I suppose “doomsayer” might be something of a fair epithet for a writer such as myself. Although, in my defense I’d like to point out that my general prediction of calamity is well-founded in a variety of elements. Demographics is one of the big ones. I recently came across an article about how Japan now has the lowest birthrate it’s ever had since it began recording that data in 1899.
It raises a fair point about whether Japan can remain functional or not as the demographic implosion continues. There are a number of significant implications. It’s also a problem responsible leaders in other countries have been trying to solve unsuccessfully. This is why nobody but the U.S. is seeking military conflicts. The supposed China/Taiwan crisis came out of nowhere for both parties precisely when the string pullers realized they were losing in Ukraine.
For instance, Russian married couples who decide to reproduce are entitled to various subsidies and also the equivalent of tens of thousands of U.S. dollars in government loans which don’t need to be repaid if they do so in sufficient numbers. A big domestic theme of Putin is “find wife, have babies.” These measures have surely helped bolster the birthrate, but not to replacement levels. Hungary has tried to do its best as well. This is a challenge of modernity stretching across race and culture nobody has been able to meet.
In Israel, the only tribe members reproducing themselves are the more extreme elements which is driving domestic strife as the “globohomo” ones realize these people will get the country destroyed after demographic reality gives them control of the political process. Meanwhile, they could enjoy their gay stuff within defined borders if this can be prevented so they can join the new Middle East order being set up by Russia and China.
Asia is a place I’ve done a lot of business. They’ve been grappling with this issue for quite some time. The days of China being the low-cost manufacturing hub are long gone. The birthrate crisis there is about as insane as Japan. The CCP hasn’t been able to do anything to solve it, and has greatly aggravated the situation by locking down the nation for years.
All the Americans I know who used to own factories in places like China and Taiwan are in Vietnam now. Across East Asia, low skill employment has been augmented by contract labor from Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. It’s been this way as far back as my first experiences there around 30 years ago. Eventually, it will probably hit Vietnam if the country keeps developing. I’m pretty sure the Philippines will remain the Mexico of Asia though. If you must go, stay the hell out of Manila.
Back on topic, these imported workers don’t bring families to be subsidized, but instead are rather tightly controlled (White, white-collar workers are treated great) in factory dormitories or in someone’s house as a care giver for an elderly family member. This is how a government that’s not trying to turn its population into a minority handles labor shortages. Employers must provide these workers with a flight home if their contracts aren’t renewed. East Asian countries don’t really have social welfare systems anyways. It’s a “he who does not work, neither shall he eat” sort of region.
In Taiwan, the government covers all fertility treatments for married couples and then pays a subsidy per child per month along with all sorts of other free stuff. Birthrate? A nightmare, but it hasn’t eaten its way to the high-tech manufacturing sector yet. Kids are essentially a crop, and the island was still producing a decent one into the late 90s and early 2000s. However, it’s going to hit soon. Their university system is already collapsing due to a lack of students. The government is in the process of shuttering half of it.
There’s a set of counterproductive dynamics going on over there, which I’ll run through before I get to our miasma. The first is that nobody earning an average income can afford a home, which is generally what couples acquire before doing the kid thing just like White Americans. Housing prices in China are absolutely nuts to the point an average office worker might not even have a chance.
In all of these countries, there’s cheap housing over most of the geography, but not in the major cities where all of the jobs are located. Also, foreign earnings are often repatriated into housing investments, so a lot of these units aren’t even occupied but this sends prices through the roof. Moreover, women there see marrying a guy without a college education as marrying down, even if he’s making far more money than her office job. This greatly exacerbates the situation. They make a much bigger deal about being college-educated than we do, where it’s essentially become a joke about how you’ll be stuck working at Starbucks.
East Asian men view their countries as experiencing a femininity crisis. In fact, a popular choice has become a mail-order bride from Vietnam where the women will still be a “trad wife” and work hard at wifely duties and the husband’s business, whereas most women in East Asia can’t even cook anymore. Moreover, Vietnamese aren’t considered totally alien from a racial standpoint like Filipinos and Indonesians. We lump them all into one category, but they certainly don’t look at things this way.
A Chinese man with a Vietnamese wife will still have kids who pretty much look like him. However, this often doesn’t work out well for the man, particularly in Korea. There’s also the issue of women devoting their fertile years to degrees and career and then struggling once they settle down approaching 40 along with men spending too much time on video games. They’re significantly worse than us in both categories.
