A dryer has a certain number of likely failure points. Some could be as cheap as a six-dollar fuse from some sweat shop in China. I figured I might as well tinker around rather than buying a new one. Testing this particular fuse revealed that, sure enough, it was the culprit.
The expedient solution would be to hotwire the thing and get the laundry dried rather than ordering a new fuse and waiting. However, a potential issue would be overheating and burning down the house.
Doing a quality job is the hallmark of a White man and quality averts disaster. This used to be a principle everyone understood. On a subconscious level, I think most still do, which is the reason why “German Engineering” is a marketing slogan while “Nigerian Precision” is not.
Back to the subjects of China and setting things on fire, the dryer went bust roughly the same time as the train in East Palestine, Ohio. That was exactly the sort of scenario I would’ve expected to hear about in China. Some combination of shoddy work and negligence leads to a massive accident, which leads to a reckless solution that worsens the situation considerably. “Hear” would be the key verb because the authorities there will censor everything out and pretend like nothing happened if that’s mostly feasible. I’ve heard about it quite a bit.
I’m a bit late writing on the subject but also not, as the victims will probably be suffering and dying from this outrage for years to come. We’re in a bizarre age of juxtapositions where it’s a matter of policy at all levels to get White men out of the workforce. Meanwhile, safety accidents keep happening which were kept to a minimum when we made up the vast majority of those in charge of anything that could go majorly wrong.
I just checked out the jobs section on Norfolk Southern’s website and the only tab that didn’t feature blacks was the one for AWS certification. It had a White woman, instead. I suppose we’d be lucky if the Biden Administration hired any more of them.
This devil-may-care attitude towards achieving diversity (pretty sure that means getting totally rid of us except as janitors) will lead to lots of unfortunate safety incidents. Residing in a modern country means that there’s lots of stuff required to provide us with our lifestyles that could potentially go wrong. Yeah, there’s plenty more in the cards.
I’m not a racist, but I feel compelled to note that lots of things go wrong with black people in terms of safety. Much mayhem finds fruition through as little as an EBT card or a vehicle stolen on a lark. They don’t even have to be delegated authority. Here’s a recent incident:
Traffic terror aside, this country has been ridding itself of educational standards for decades, which still led to bottlenecks for diversity when it came up against professional certifications. That’s evidence of racism and so they’re being steadily eliminated for the right people. I’ve seen that up close. It used to be a joke that Homer Simpson worked at the nuclear plant. After Laquavious gets that job, we’ll be too sick from radiation to laugh.
The inexorable logic of this nefarious idiocy is that it will have to play itself out. In other words, you ain’t seen nothin’ like a real accident yet. As our lives become increasingly prone to catastrophe, we’ll begin hearing that “safety standards” is a White supremacist, anti-semitic conspiracy theory when White folks start complaining about how they’d like to have them back.
That’s too bad. To be honest, it doesn’t really bother me in the context of the past few years. After the injections started, I made peace with the realization that some of us will survive but most won’t. The stripping away of safety is essentially a complimentary process. So, when taken into broader consideration, it’s really nothing to get worked up over.
Again, you’re going to have to accept that the objective standards thing is inherently White. That’s not the color of this country’s direction until after the final collapse. Perhaps the souls of the survivors will be cleansed through the pain and horror of the ordeal. One might conceptualize it as a neo-Ragnarök scenario. Instead of the blood of the gods, from radiation and vinyl chloride shall the new world be born. Enjoy your weekend, it could be your last.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
It’s a sunshiny day at the Shalkleford’s…..lol
Sobering.. we are doomed.
I have spent a lot of my life on ladders in the building trades.
I could only watch half of that safety in the work place video, till that guy got his arm in the lathe, that was enough for me. Anyway, I went down from 8 feet off my ladder and caught a big clay pot full of dirt square on my back once, which saved my head from the concrete, but hurt my ribs pretty good. I was about 35 years old at the time. Since then, I will always bungee cord a rung of the ladder to something, gutter spikes or I will drive a couple nails to either side of the ladder onto the structure and bungee to that. An old timer I know just went down from 15 feet cutting limbs in the tree, the limb he was cutting swung down and knocked his latter out from underneath him. The hospital screwed his bones back together. Tie or bungee cord your ladder to the tree or whatever up high, always.
Warn your children not to tunnel in sand or dirt because of collapse, a boy I know of died that way, heartbreaking.
A White Christian man built a motor that ran on water, he drove a car from NY to LA on 22 gallons of water. The oligarchs don’t care about anything but controlling the population in a financial slavery, I have read about a German telling a person when asked about what it was like before Hitler took power, his answer was, read Genesis 47:14.
What I don’t fully understand is why wasn’t there an uprising when Huey Long was assassinated. I hope an ID writer can explain that whole situation in the South at that time to me, and why no uprising about it that I know of?
Jesus Saves