If you’re feeling optimistic, I’d like to point out that in any society where trannies pop up on a timeline, calamity is coming next. History tends to be rather cyclical so this isn’t the first iteration of trannies, although it would definitely seem to be the most pervasive and severe. What I’m noticing is there are a set of archetypes in male trannies. Lemme give you a quick run through:
First, we have the Trolling Tranny. He just puts on female clothes one day, changes his name and that seems to be about it. One can infer that they get off on being able to do this to people and there’s nothing anybody can say about it but praise. This would be the Admiral Rachael Levine type. It could’ve been a Jon Lovitz character from SNL back in the 1980s. It would’ve been hilarious. There used to be a bunch of comedies made out of a man dressing as a woman, which people seem to forget.
Next, is the Sincere Tranny. This is where it gets really creepy, even if you can’t articulate where this stuff is coming from and why, this type inspires great unease and visceral disgust in a healthy man. They get the surgeries, take the hormones and do their best to look like a woman. This often ends in suicide.
Next, we have the Demonic Tranny. This type presents himself in the most jarring way possible, juxtaposing male and female features combined with makeup to accentuate his sinister aura. Sure, it’s a troll, but not to get a laugh.
The fourth category would simply be what I call the Child Attacker Tranny, often described by themselves as “drag queens.” This is a term meant to mislead the naive about their highly aggressive and specific purpose. It would be akin to referring to a bunker busting bomb as an air falling device. They conduct sexual assault operations against libraries, outdoor events, restaurants and bars, schools, and even nursing homes. They are now being paired with ANTIFA auxiliary units as public outrage continues to grow.
The identity of a male tranny is based exclusively on his sex drive and perversions, while female trannies focus on how they are special, unique, and complex. This is because they believe that they deserve more attention than they were receiving as a normal woman. All women are competing with each other for attention. That’s why they strive to outdo each other with tranny modifiers, while their male counterparts are too preoccupied with their sick and perverted activities for such nonsense. In this bizarre way, there’s still a normal male/female dichotomy.
For example, Nashville boasts the first trans non-binary Latinx neurodivergent Dr. Baptist minister. The tranny and lesbian stuff seems to be one of these things that women are getting started on in high school when they feel anguish at not receiving male attention which they’re programmed to prize. Instead of laying off the tacos and hopping on a treadmill, some can head down this path. We didn’t have this phenomenon back in the 90s but I’m pretty sure that’s it.
That’s the other trend that differentiates female trannies. They gravitate towards the clergy to corrupt children. Christ made some rather militant statements about how he doesn’t approve of this endeavor. Also, they’re not even supposed to be talking in church in the first place, but I suppose such is a trivial matter in comparison. Meanwhile, their male counterparts go straight for them in a secular setting with a more hands-on approach.
Anyways, this isn’t something we’re going to be living with for the next 20 years. By its Satanic logic, it must reach a crescendo as everything implodes. That part is really not going to be fun and so maybe most of us don’t need to worry about what we’re going to be doing 20 years from now. Just draw peace from the fact that if you survive, this stuff will go away for quite a while.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I yearn for the simpler days, when there were only two types of trannys, manual and automatic.
Ha, ha. We talk about this quite a lot in my little circles – the carburated engines of old vs. their fuel injected counterparts, and so on and so forth. I’m not a complete and utter idiot, so, I can still work on injection engines and correctly diagnose their problems more times than not, but not as readily as I could their carburated predecessors. If I were a younger man, all of this “technology” and advancement would be a welcome challenge to my … overactive imagination; as it is, though, it’s all just an unnecessary nuisance. I’m pretty wedded to the superiority of the fuel injection stuff in any case, though…
Inch by inch it’s a cinch. The NWO motto. The latest is corporations asking “what are your pronouns?” You will see this scale up up up … until the next thing they push in the next inch.
Imagine CSA II. We can have it if we want it! Think of all there “won’t be,” in CSA II.
Any time not spent on massaging CSA II into existence at this point, is equal to fire fighters standing around watching their own houses burn down instead of turning on the hoses and putting it out. Or … if you prefer … like all of us having tea and “talking” on the deck of The Titanic “as it’s sinking,” instead of rushing to find anything that floats.
I wonder what the next articles will be about. I can hardly wait. I’m getting my tea ready now.
I learned a long time ago, when I first began writing my own articles, that it is much easier to criticize an article and its author, than it is to write one, or to be one.
