The Driver’s Seat

Benjamin Netanyahu rides a demographic tiger of retarded, extreme Jews lacking the concept of restraint. This would be in contrast to the average global Jew, who’d be fine with continuing a genocide in Gaza if that didn’t involve mass troop casualties, Israel being placed under a crippling blockade, and eventually taking things far enough that it experiences a catastrophic bombardment by Iran and Hezbollah.

They can appreciate a gun to the head, while Netanyahu’s core constituency is incapable. Regarding such Jews, the adjectives “retarded” and “extreme” are actually the most appropriate and least hyperbolic and should in no way be considered in a pejorative sense. Also, it should be noted that “extreme” is employed herein as a relative term to Jews, not to the rest of humanity, including black people.

Perception is everything with Jews, who possess a subjective understanding of morality and the truth. So, while they therefore live at odds with both objective aspects of reality, global Jews can stack immediate consequences against available courses of action and desist from the more extreme. What gets them is the backlash that grows over time to how they’re doing wrong unto the goyim, which is why they appear so hysterical and caught off guard when the rumblings of action begin.

The desert rave/pride parade Israelis fall into this global Jew category. Their birthrate is below replacement levels, while the retarded extreme Jews are the emerging demographic future of Israel as they reproduce in large numbers. These Jews discern no immediate practical consequences, and don’t really even attempt to obfuscate their contempt for the rest of humanity, whom they don’t believe to possess souls.

Global Jews probably wouldn’t openly spit on a church, these are the ones doing that sort of thing. There’s a world of difference between can one do something and should one do something. Neither faction is adept, but the global Jews possess a superior grasp of this imperative.

Imagine the national security minister of any other country saying something this crazy.

Some of these retarded extreme Jews deem us so contemptible we can’t even be touched. This is literally true although that’s not explained to anyone sitting in a mega church in Texas being brainwashed into thinking they’ll be blessed for serving them. It’s really the ultimate cringe, but that’s a digression.

For these Jews, the salient issue is that no Jewish kingdom has lasted longer than 80 years. Thus, they need to have the Al-Aqsa Mosque demolished so their temple can be rebuilt by an incoming deadline. Once this final temple has been completed, their domination over the planet begins according to their Satanic belief system. They’ll be able to enjoy ruling the rest of us across every inch of the globe as their slaves. This is literally what’s written. Yes, it’s really that evil and totally insane.

Storming Al-Aqsa was how they provoked retaliation by Hamas, considered the legitimate government in Gaza by the non-Western powers, which had warned action would be taken if they stormed this mosque. It’s the third most sacred site in Islam and would trigger massive global Islamic retaliation against Jews if they tried to demolish it. That’s how the current conflict got started, not some random decision by Hamas to strap into paragliders so they could rape women and put babies in ovens.

Many global Jews don’t believe in this nutjob project or at least the need to do it right away. These retarded extreme Jews constitute the only angle by which one can truly make sense out of Israel’s present actions. Sure, the global Jews would love to have Gaza cleared for beachfront condos but not if that leads to the destruction of Israel. What’s going on now can’t be understood through case studies like the Cuban Missile Crisis where Kennedy and Khrushchev opted for a rational way out of global conflagration.

Beirut is in Lebanon, not the Gaza Strip.

The retarded extreme Jews, for whom Netanyahu is able to provide something of a respectable veneer to the Western world, perceive the situation as developing unfavorably for Israel. Agreeing to China and Russia’s offer to guarantee the security of Israel within defined borders according to the framework of the two-state solution would actually curse them according to their Satanic belief system, which someone can’t comprehend by reading the Old Testament. It’s one of those issues that sounds so utterly unhinged, it would seem implausible to a rational observer.

Events are clearly being driving by these retarded extreme Jews who aren’t open to compromise, even the usual bad faith agreement any Jew would normally enter for convenience and break later on. Because America isn’t able to chart a foreign policy that makes sense for Americans, our personnel are forced to fly the bombs into Israel for the genocide. However, the global Jews calling the shots in the U.S. don’t want to get more involved than this, and seem unable to rein in the retarded extreme Jews who’ve come to power in Israel.

It’s also important to note that it was the global Jews who established Israel through playing a long and nefarious game, these extreme retarded Jews were just useful idiots to provide population initially. They were quite useful at the nasty business of expelling Palestinians from their houses and then moving in, and the rough business of living on the perimeter of Israel in settlements on stolen land. It was never factored in that they’d be in the driver’s seat eventually.

The least violent way for things to calm down at present is probably for Israel to get strangled off. The U.S. doesn’t have the ability to keep the sea lanes open for Israel-bound shipping, so this could force some sort of the usual bad faith agreement on the part of the Israeli government. That could temporarily mollify the situation a bit.

Oh wow! A joint statement. This will scare them back into their caves.

Still, Israel is filling up with these retarded extreme Jews as the others die off. So, if somehow the Netanyahu government is removed from power and replaced by a set of cooler heads, the clock will still be ticking because the demographics favor the sort of Jews who’ve brought Israel to the brink of catastrophe. A new government will eventually provoke a showdown. Again, it’s only in the short term that Israel’s existence could potentially be secured.

Weighing the factors of demographics, both Arab and Jewish, the depletion of imperial American power in pursuit of Zionist objectives, the increasingly sophisticated methods of Israel’s opponents to deliver firepower, a worldwide exasperation with Israel’s failure to ever negotiate in good faith for a permanent solution, and the fact that the steering wheel will be securely in the hands of the retarded extreme Jews, one must conclude that the demise of the state of Israel is a foregone conclusion. Eventually, it will go catastrophically wrong for them.

Not hard to see this escalating.

One comment

  1. Excellent.Enjoyed it thoroughly.Especially you calling the Satanic Jews retarded haha(which they surely are.God bless and keep you.Christ is Lord!

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