No Country for Old Men

This country is hard on people, and you can’t stop what’s coming. We all need to relieve stress. If you can’t handle your stress, it’ll handle you. Just look what happened to Britney Spears. This knife video is something I find genuinely disturbing in a way I don’t with footage of an apartment complex being blown up by a bomb because I know how much trouble a woman can cause in a man’s life. She can cut it all to pieces. Britney could be grinning at you while you bleed out on that floor. Imagine looking up at this visage as you gurgle your dying breaths:

She’s on the market, gentlemen. Do you have what it takes to tame this shrew?

Dressing up as a woman, however, isn’t something I can comprehend. There’s plenty of problems around here that I can actually comprehend, though. For instance, I can understand how the wrong crowd and the perceived lack of productive opportunities could lead to a drug habit that gets worse and then you lose everything and live in a tent as this becomes your sole purpose in life until you die from your addiction. I don’t approve, but I get it.

As a society, we can understand why many things occur of which we don’t approve. For example, a woman doesn’t want her husband anymore, but she does want the life insurance money. We don’t approve of her poisoning his coffee, but we get what happened. Actually, being threatened with murder by your woman is pretty common or at least that’s my impression, but I don’t want to get too much into my personal life.

Women make a lot of complaints. For example, that the AC is too cold while she’s sleeping or that you drink too much or that you remark to her that it’s her fault that you’re drinking. A man can attempt to mollify a woman with a rationale for something and, theoretically, this could work.

For instance, he can explain to her the concept of additional blankets, and then she will make a new complaint that her forehead is cold. I haven’t had a lot of success with this tactic of reasoning with a woman, but I think the concept is sound.

This ain’t the sort of thing you think could happen with your life, but it does.

My contention is that women are complaining way too much in this country, but I’d acknowledge that women are entitled to some expectations. For example, if a woman agrees to marry a man that he will continue to be a man. She signed up to have a husband and she deserves to have him follow up on his end of the deal, this is entirely reasonable.

There was an infamous murder trial in North Carolina maybe twenty years ago in which a writer named Michael Peterson claimed that his wife was fine with his homosexual proclivities and soliciting male prostitutes after this was uncovered during the investigation. She had died under mysterious circumstances, and when everybody heard the homosexual stuff, they concluded that he beat her to death.

This was the office lady gossip. I actually think she died falling down the stairs and that his lawyers made an adequate case for this scenario, but everyone was incredulous that she was okay with his extracurricular agenda. He should’ve just been honest that she was blissfully unaware of his covert man-on-man encounters. This dishonesty probably led to his jury conviction. When people get told tall tales, suspicions arise.

This is more of a rant rather than a cogent polemic, so as a digression I’ll note that women have a morbid fascination with salacious gossip, criminally dangerous men, and horrific killings that men simply don’t possess. We’ve all heard of the Murdaugh murder saga in South Carolina, correct?

When I saw the news, I thought to myself that a corrupt lawyer killed his family with a shotgun and just went on with my day. Not the sort of thing that gets the wheels in my head spinning like the technical details and implications of an F-35 fighter jet plunging out of the sky absolutely triggers. I guarantee you that Alex Murdaugh is passing his time behind bars reading letters from women. There was a guy out in Colorado who strangled his wife and two young daughters and apparently, he’s inundated with romantic correspondence.

Horror and action movies are too much for an elderly family member of mine, but she watched the whole trial from start to finish. This was a grizzly shotgun murder, please bear in mind. I’d go to check on her and she was right in front of that television watching it all. One time, I brought her lunch and ended up watching for maybe 20 minutes while I ate my fried bologna sandwich.

I can’t fathom why somebody would’ve consumed this gruesome drama for entertainment, but I know women from Europe, Latin America, and Asia who did. It really put the state of South Carolina on the global map. Meanwhile, the F-35 going down was just a blip. Women don’t seem to care about this sort of incident at all but that was a really serious problem.

Back to the reason I choose this topic, there was a pastor in Alabama who shot himself to death in his car who’d been outed as a tranny. He tried to imply his wife was fine with his “humor” activities to “relieve stress,” which I extremely doubt. Maybe a woman would put up with something to an extent for the sake of her marriage, but none would sign up for this treatment.

I’d say this is one of those endings that are as bad as it gets for a man. I’m not trying to make light of his demise, either. What I’m noting is that dressing up as a woman falls into the dual categories of something of which I don’t approve and also don’t understand. We all get that men have different preferences, for example a “thick” woman or a blonde woman or perhaps one who looks like she’s getting enough to eat but just barely, this sort of thing is totally normal. Getting excited by yourself as a woman is verging into serial killer territory.

Trannies are much, much more likely to kill, kill themselves, and be killed than normal people. I’m not sure specifically why this perverted derangement starts, but our society is a giant toxic soup, so it does more and more frequently now. The fact that it’s being promoted and that you can receive privileges and access to children for erotic performances in return for being a tranny really doesn’t help, obviously. What’s clear is that it’s like the dark side of the force from Star Wars. Once they start down this path, forever will it dominate their destiny.

This pastor was writing erotic fiction about murdering a real woman, stealing her identity and seducing her husband and then posting it on the internet. I ain’t Sherlock Holmes but this seems to me like something which wouldn’t have stayed on the internet. Yeah, my suspicion is that a whole lot of women would’ve been tuning into this trial.

In the story, he tells his victim “there can be only one” like it’s that Highlander movie and then whispers “thank you for your life” into her ear as he hurls her off the side of a cruise ship after putting on her engagement ring and wedding band. Presumably, he then goes to be intimate with the husband. I only read the snippet in the Daily Mail.

Stealing another woman’s man is a fictional theme that women simply can’t resist. If you’ve ever had to watch any of those movies produced by women’s channels, this is the basic premise of every single one unless it’s about falling in love with a dangerous man.

I had to watch one where the villain tried to steal a woman’s whole life and murder her to carry out a full replacement, just like the erotic fiction (or IRL murder plan) this pastor in Alabama was writing. Also, you’ve probably noticed that the female protagonists in these films are attractive, but plain enough not to arouse the jealousy of the female audience. It’s a simple formula.

Probably, I could write scripts for these movies but after the studios read my pages at the SPLC and ADL my submissions might be poorly received. Then again, nobody cares who writes these things.

Actually, my verbal commentary during screenings of these movies is also poorly received. This isn’t a career divergence I’d ever considered taking until I started writing this article without any clear sense of the point that I wanted to make. Dogs don’t catch themselves, and it feels like my professional calling. I’ll try to think it over.

The first script I’d write is about how a woman falls in love with this handsome, preppy man. But, then she finds out Mr. Perfect is an extremely dangerous Nazi leading an underground movement. As she’s drawn deeper into his world of extremism, she discovers that a raven-haired Nazi siren with evil eyes is trying to ensnare him. Can she save him from himself and thwart this genocidal Jezebel?

Tune in to find out: De-Radicalized: A Most Deadly Affair.


  1. I recall a friend who worked at a prison. He told about a drug dealer serving a sentence. He was paralyzed from the waist down because he shot resisting a police raid. All women nurses were crazy about him. I often how many women would fall for a real dangerous man. A military man, or a Veteran. Especially a combat Veteran.

  2. It goes back a long, long way. Garden of Eden long. Tell a woman something is forbidden to her and the gears will soon begin turning. Spinning wildly in many women’s cases… like turbojet engines. I remember reading how Richard Ramirez, “the Night Stalker” was inundated with letters – from lovelorn women nurturing a death wish. Mr. Shackleford has put a lot of thought into the matter. Enjoyed it!

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