I’m generally not privvy to what articles our editor has on tap, and I have absolutely no idea what’s on tap for the next several days. But one thing I’m supremely confident in, Josey, is that whatever the next articles to be published here prove to be about, there’s about a 98% probability that they will all meet with your disapproval and a slightly lesser probability they will meet with your condescending way of stating the same.
Here a Fed there a Fed … everywhere a Fed Fed. They’re in our comment boxes, militias and just about everywhere. It’s just part of life in the south today.
In militias their goal is to instigate and snitch.
In comment boxes it’s to “influence” those dumbed down enough to listen that the majority of readers … just want to stay in the boiling water. 🙂 Isn’t it fun here in the boiling water folks? Ahh yes. Don’t actually DO anything ( other than laser focus down on historical niches ), that will get us and our childrens children out of the boiling water! NO! Just stay here “chatting” WHILE it all crumbles. It’s just what everyones “lazy voice” wants to hear. Look the other way. Nothing to see here folks –
**rolls eyes**
That “well paid fed” stuff ceased to be funny about the eighteenth time you wrote it in our comboxes. *Our* comboxes, Josey, not *your* comboxes. You’re a guest here, and that is all you are. You don’t know your place, but you’re going to learn it. Apparently it’ll have to be the hard way.
Grow up, or get out.
“I’m” done with any and all trolls / Feds / legends in their own minds. In fact, I’m even done with this tea & talk room. There are a few good southern patriots here I hope to see run for office in a pre CSA II. Then there are those who ARE either trolls or Feds … OR just small fries short of happy meals?
Either way, “I’ve” said all I can and advised all I can so … my job is done here. I won’t continue to play patsy cake with potential trolls who have no idea who they’re messing with AND are AGAINST saving the south! It’s time to leave ‘Romper Room,’ and help massage CSA II into existence. Certain of the trolls / minus a small fry legends would do better over on Abbeville Institute with the other inactive nostalgists. They would be happier there in their … “safe space.” 🙂
I leave you good southern patriots with this : If you’re not careful your writing / talking / etc., is just or will become, a means to “vent.” The steam builds up and you “vent” … but then DO nothing to save your childrens children.
Stop merely “whistling Dixie and let action, even soft non illegal action, be your vent.
Good evening gentlemen … and incomplete happy meals …
Josey: I won’t lie to you and say I’m “sorry to see you go.” Fact is, I’m indifferent to whether you stay or go away. But what I’m not indifferent to, and will never be indifferent to, is your slanders and your insults, and the condescending way in which you speak to your betters (are you sure you’re not really a Yankee, or half a Yankee, because, I’ve known quite a few Yankees during my life, and that is precisely the way they interact with one another, and they see nothing wrong with it; Southerners not s’much – might want to check to see if there is a ni … Yankee in the ol’ woodpile a generation or three back: dubyadubyadubyadotancestrydotcom. Don’t forget the forward slashes.)
Now, I’ve been patient and long-suffering with you for as long as this nonsense has been going on; I’ve told you a hundred times at least, and in half as many ways, to knock it off, but here it persists even in your parting comment(s). And, on that note, I commend you for knowing your own limitations – once I showed you the “handwriting on the wall” upthread, you decided to make your grand exit because of course once your comments containing the effronteries above-mentioned began to be rejected and/or deleted (which you know was fixing to start happening), you and I both know how you would have handled that kind of rejection – you’d commence to throwing three year-old temper tantrums with the cap lock button “on,” and whole lines of exclamation marks thrown in for effect. Then *those* “comments” would get rejected, and on and on, and so on and so forth. So, you made the right move at the right time; best to avoid all that, wipe ID’s dust from your feet and move on down the road. Saves us all a lot of unnecessary trouble and heartache.
My parting salutation to you, Josey, is bon voyage. While you’re out there single handedly “massaging CSA II into existence,” and trying to figure out why people don’t want to work with you on the project, try to find time to read a little book called How to Win Friends and Influence People, especially the sections titled Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, and Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment respectively. You can come back and thank me ten years from now when you’ve had time to internalize and perfect the use of its principles.
Oh, one more thing: I took the time early yesterday morning while the grandkids were still asleep to pound out a fuller treatment of what you’ve read in the paragraphs above. I forgot to add the book recommendation, though, which is why I’ve added it here. Anyway, pop in Sunday morning to read it. Or not. No skin off my nose either way.
See ya.
(“… who have no idea who they’re messing with.” Pfft. Don’t make me laugh, man.)
