A common complaint on this side of the Internet is that our society is anti-male. Longhouse has entered the broader memeplex with hysterical reactions by the fish that do not know they swim in water. It is undeniable that our regulatory system favors women, but the issue is deeper. Lomez detailed this well with an essay how the longhouse vibe pervades all institutions and guides all interactions. Men do opt out. Some men seek more adventure or different ways to grapple with this problem. It’s not new and has been an issue before.
Thinking about the good ol’ days is incomplete and misinformed. The book Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America is not a thrilling or engrossing read yet it offers a window into another era of change, instability and female guidance or control of social institutions. The books traces the rise, the fall, the rebirth and ultimately, the fluidity of secret societies in 19th century America. This was a time where the agrarian colonial era of yeomen farmers was giving way to the growing industrialization of America. Inheritances changed. Social relations changed. Women vastly outnumbered men in churches. Women were driving forces in social movements.
Men felt uncertain about how new roles should be and how they fit into them. The man who picked up a trade in a city was disconnected from his father who was a second or third generation farmer. Who would be a father figure and who could possibly understand the challenges he faced in new social structures. The Masons, Order of Odd Fellows and other secret societies filled a gap for the growing middle class and growing urban population. The book does detail rituals, and rituals or what we would call LARPing were major draws and took up much of a lodge’s time and resources.
It was a network, and one that welcomed men in warmly. These lodges provided stability in an unstable time. The first wave were more social, drinking clubs. The later wave cleaned up their optics. Churches and especially female forces within churches attacked them with success at first, but later attacks were deflected with deft use of meaningless auxiliaries and opeds to pacify and mollify women nervous about what their husbands were up to at the lodge.
We find ourselves in similar situation. To live in the longhouse is to understand the all encompassing nature of it. The Sexual Revolution, technology, economic reorientation towards finance, health and tech and other factors all leave men either opting out (NEETdom), submitting to the longhouse, seeking acceptable markers for masculinity or seeking affirmations from the fringe.
Forget those opting out or those who submit. Those who fight do seek identities that are acceptable within the current woke capital structure. Someone does not just like rock climbing or Crossfit but can purchase via accessories an entire identity that screams “man” with events and time with men being men. This is why such activities inevitably get identified, infiltrated and then turned into safe longhouse spaces. Crossfit might be the worst example. What was once a workout concept an old friend from the wrestling team introduced you to that was a bit insane now has perfectly curated merchandise for a gender inclusive community with gym thots (albeit in rectangular, muscular form).
Those seeking expression or affirmation from the fringe have propelled the success of Bronze Age Pervert. BAP’s masterpiece is a stab at the longhouse. It is a call to the pirate or warlord within or that every man displeased with society’s current state feels stirring. Mike Ma’s fiction is of the man disgusted by society, standing in it but not of it and seeking change. Landry’s masculinity book is a guide for lost boys with absent or weak fathers to build a life within the war on masculinity. Billy Pratt and Dan Baltic’s books are interesting fictional journeys on navigating the urban dating world when everything is stacked against men and their potential lovers have never heard negative feedback. While men read these books, others go to masculinity boot camps to get yelled at by former special operations soldiers, others LARP in a subculture and others seeks male community in what tip-toes around the definition of a cult. They seek order, recognition and affirmation of their perceptions and feelings, and can find it nowhere in the mainstream. These energies leak out even under these stifling circumstances.
This happened before and will happen again. The old orders enjoyed great success with the LARP yet died out. The Great Depression crushed revenues, forcing many closures and killing hard infrastructure of the orders. So did the growth of more transparent social clubs that did charitable work in the community, which outcompeted the secret societies. Material security before and after the Great Depression affected the environment as well. For a brief moment, Americans felt comfortable. That will likely happen again and the drive towards building consumer or internet activity identities will die down. Even the long-lasting Iroquois nation disbanded their league, and their longhouses stood empty.
-By Henry Delacroix

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The Iroquois largely were gynocractic and gynocentric. . . like the Anglo West, which has made open and gleeful warfare against boys, men, fatherhood, sonship, and masculinity in general for fifty years.
The collective power of women combined with third and fourth rate men (simps, homos, dotter-daddies, commies, the usual) entrenched in high corporate and government positions of authority sums up America and the other nations of Bitchdom. Point being to defy and deny ‘alpha’ male authority, humiliate and crush its representatives, and replace ‘toxic’ civilization with feminism across all institutions and contexts.
At origin and root feminism is a screeching, resentment-drenched war against God the Father, and its principal strategy is making boys and men powerless and at the will of women and their allies. Enforced by L.E. and the courts. Because Equality, Progress, and Oppression.