Alright, so setting their problems aside, what does this demographic imbalance mean for us? Well, we’re totally fucked, that’s what it means. By the time an average American Boomer takes his dirt nap, he’ll have contributed (extortion, really) a substantial surplus to the national coffers in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. A Latino? Probably will have drained around twice that much. A black? They’re each an instrument of mass financial destruction.
Essentially, the productive contributors are contracting as the third worlders are being imported by the millions every year to a life of subsidies. We don’t need to spend lots of time crunching numbers to discern calamity. One of the pro-immigration arguments that piss me off the most is how they’re doing jobs Americans don’t want. Yeah sure, I don’t work on the line in a chicken processing plant, but the government isn’t paying multiples of my income to house and provide for my family either.
The other thing is that a huge percentage of the White kids today are all screwed up, not just culturally but in terms of their health. They’re being fed a steady diet of high fructose corn syrup and other nightmare foods and they’ve been injected with a substance that’s permanently changed their DNA and that of any offspring they might produce. How is this all going to play out? Not too well probably, but nobody has seen this before. Historically, I can’t really think of comparable scenarios that offer much predictive value.
Enjoy your day and don’t fret about the future! Trying thinking like a black guy for once.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Every country outside subsaharan Africa has below replacement birthrates. The US’ birthrate problem ismaked by record-high immigration, but the White population is already declining in numbers, and Whites are a minority in the sub 15 year old cohort.
One of the main reasons for population collapse is that young women are kept in school during their prime reproductive ages, 16 to 25.
Another, peculiar to the West is that we have de-industrialized, depriving working class men of high wage jobs. In the 60’s a working man could support a wife and 4 or 5 kids, own a decent, if modest house, and drive a used car on his wages alone.
There is also open hostility to 4 and 5 children families; the ideal maximumis two children. Buteven two is below replacement.
I talk to a lot of young people at work. Everyone is complaining about meeting the quality partner. Men in their 20’s and 30’s is overweight, addicted to video games. Young women are partnerless, with no prospect of meeting anyone, other than online. If they don’t meet anyone during college years, chances of meeting someone are significantly diminished.
The fact of the matter is vast sections on the United States are lost to us forever because of demography and we will never get these areas back. Even assuming the Southland Confederation becomes a reality is cannot incorporate all of the former Confederate States because many of them are becoming majority non-White. So, we are looking at a Confederation much smaller than the CSA. But would you rather live in a large heterogeneous empire or a smaller racially homogeneous Ethno-State? But if and when the SCA (Southerland Confederation of America) becomes a reality it must enact measures to raise the birthrate to at least 4 children per family as a bare minimum. Pity both Russia and Ukraine because before the war both nations have negative birthrates. Regardless of who wins they will be devasted forever, probably very female heavy because of the war. Thank you, Victoria Nuland! Not!
Simple solution : An all white new south with a carefully crafted Constitution and teeth in new laws to prevent all that’s gone wrong here because of blackmailed and bribed elected officials. We don’t have any time though. Watch this –
Wow,great one Tom.It is all collapsing.I for one will enjoy seeing all moronic White females when the rug is pulled from under them.Of course Satanic Jewish power and indoctrination effects all but certain types seem eager to lap it up.I resisted it in school when my teachers tried to give me their race-mixing/evolution bullshit but I was made to feel I was the bad guy.These evil beings are insidious,to tell a kid who believes correctly in his race and Lord that he is a renegade.Now I have lived decades later to see their world falling apart and I’m not distraught about that.Now the Satan worshiping Jews love it because their master demands death and unhappiness but all the Whites who should have resisted with me will now reap what they have sown.The old South I love so much isn’t coming back so I say let it all burn down.Heaven will be old friends,kinfolk and the beautiful,glorious South of our Christian Saxon people.I have faith.Christ is my Lord.
The issue isn’t low native birth rates— there’re more White people alive today than ever— its immigration, legal and illegal
Low white birth rates would actually be a good thing if the borders were closed. Less people = higher wages for workers, less pollution, less forests 🌳 being cut down to make way for suburban tract housing (an abomination)
Japan 🇯🇵 doesn’t have any birth crisis at all. The nation is roughly the size of California 🐻 🚩, but with roughly 1/2 the population of the USA 🇺🇸, 150 million. Thats not a birth crisis, that’s absolutely massive overpopulation
White and East Asian people are *never* going to have enough kids to compete with the Third World, and nor should we be expected to. The issue is immigration