Whenever you see this sort of thing, one may logically assume demonic foundations. Satan hates God and especially His greatest creation, man. Every attack against us as a species is and must be accepted as arising from SPIRITUAL not physical roots. I remember reading a book years ago about a man who chose to become a women with all the medical accoutrements. When he became 50, he realized that he had been tempted and destroyed by an enemy that was far more powerful than simple cultural trends. Pray for these people because in the end, no one despises them as much as they do themselves.
Hello, Mrs. Protopapas (I will call you “Val,” or “Lady Val” if you insist, but only if you insist.), I see that you found your way to our little oasis here at Identity Dixie, for which I am very gratified. I hope you will continue to grace our little dissident corner of the webosphere with your presence and your learned insights. Your good friend, Dr. Wilson, occasionally graces us with his presence and insights, which I only mention because, if he considers us worthy, perhaps you should too?
P.S. Think nothing of Josey’s accusations above-posted. We are in the process of dealing properly with him and his “outlawry” as we speak. He’s not a bad commenter, just a mistaken one. He would do well to follow my suggestion in another thread and listen intently to Dissident Mama’s latest podcast, of which you were the featured guest. Whether he does or doesn’t is totally up to him of course, but I hope he will in any case.
P.P.S. I hope I have not offended you by comparing your northern accent (and your “feistiness”) to Estelle Getty’s in her role as Sophia in The Golden Girls. Sophia has always been my favorite character in that sitcom, because of those qualities, not in spite of them. Your learned insights, and your willingness to convey them here at ID are more what I am interested in in any case. Sincerely, etc.
Josey W.
I myself had a run in with Mr. Morris a few months back, I told him I would not comment on any of his articles ever again, with that said, Mr. Morris’s black eyed pea story was probably up there with the best I’ve read here at ID. I agree with you that we need a lot of provisions right now, if I lived in the south I would start a charity non profit and pass out meal size portions of black eyed peas with the story Mr. Morris wrote about them with a St. Andrew’s Cross on or independent of the literature, a sticker maybe, and of course the donation information to the charity.
Henry Ford put out a newspaper called the Dearborn gazette I believe, it really bothers me that none of his readers as far as I know came to his defense when the Red Fascist came and forced their union on the Ford plants and ultimately against his will rolled out Stalins Death machine. So I agree with you about idle chit chat right now.
I use to grumble all the time for what their doing to public land out west here, what was wild and free has turned into boomer camp hosts you have to check in with, anyway, my beautiful Loving girlfriend told me why don’t you write a song about it instead of all the bad energy your creating. Ever since then I have always tried to see a healthy and positive way of expressing myself, thanks to her.
Good Luck and God Bless you Sir.
Liked this comment, sir. Appreciate your compliment of the “Manna of the Southland” article very much. Thank you! Your idea for giving out peas with the information in my article attached is interesting and something to think about. I’ve actually done similar things before, believe it or not. I’ll go into some detail later, perhaps in a separate article.
I remembered your telling me that you would never comment on any of my articles again, but I didn’t recall the context, so I went into the archives and dug around until I found the comment thread in question. I don’t really have an explanation for why I wrote what I wrote in reply to your comment; my guess is that I mistook it for a comment to the article rather than to another commenter, and that I might have been having a bad day that day or whatever to boot. Who knows at this point? What I do know from having read it again is that I owe you an apology, sir, and that I sincerely regret having unjustly caused offense.
God Bless your girlfriend. Sometimes it takes a good, loving, level-headed woman to help persuade us out of the “funk” when we get stuck in it and can’t find our own way out for whatever reason. You might have seen a comment of mine at the site recently wherein I talked about my wife intervening with me in such a case about a dozen years ago? …
Thank you for the recognition of the post that offended you, I also apologize for using the verbiage in my comment that you used in your article, I believe that’s what made the comment personal to you. I meant no offense to you Sir, I was playing off the angst you felt to the angst I feel every time Southerners or other Flesh and Blood Souls are falsely dehumanized, I was certainly replying to a comment, not you.
I vaguely remember the post you are referring to, I’m sure it would all come back to me with a little context. What I do remember is you told a couple guys up in Anchorage you’d rip em from stem to stern if they disrespected your wife. One comment you posted a long time ago about not letting your wife do a dangerous ambition by chaining her to the oven, you were joking of course, I saw a lot of Love in that.
Looking forward to your article about bagging peas, I really think it would be a great outreach into the community; especially with the History you have uncovered.
i can only hope and pray to do something as Noble as that one day. (Setting the record straight as historical fact)
God Bless you and God Bless the Southland