The Mascots

If you’ve ever read anything else I’ve written, you might’ve developed the impression that I’m really optimistic about America. I feel obligated to inform you however, that this isn’t true. I doubt we’ll fare better than Sodom and Gomorrah actually, and some days I suspect probably much, much worse. For this reason, I’m sometimes amused by the spectacle of black people. Please let me explain.

They’re having fun twerking today, not worrying about the municipal water supply tomorrow.

They’re just here, neither salvation nor damnation probably apply to them. Questions of the past and future, philosophy and the divine, yeah, um these matters don’t really burden them either. To the extent it does, they’ll conclude that their skin pigment gives them magical powers, or they built the pyramids. Hilarious stuff, which I do enjoy, but nothing serious. Well, they do get serious about it, and that’s great to watch, but basically the black approach to reality is to fuck around until they find out.

A crude phrase? Sure, but I’ve never purported to be a choir boy/boy scout type of individual so there’s no point in pretending that this isn’t precisely the sort of language traversing my brain and worse when I see black people doing their thing. Quick disclaimer, you should never attempt to help them find out. As a white man from a place with toilets instead of turbans, I know immediately that I’d be watching the wrath descend on America from a federal prison yard if I attempted this procedure:

This guy had his own Platinum Plan, I respect that.

If I was the clerk, I’d just tell this gentleman “Dude, like bro, come on, man.” America is no place for a hero, so you’re going to need to actively keep this in the front of your mind as it falls apart. For the same reason, you shouldn’t be going elsewhere to do some sort of aid work for them/sex tourism. My suspicion is that the two activities are intertwined. Again, I’m not a do-gooder, so I wouldn’t know too much about these things.

In a sane country, instead of some “senior lecturer” being invited on television to explain such an obvious situation, the exchange above would go something like this:

TV Host:To understand a bit more about this developing situation, I now want to bring in Thomas Shackleford, he’s a senior fellow at Identity Dixie’s Center for Racial Research. Good morning, Thomas, tell me what we’re learning today about this serious incident.”

Me: “Good morning, Jack. This is indeed a serious incident with an American citizen being kidnapped in Haiti. However, it’s important to note that all nations impose various taxes on fossil fuels. Now, in terms of bituminous coal, the bill your family could get in the mail might include your life.

TV Host: [awkward pause] “I’m not sure if I’m following you, Thomas. Can you elaborate?

Me: “Hmm, sure, Jack. It’s important to note that when these situations happen abroad there is a certain risk mitigation involved for the individual’s family members. Now, of course, this varies by state, but domestic taxes might include the lives of all family members in the vicinity, from the grandmother to the golden retriever.”

TV Host: [awkward pause again] “Um uhh, I’m genuinely perplexed now.

Me: “Sure, so Jack to sum things up, we need to build more windmills.

I can respect the cynical nature of the Russians in taking over Africa by claiming they’re helping the Africans rid themselves of colonizers. Africans have staggering amounts of very valuable resources underneath their feet, and they won’t be utilizing them to build Wakanda, that’s for sure. So, somebody is going to get that vibranium.

Still, the whole thing about providing six of these countries with 25,000 to 50,000 tons of free grain apiece isn’t probably very advisable. First of all, you’re going to get a lot more Africans from this maneuver. The same people who Putin is fighting in Ukraine will then transport them right to the borders of Russia. Second, the last thing you’ll ever get out of black people in return for free shit or being nice to them at all is gratitude.

The proper management tool in Africa is the classic coup + bribery package. Seriously, Putin should’ve learned from Trump that nothing is too nice to do for black people. Remember how well that Platinum Plan nonsense worked out? Oh right, he’s going to die in prison. Even getting blacks out of prison abroad for crimes they actually committed just earned Trump their contempt.

You’re not allowed to steal anything in China, whereas in America black teenagers can and do steal whatever they want. There’s an important distinction: America is a doomed country, not all countries have adopted our policies for this reason. They probably don’t really understand the distinctions between different legal codes and racial mentalities, that’s why they should’ve been extra grateful for Trump’s intervention.

They value of what those basketball players stole from the Luis Vuitton store was enough to qualify them for Chinese prison. The father was infuriated that Trump expected a “thank you” for calling up Xi personally to get his son released. I’ve got lots of experience with China. Guess what happens in Chinese prison? You don’t get to play basketball, shuck and jive, or just mope around.

Black Americans simply can’t understand how accommodating their white counterparts have always been to them, even in the days of slavery. They have no idea what happened to their relatives who got sold to the Arabs or how to build themselves a corrugated metal shanty in an open sewer.

In Chinese prison, you’ll be doing hard labor and also ideologically re-trained to cure you of your criminal mindset. None of that is going to be fun, although as high-profile American citizens, they probably wouldn’t have been organ harvested. So, sure this guy is very stupid. Most of them are, to be honest. But, it’s a given that he’s not going to appreciate what Trump spared his son from. Regarding black people, that’s one of the most infuriating expectations from white people like the stereotypical Republicans.

In a sane country, Twitter would hire me to add context to these sorts of tweets:

Experts added context ->

The children that participate were black, that’s how they got selected. Blacks average one or two standard deviations in IQ below whites. The correlation between IQ and academic achievement has been extensively documented. On average, blacks with graduate degrees test at the same reading levels as white high school students. Don’t expect much out of these children.

The concept of Disparate Impact, by which the disparity alone constitutes actionable legal proof of racism, is quite literally Satanic (you won’t believe who came up with this one) in its simplicity and ability undue every single functional institution, organization, and process in America. How long will we stagger on as a country when, according to this law, blacks can’t be allowed to not achieve or commit infractions at the same rate as whites? We’ll find out.

The bright side is that we don’t have to wait and see which mascot will be chosen for the apocalypse. They’re in everything everywhere now. I just went shopping for Sperry boat shoes online, whew. Call me paranoid, but you’ll be weeping and wailing that I was right as the fire fills the sky. Maybe you’ll be turned into a pillar of salt, time will answer all questions. Teeth shall gnash. Be of good cheer.

Wow, if you cared about black people, you’d keep them away from the water.


  1. Great vid from Ian Cheong on the bodega robbery. You are right, if that was a white male he’d likely have been arrested, particularly in jurisdictions ruled by the Left’s Woke-Fem Junta.

    When the Hate Crime legislation comes to fruition in America, as it has in Britain, then a white male would have been charged as a Hate Criminal. Also, expect further legislation prohibiting men from defending themselves against women.

    I’m a Christian and that means loving justice. Counter to what modern Cuck Christians believe, it does not mean permitting insouciant thugs to operate unhindered. I replayed the vid several times and enjoyed it thoroughly. Not because I hate black people, but because I hate punks.

  2. Let us face it: everything the Segregationists predicted would happen once America was integrated has happened and in a much more violent and vicious form than they could ever have imagined!

  3. Tom Shackelford has unwarrantedly raised my Identity Dixie reading expectations beyond what a “normal writer” is capable of

    > opens up article
    > “…wait a minute, where is the cynicism and snark!?”
    > realizes it’s a serious article about a serious topic by a serious writer meant to be read seriously by serious readers
    > “…oh… well, I guess I can read a serious essay”

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