Bully Nationalism: Brutal Moggings

The rightwing, authoritarian aesthetic moggs the other three quadrants of the political spectrum. The starving communist, the man-child libertarian, and the twink socialist all fear the ordered aesthetics and beauty inherent in our causes. You are the ambassador of our cause, so why don’t you represent it?

To mog is to have an appearance which belittles comparison. Your physical ability to mog is to step into a room and make others look small. I’ve seen more arguments won by the “bigger man” in the room, not necessarily because he was correct but because his presence carried a weight, which the other side could not, literally and figuratively, withstand.

Our Confederate progenitors wooed Southern belles and embarrassed their Yankee inferiors at every turn. Their battlefield tactics, dashing uniforms, and genteel (and gentile) demeanors made them beloved and respected for generations. Conversely, your Marvel t-shirt, and inability to see your toes past your gut, do nothing but tell people you aren’t able to master yourself.

Attractive people are more likely to succeed in life, and in more ways than one. Attractiveness is not limited to physical beauty, but is a combination of factors, such as confidence, posture and hygiene. What can be done to improve your disheveled self? Start by dressing better, correcting your posture, and engaging in basic hygiene.

The basics are easy when trying to turn around your appearance. Get eight hours of sleep, stop consuming corn syrup, stand straighter, and dress better. Stop wearing hoodies in public. Wearing a hoodie is reverse peacocking, hiding your face from the world and directing feelings of cowardice and suspicion towards those who perceive you. Project confidence by wearing clothing that isn’t baggy, getting a haircut that fits your skull, and walking around like you aren’t afraid of the people in the grocery store. Lift some weights, and for heaven’s sake, shower afterwards.

Your self-confidence is key, not just in finding a mate. Stacys are a dime a dozen nowadays and impressing them isn’t as important as being able to sell an idea or ideology in this day and age. You’re never going to convince an acquaintance that you’re right about an issue, or that Marvel fandom is a gay religion, if you look like a child molester or a neck beard. Wear clothing that makes it look like you understand social norms, smile as if you’re not spilling spaghetti out of your pockets, and stand straight as if you haven’t been hunched over gaming for the past ten years.

You may get by with speaking on a podcast, or just writing on a blog, as I have, and being a manlet of subpar intelligence and feeble body, but at the end of the day, the people you reach out to on a platform such as this are already won over. The real battles are won on the streets, when the people grasp your intellectual and physical superiority, and thereby authority, at a passing glance. This is why the bullies start off with the legacies of winners in any stories we tell, at least until some contrived Hollywood plot knocks them down a peg.

Do more to improve your appearance each day. Hit the gym, take a shower, and eschew the graphic t-shirt with the catchy slogan. You have a duty to be a walking billboard for your ideology, and anything less than your best is inadequate.


  1. Nero, better than ‘hitting the gym’ would be to buy a place in the country, build a house, install a wood heater, buy a chainsaw and a 16 pound wood maul, and get your ass to work cutting, busting and stacking firewood. That will build all the muscle you need. By the way, do you wear a three-piece suit, or just a Chaps polo on your way to the gym every day?

    1. I wear collared cotton (hand picked) adidas track suits, with slogans like “Free Hong Kong” and “Taiwan ≠ China”, so e-thots can’t post me in their TikTok videos.

      I’ve written previously that you can start with something as simple as digging a hole to expend calories and build muscle. You should have enough energy to bust firewood and do other stuff during your day. This is more about an entire movement of people, who’ve been slandered, climbing out of the hole the left has carved us, in whatever way possible.

  2. Excellent and timely post, sir. I have been missing your posts, and your podcasts! Hope all is well with you and yours.

    1. All is well, I’ve just been pulled in a few directions all at once. Hopefully I’ll be back on a regular content schedule soon.

  3. Great advice.
    Padraig got on us about dressing better quite a few months ago and I have been making an effort to wear buttoned up collard tops, I suffer from plumbers crack so I exclusively wear overalls, but even so I look and feel a lot more respectable.
    Living out in the mountain west is a full time job, I’ve just stacked firewood up to the Confederate flag,(exaggerating) getting ready for a big storm and minus temps coming, if you’ve read my posts on here you’d think I was close to retarded with my grammar, the truth is I am physically exhausted feeding the wood stove all night long, shoveling snow etc. or I’m staying up all night long hugging up against the wood stove.
    I keep in great shape, I try to be able to run a mile easily every year.(in my 50s)
    I believe prayer changes things and try to commune with God as much as possible. Gods grace is the big bully in the room if you ask me. Looking good is certainly a plus.

    1. I’m in my late-50s and semi-retired, but can still see my toes past my “beer belly.” I don’t suffer from “plumber’s crack” that I know of, but I don’t normally hear myself snoring either, if you know what I mean. Ha, ha.

  4. I wear a plain white t-shirt tucked into either slim-fit (but not skinny drainpipe) jeans and black boots basically 100% of the time. Zero belly fat.

    Also, abstaining from porn is the #1 self-improvement thing you can do in 2023

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