Our Last November?

We’re entering the most dangerous phase of the conflict in Ukraine. The probability of an escalation will increase each day until the midterm elections. Since people tend to forget things quickly, something timed for the television news cycle on the evening of November 7th would be ideal. If nothing happens, they might start pulling the plug on November 9th and claim it wasn’t their fault as everything falls apart like it did in Afghanistan. Americans will have two years to forget, so that would be the best-case scenario for all involved.

As far as a worst-case scenario, perhaps NATO forces could enter western Ukraine, or a dirty bomb will explode and be blamed on Russia. That’s what the Russians keep claiming will happen to anyone willing to listen. All of these scenarios would most likely be the start of WW3, which they’ve said they’re preparing for the conflict to turn into from the start.

NATO can’t produce enough weapons to keep it going indefinitely and Ukrainian casualties are in the hundreds of thousands. The Ukrainian state is no longer viable and must be subsidized with billions of dollars per month. So, they need to either escalate in the hopes it will frighten the Russians into settling for what they’ve already taken or have an event that will serve as a plausible excuse for failure to the average idiot. Remember, the people who come up with these schemes are the exact same people who came up with every other military catastrophe.

Europeans have been told they’re the good guys helping the plucky Ukrainians defeat an evil Russian invasion which is facing failure at any moment. This hasn’t happened and when it becomes clear it won’t happen, they’re going to become resentful at having their economies destroyed for a war that wasn’t in their interest. This has already been going on, the MSM just declines to report on it. An escalation would appear to be an attractive excuse for disaster. Europe is run by traitors who do whatever the United States tells them and think that flooding their countries with Africans will somehow turn out alright. Don’t put anything past them.

I’m a firm believer in listening to what someone says instead of what someone else tells me that he’s saying. If someone’s approach is “don’t listen to him, listen to what I tell you about him” that’s a huge clue that this other person is lying to me. We get the same treatment on the Dissident Right here in America and yet nobody seems to get a clue. I’ve been subjected to this by my own family. Critical thinking skills are in very short supply.

The best one can do with the U.S. government is to filter out the platitudes for whatever specific information it’s willing to provide because that’s often the opposite of what’s actually happening. The more it gets repeated, the more confidence one can have this is indeed the case. I follow what Russia and China have to say closely because they’re generally quite candid, which is again, the opposite of what we’re told.

The Russians certainly win on rhetorical flair. For instance, Putin gives rousing speeches about confronting a Satanic cabal and Medvedev posts about what it will be like for someone in a Washington think tank to experience a nuclear blast and quotes from the Book of Revelation. The senior leadership of China is far more subtle. Beyond this rhetorical dichotomy, they’ve both been reiterating the same set of talking points:

-Agreements can’t be made with the U.S. government because it will break them whenever it’s convenient;

-Hypocritical lectures about the rules have reached the point where it’s infuriating;

-The U.S. refuses to recognize that they’re legitimate countries with a set of interests that they’re entitled to protect;

-The United States is not going to back off its aggression against their existence; and

-They’ll fight to protect it.

This is the basic outline for why conflict is inevitable. Their actions in the past didn’t really correspond to this kind of rhetoric, which represents a resolve at dealing with an entity that is outright insane. Putin clearly assumed that the American Empire wouldn’t sacrifice Europe and commit everything it possibly could to a proxy war in Ukraine that stood zero military chance of success.

Surely, Ukraine didn’t want Russia to resolve the crisis by killing everyone and blowing everything up. That’s probably why there wasn’t a mobilization from the start to deal with the situation swiftly. The rational choice would’ve been to negotiate an end to the conflict as soon as Russia intervened.

Likewise, Xi in China understood that Taiwan’s economic survival depended on China. There’s no North Korea/South Korea situation between them. Millions of people were coming back and forth. China was providing very nice carrots and offered even more, so surely, they wouldn’t choose the stick.

It would be idiotic for the U.S. to use Taiwan to provoke a war with the world’s largest economy that was fundamentally unwinnable and would result in billions of deaths. The Chinese are still trying to play the long game, but it appears they’ve realized the United States isn’t going to let them.

As long as the same people, and we all know who these people are, have a grip on our country, they won’t stop pushing for WW3 until we find ourselves in it. They can’t comprehend what’s good for themselves. Although this has long been noted as one of their definitive features, it creates incredulity on the other side, which behaves rationally in their own self-interests. That’s why Putin speaks openly about Satanism. The Chinese are officially atheists, so they don’t really have the vocabulary to articulate it, but they’re also finally getting the fact that these people are beyond reason.


    1. You can follow the Duran, Alexander Mercouris, Brian Berletic of the New Atlas, Scott Ritter, and, of course, Colonel Douglas McGregor. They are all on You Tube. Tom’s analysis is however right on point.

  1. You’re just not seeing the “big picture”; making the world “safe for democracy” is the baddest sh*t evah! Ukraine’s struggle is of course their 1776. What are you, stupid or what? Duh!

  2. Well said Tom and I agree completely.I am on the side of Christ and the Lord God.It will be exactly what the Bible tells us,the Devil and his children the Jews will create mass worldwide murder.Their main evil has been directed at White Christian nations because we follow Jesus.May God give us strength.When I see these children of Satan its remarkable that they do look like one would imagine a demon would appear like,the craggy, humped noses and other ugly features topped with the Negroid hair.Even the ones who have debauched White women and produced children still find that the offspring look weird and ugly.Great work and I really got a lot from it.Thank you and may the Master Jesus Christ bless all here who love God.

  3. This is a nice article Tom. The situation is outlined in nice concise manner. I would like to second the comment by Dixie Serb above. The Duran and The New Atlas have the best news coverage of Ukraine, Russia, China and the whole world. I am so glad we have independent media outlets. The tide is turning!

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