like? Would it resemble the Outcomes-Based Education System, or would it resemble something like the Montessori or Steiner education systems, or something in between?

ID Response: The common consensus among the ID writers is that our current public education system is atrocious. Many, including myself, would prefer to see the U.S. Department of Education disbanded (it’s only been around since 1979). There really isn’t any other consistency among the writers besides those two points (and that the college/university system is a financial racket and needs to be reformed).

Pogey Bait: Would Dixie be a member of the Commonwealth of Nations? NATO? The United Nations?

ID Response: “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world.” – George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796

Pogey Bait: Would Dixie have Universal Health Coverage? Free Public College? Public Daycare?

ID Response: The anarcho-libertarians of ID would scream a resounding “No!” As for me, I’m more pragmatic in my politics. But, nothing in life is “free,” my dear Pogey Bait. I would prefer to see charities and churches help their fellow man rather than a faceless bureaucrat. As for college, we need less college students and even less college administrators and professors. As for public daycare, I would prefer mothers raise their own children instead of strangers.

Pogey Bait: Measurements. Metric or Imperial?

ID Response: Imperial. The metric system is boring.

Finally, many of the Identity Dixie writers consider themselves more “British” (they would prefer English, Welsh, Scottish over the term “British” – the Irish are a completely different animal altogether) than the modern British, with some suggesting that likely the best and brightest migrated to the Colonies or, unfortunately, perished during the World Wars and the collapse of the Empire. I think the theory is sound; after all, what sort of Britons cheer on Arab princes purchasing English Premier League club Newcastle or support buffoons like Gordon Brown, May, Sturgeon, Johnson, etc.?

Thank you, Pogey Bait. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out.


  1. Question for Pogey Bait:

    When do you expect the majority language in Britain to become Punjabi ?

    1. I know you might talking tongue in cheek but I will run with it for science.
      Unlikely as the sub-continent has many languages and I am not sure Punjabi is the majority there. I can’t be arsed to look it up. Any attempt to make it an official language will be a non starter as all immigrants are equal (rtm) no language will win out as the official one. Where I live has been slowly changing and immigration is for the first time visibly skewing to eastern Europe in nature.

      A-lot of us also despise the British government, two years living in The South taught me to separate people from governments.

  2. Very interesting post and enjoyed reading it. However, since language was mentioned several times, I’d like to say that I wish you had not included the last two words – “reach out.” The correct term would be “contact us” or “let us know.”

    Used with the word reach, the word out is a preposition. Also, to reach out would be to extend one’s arms and hands. To my way of thinking, “reach out” is another small example of the degradation of this language because someone thought it was a clever expression. It is not.

  3. Hope we get more articles like these in the future. Very well done and breaks up the usual lineup.

    Also, whoever decided to title this individual “Pogey Bait” should get a medal. Got a good laugh out of that one.

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