Lemme give you a smattering of typical local news quotes. Please imagine the lines being read in non-regional diction and then take a wild guess at the perpetrators:
–Following an alleged armed robbery, the pair led police on a fatal pursuit across two cities that ended when their car struck a retaining wall.
–Police say a suspect is now in custody after four men were shot in front of a convenience store in the early morning hours of Monday, the motive still is unclear.
–The suspect, with a history of drug convictions, finally surrendered Thursday afternoon after police SWAT forced their way inside of the home.
–An elderly woman lies in critical condition tonight after an apparently random attack while walking home from a local post office.
Yeah, so everybody knows who did it. Here’s a heartwarming piece from one of our nation’s most respected columnists. In case you’re wondering if his background isn’t actually Anglo-Norse, let me confirm your suspicion.
One of the most annoying things about publications for White shitlibs is that they take a societal issue that everybody understands, like the black violent crime rate, and then assures these shitlibs that conventional wisdom is actually false by applying deliberately idiotic misinterpretations of statistics.
When confronted about his disconnection from reality, the ploy works to provide confirmation bias to the shitlib psyche. That’s because he can cite “statistics” and feel good about himself because he embraces both morality and mathematics. It’s still a surefire tactic because the need to affirm one’s moral superiority and intellectual sophistication are at the core of their pathology. Milbank probably timed his article for the holiday conversation season.
Whenever anybody on our side throws out a ratio like 13 do 50, in relation to black murder, keep in mind that such figures are derived from convictions. If you’re black and shoot another black dead, the chances of securing one against you are poor. You’re protected by the volume of these crimes, and “stop snitchin,” as they say.
If you’re a White person who snaps and kills your spouse, you’re probably not getting away with it. White people frown upon murder and will fully cooperate with the police to get one solved. Also, factor in that we’re referring to black males most of the time. So, drop the former well below 10 and raise the latter way above 80.
There’s also the issue that in America, if you’re from the Yucatan and stab three people at a quinceanera, you’re often classified the same as a Scandinavian. I don’t have the time to come up with more precise estimates, but that’s the gist of how I’d start my research and where it would lead. It would be great if we could pay people to do this sort of thing. Anyways, I digress. Here’s how they came up with the basis for this article:
Earlier this year, the centrist Democratic group Third Way crunched the 2020 homicide figures and found that per capita homicide rates were on average 40 percent higher in states won by Trump than by Joe Biden. Eight of the 10 states with the highest homicide rates have been reliably red states for the past two decades. Republican-led cities weren’t any safer than Democratic-led cities.
Among the 10 states with the highest per capita homicide rates — Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Alabama, Missouri, South Carolina, New Mexico, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee — most were in the South and relatively rural.
These states are packed with redneck MAGA voters with a lust for blood, that’s what you’re supposed to infer. Nobody believes this, but now they have the statistics to fact check your ass when you mention to your family that people keep getting robbed in parking garages around here while having your pumpkin fucking pie. Citation needed!
If MAGA leaders are truly concerned about violent crime, they might look inward.
Oh, too bad these rednecks are preoccupied with shooting everyone with their assault weapons! They should learn to read so they can stumble out of their trailers and pick up the Washington Post to learn about how they’re actually doing most of the violence. Haha, but that would also take some math and they can’t even count how many teeth they’re missing.
Nobody could possibly believe this utter horse shit. So much of this stuff is a psychological operation rather than a serious attempt to mislead anyone.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I always enjoy your articles, Sir. Here’s a kindred voice from the past I think you’ll appreciate:
“One of the saddest results of the military domination over the South is the subjecting of the better classes to the persecutions of the low, degraded and vicious, who, to prove that they are “truly loyal,” bring monstrous and improbable charges against those infinitely better than themselves.—Honorable birth, purity of character, and integrity of life, so far from constituting safeguards against slander, serve as shining targets for its poisoned shafts.—The man, the most revered in a community for his virtues and his talents, will be precisely the man to be dragged before a Military Commission upon the charge of some ignorant negro or renegade white.” p. 541.
D. H. Hill, ‘Editorial’, ‘The Land We Love’, Vol. 4
The Africans, Haitians, etc., are VERY different species of human than us. They don’t, can’t and weren’t meant to, intermingle with white society. Just ANOTHER reason to hurry with the creation and implementation of the very enlarged all white CSA II.
“Nobody could possibly believe this utter horse shit. So much of this stuff is a psychological operation rather than a serious attempt to mislead anyone.”
Some people do believe it, because they want to believe it. For the rest of us:
“…within an established totalitarian regime the purpose of propaganda is not to persuade, much less to inform, but rather to humiliate. From this point of view, propaganda should not approximate to the truth as closely as possible: on the contrary, it should do as much violence to it as possible. For by endlessly asserting what is patently untrue, by making such untruth ubiquitous and unavoidable, and finally by insisting that everyone publicly acquiesce in it, the regime displays its power and reduces individuals to nullities.”
― Anthony Daniels, The Wilder Shores Of Marx: Journeys In A Vanishing World
Nice quote. Makes me want to look into the source more closely. Thanks.
(As an aside, I’m frustrated on a daily basis by trying to engage in dispassionate and rational discourse with people who must have ‘horse shit’ for brains. It must be a side effect of the vax because it seems to have become the norm.)