Things Must Simplify

I was recently traveling through Philadelphia, and it was a grim spectacle. I noticed billboards advertising that they were hiring teachers with a starting salary at $60,000. Subtract taxes and one’s entire salary in this derelict war zone wouldn’t be enough for a new car. Although, one might not survive a year so all you might need to afford is a decent coffin. I just can’t wrap my head around how this country is supposed to function on a basic First World level even five years from now.

Meanwhile, we’re being inundated by the Third World as if they’re trying to hold Latin America upside down and dump its contents on our heads. 700,000 at a time is completely insane but they’ve been pouring in by the millions in smaller hordes so it’s par for the course in the big picture.

Our government can’t do anything about any of this except for printing more money and just making stuff up. Do they think anyone shopping for a vehicle is going to be reassured by their bullshit? Would a single customer on a car lot who works full time and can’t find a decent vehicle to fit his budget say to himself “Ghee golly I can’t even afford a fuckin’ car that a Mexican would’ve scoffed at six years ago but the Biden economy is breaking records, so I’ll just walk home with a grin on my face“?!!!! Print even more money, tell even bigger lies. That’s the whole plan.

The best truck I’ve ever driven was an F-250 that belonged to my employer as a teenager. I’d drive it to pick up building supplies and noticed that the women on the road looked at me differently. The problem is that this isn’t the sort of thing a man who owns a small renovation business is going to be able to afford in the future.

I think that what’s going to happen in America is that as it becomes more of a Third World country, we’re collectively going to have to pursue more Third World solutions. For example, is your neighborhood now dangerous? Okay, hire someone to erect a roughshod brick wall around your house, smash up beer bottles, and cement the shards onto the top. Get together with your neighbors to bribe the cops. That sort of stuff.

In vehicular terms, that means everything is going to have to get much simpler. For example, lots of traffic is going to have to switch to cheap motorcycles and scooters rather than cars and the police are going to have to stop bothering people about safety regulations from a bygone era of prosperity. It’s nice to drive around in a car, particularly in bad weather, but a lot of people won’t be able to afford that anymore.

Trucks are vital for all kinds of jobs but that doesn’t mean they have to be so expensive. For instance, if you’ve ever been to Asia or Latin America, you’ll notice that guys on the job are often driving very different trucks than ours.

I tried taking a spin in one for the novelty and at 6′2″ it wasn’t exactly comfortable. The point is that these things are bare bones contraptions built purely for utility. The concept can be scaled up to White man size. If you’re in one of these countries and want to start your own business, a used one might run you less than $2,000. If you’re getting paid in cash, you might not bother informing the government about your new operation at all.

I’d love to buy something here in America that just did what I needed it to do. I don’t need a car to attract women (I ain’t gay neither) I just need it to go places. So, what I need would be a manual transmission. What I don’t actually need would be the following, to make a short list:

  • AC (I just roll down the window);
  • Power locks and windows’
  • A camera in the back (if I drove for twenty years without one, I can do without it for life);
  • An expensive touch screen console (something basic with dials and buttons);
  • All the other bells and whistles they add to cars; and
  • Any functions that require computer chips, but did not in the past.

Car manufacturers are going to have to understand that people can’t afford the most basic stuff they manufacture anymore. I guess they assume that normal Americans will just drag themselves even deeper into debt but that’s not a sustainable process. Nothing about this country is sustainable and I hate that but I’m just saying we’re going to have to adjust.

The other thing here is people will wring their hands about the safety features. Guess what, assholes? We don’t live in that country anymore. Driving in the Third World is dangerous. I’ve done it and it’s just one of these facts of life everybody has to accept and get on with things.

Besides, what safety feature is going to matter when Pedro es muy borracho and plows into you head on as he speeds the wrong way down the road? What safety feature besides a side arm is going to save you when Daquan and Latravious try to do a carjacking while you’re stopped at a red light?

This whole concept where they crank out vehicles nobody can afford is really starting to piss me off. Even if they can borrow or scrounge up the money that doesn’t mean the average American should be blowing $48,000 into a car rather than assets that appreciate in value like a home or other investments. Banks are failing and the economy is tanking. What are you going to do for your family if you lose your job?


  1. They’re trying to phase private vehicle ownership out as per agenda 21/ agenda 2030/ the great reset.

    Check freedom advocates . org for more information on all this. They’ve been around for a decade or so and their old primer video on this by Mr shaw is better today than it was when it was made due to its accuracy

  2. They’re trying to phase private vehicle ownership out as per agenda 21/ agenda 2030/ the great reset.

    Check freedom advocates . org for more information on all this. They’ve been around for a decade or so and their old primer video on this by Mr shaw is better today than it was when it was made due to its accuracy

  3. Excellent subject and one I’ve really thought of a lot.I constantly say”Why can’t we have simple cars with no frills that are cheaper,better made and work better like we did in the 60’s and 70’s?”,and I answer”because the Jews not only want us miserable,but broke and not able to travel”.God bless and take care.

    1. I believe 1984 (ironic eh?) was the year they put in computer chips, in enabling them to shut you off at will — in case you were thinking about fleeing the urban centers. They’re not about to relinquish that power. They only seek to enhance it, like they have now with stuff like Onstar.

      Power is what these people are all about: To be as God …

      1. My dad’s old BMW K100 (motorcycle) had an onboard computer, and it came out in 1984. Harley Davidson, by contrast, didn’t get computerized until the late 90s / early 00s

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