Former President Trump faces not one but two separate trials in federal court. The feds have a 99% success rate when they prosecute so the chances he escapes their clutches are slim or fat depending on your favorite adjective. This is purely an op to prevent Trump from running in ‘24, and even if he stays on the ballot, tar him enough to allow a Democrat victory.
We can debate the merits of these indictments. There has been a lot of whataboutism discussion. Does not matter. This is simple manipulation of the legal code to take out a target. Let’s run through a historical example that involves the same prosecutor: Jack Smith.
Virginia is a purple state that now leans blue. Way back in 2009, the first signs the Obama honeymoon was over was when Bob McDonnell won the Virginia gubernatorial race. Early polling showed the Democrat, a joyless man named Deeds, with a lead similar to Obama’s 2008 victory in the state. Did not happen. Dissatisfaction with Obama and Deeds own awful campaign behavior turned it into a romp. Obama himself went to Virginia to campaign for Deeds to no avail. The low point might have been at the gubernatorial debate when the moderator asked each candidate what they admired about the other. McDonnell said he liked how Deeds was a devoted family man. Deeds could not admit to anything. McDonnell smiled his way to a 59%-41% victory.
McDonnell did well and Virginians were pleased with him. He was limited to one term though. Freshman Senator Warner was up for reelection in ‘14. By golly, wouldn’t you know it but McDonnell was investigated in ‘13 for improper gifts and in January of ‘14 found himself indicted by Jack Smith. Now many folks expected McDonnell to run for the Senate seat, but alas, he was ineligible.
Despite the incumbency bias, Senator Warner barely slipped past Ed Gillespie. He won by 18,000 votes. It was a surprise on election night as the race was too close to call. The GOP did not focus on that race. Warner was seen as safe. Now how would Gov. McDonnell have fared as the opposition? Not hard to see how a successful governor with massive state name recognition, positive favorability ratings and far more telegenic features would have tipped the scales.
This ridiculous prosecution was tossed unanimously by the Supreme Court and the feds decided not to retry the case. Why would they? The op was over. McDonnell was done as a political entity and no need to manipulate the electoral battlefield.
This is exactly what is happening now. These indictments are frivolous applications of the law that only apply to opponents of the favored party. Successful or not, the daily news beat will be focused on Trump’s wrongdoing and criminal behavior. Many will see this as a political witch hunt same as the Ukraine based impeachment, but many zombie voters will take the accusations and procedures at face value. Did Christine Ford’s story melt as no one agreed with the timeline or details? Yes, but it doesn’t matter. Kavanaugh is still a suspected rapist, even if in her story, there was no rape.
The timeline here sets up many scenarios and none are good for Trump voters. The man may be behind bars. The GOP might use the extraordinary circumstances to bar him from the ticket. Normies are going to say, “Gosh, the nation is decaying before my eyes, my dollar is worth $0.50 and my president is a braindead puppet of some network I can’t see but at least he isn’t a criminal.” Watch states where candidate eligibility rules that have not been looked at for decades get dusted off to keep Trump off the ballot. I’m not a grand strategist, but the multiple cases does not strike me as back up plans for fear of conviction. If Trump is convicted of both that means at the second sentencing he is sentenced not just for the level of the offense but as a repeat offender. More jail time to make certain a former president dies in jail.
That is the op, and you can ask Bob McDonnell how it goes when the wheels of the sick system grind down on you. He would have been an establishment GOP Senate voter, but consider Sen. Warner’s recent history. For years, we heard Warner state how juicy the Russiagate details were and what lurid truths he could not share. It was all nothing. The republic does not settle things in the voting booth. It’s in the courts. Only a matter of time before those players stop using courts.
-By Dixiecrat

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4 more years of “Resident” Biden, followed by 8 years of Big Mike, then 8 years of Gruesome Newsom, followed by 8 years of AOC… . This country has produced a lot of great, outstanding individuals but the government and the “system” has always been rotten and corrupt. Perhaps that is unavoidable anytime you get a group of human beings together. I plan to write in “The Ghost of Ross Perot” in 2024.
Get ready ( silver, ammo, food water supplies etc. ), for 10 days ( or so ), of darkness and some very pleasing broadcasts about illuminati ( and their puppets ), arrests and tribunals.
On the night Trump got elected in 2016I had some friends over and they asked me what I thought would happen. I said first they will impeach in that doesn’t work then they will try to put him in jail and if that fails, they will kill him. So far 2 out of 3.