It’s been seven years and many things have changed, the war on the South, our people, continues unabated. Identity Dixie has met the challenge set before it, unwavering. And this humble little blog and its writers are resolved. We will not change our mission, to be the evangel and herald of the South, the sentinel of an independent Dixie.
So, please pardon me as I reflect, for reason would not have any of us where we are today, only madmen would take on an empire with mere words, yet that is exactly what we have done. But we are not alone, our Southern ancestors did the same. As an oppressive British monarch neglected the voices of his loyal subjects, a philosopher and farmer, a Virginian, Thomas Jefferson, penned the most eloquent words:
“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…”
This was the unanimous declaration of thirteen independent and sovereign States (countries), united in common cause, common objective, but resolved to maintain their distinctions within a loose confederation. 84 years later, the heirs of those Southern gentlemen would once again be called to articulate grievances against an oppressive and unresponsive government, and they rose to the challenge. It is now our time to rise, to pursue freedom’s cause, and we have risen!
We have fixed our energies to this great quest, this grand tale worth telling, and archived a story that will be passed down from generation to generation. There have been twist and turns, heroes and villains, traitors and martyrs, and even in what may seem like defeat, we have triumphed. And it has come, to no surprise, we expected it from the beginning, as well we should. For we are the players on a stage, and the curtain has just closed on Act One.
Many of you have been here from the beginning, watching from the balcony, listening to the orchestra of voices sing “Sweet Dixie,” and taking up the banner of Southern Nationalism with us, we thank you. Older gentlemen, like myself, have been raising that banner for decades, holding the line until a stronger generation could come along. I believe they have arrived, and it is our mission to blast a Southern anthem into their hearts and souls!
We have to win the culture, if we are to succeed, and I have no doubt, with perseverance, and creativity, we will.
Therefore, our influence has grown, and we are witnessing an exponential amount of talent propagate our message in various forms, many of which have no connections with Identity Dixie, except in spirit. We now press forward to Act Two.
In the next seven years, there will be new podcasts, videos, writers, and an expansion of Southern branded merchandise, wetting the appetite for a new generation of unapologetic Southerners. Once they get up to speed, they will be unstoppable, opening the curtain on the climactic Act Three, and the jubilation of final independence!
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
This is an excellent summation as to where we have been and where we are going. Thank you for writing it.
God Bless,
Padraig Martin
Good little article this morning, sir. I read it with pleasure, partially assisted by the following.
As I came upon your inclusion of the preamble to The Declaration, I fondly looked upward, momentarily focusing my gaze on the portrait of that document’s author prominently hung on the north wall of our living room – the portrait’s lower right corner reads, “Honesty is the First Chapter of the Book of Wisdom.” -Thomas Jefferson. Moving westward to the opposite end of the same wall, my gaze falls upon the family copy of the Ten Commandments, with the mini-statue of our Savior sitting on His throne (sceptre firmly in hand) atop the world, with a lion flanking him on either side; continuing in the same direction and now on the west wall of the same room hangs The Signing of the Declaration of Independence; further southward on the west wall is The First Prayer in Congress. All of which had been in storage from 2016, not long after I moved my family “back home” to help take care of my dying father, until very recently. Indeed, I hung all of those not more than three or four days ago. You wrote:
Yes, sir! One of the things I have firmly believed since shortly after we started homeschooling way back in the mid-90s and before I knew I was a Southern Nationalist, or even before I knew how deep and broad my Southern roots are, is that we were merely planting the seeds and preparing the way for that stronger generation than ours to which you allude, and the even stronger generation (I trust) that they are beginning to raise and educate as we speak.
I’ve said many times before that, once you head down this road there is simply no turning back, come hell or high water. All of my children and a couple of my grandchildren already know a lot more about their Proud Southern heritage and roots than I did at any of their ages. If God be with them, who can be against them?
Thanks for this, sir. You’ve made my week!
Well done, sir. The remnant will become the vanguard.
Humbled gentlemen, thank you.
Some of your silent witnesses are heavenly, and some are still here, maybe unseen or unheard, but with you no less. The fullness of time approaches more rapidly than any of us older standard bearers might have expected. As we bow before the King together and pray that he makes our hands skillful, and our cause just, we anticipate his deliverance and vindication of our fathers. Press on!