It’s a real testament to the progress made by our society that a tranny can ascend to any height available to a sane straight individual, such as the upper echelons of the clergy. That’s terrific because nobody should have to limit themselves to just putting on erotic performances for preschoolers.
From the Daily Mail:
America’s first openly transgender bishop resigned last week amid allegations of racism after firing the pastor of a predominantly Latino congregation during an important Hispanic holiday.
Rev. Megan Rohrer, 42, who uses the pronouns ‘they,’ said that the ‘constant misinformation, bullying and harassment’ led to their resignation from the Sierra Pacific Synod, overseeing 200 congregations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern California and northern Nevada.
Uh oh! Looks like she ain’t too fond of the Mexicans:
The bishop faced allegations of racism after they called the police on a church member and her child, which church investigators called ‘an egregious action especially when dealing with the vulnerable communities of Black, Indigenous and People of Color.’
Yikes! Calling the cops on a person of color is essentially a death sentence, so she must’ve really had it out for these poor folks. Still, it’s wrong to judge someone without all the facts so let’s read on.
Rohrer was also accused of wearing a bulletproof vest when announcing the dismissal of a popular priest, Pastor Nelson Rabell-Gonzalez, whom they had fired from the Mision Latina Luterana in December 2021 the day before the Feast of the Virgin Guadalupe, a major religious holiday for congregants of the Stockton, California church.
Rohrer had said that they had worn the vest when they made the announcement out of fear for their life.
I’m wondering what was going on with this church because it sounds pretty buck wild. Unfortunately, the article doesn’t bother to explain. It also doesn’t explain why she fired the priest, who refers to her as an “oppressor.” Did she ask if he was a Mexi-can or Mexi-can’t?
People don’t strap on bullet proof vests unless they’re betting on heavy action. This was probably the type of church that had an acoustic guitar player. Did she think it was going to be like Desperado? What was she packing? Wouldn’t you if you were worried about having to shoot your way through a horde of snarling Mexicans armed to the teeth?
According to the article, the congregation accused her of having a smirk on her face when she strode in to deliver the bad news. This starting to sound like a drama spicier than any taco in Tijuana. Remember when Ted Dibiase went south of the border to troll them hardcore? If you were going to troll them, what better way to do it than firing their favorite pastor on a Mexican holiday? That’s the kind of thing Ted would do.
Is this the story of a racist anti-hero with the guts to put brown people in their place no matter the danger involved? It’s a role that requires talent and commitment. Most people just don’t have it in them. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really much more I could find on the matter. So, I don’t really know. I’d just like to state that I condemn racism in all its forms.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
LMAO!! You can’t make this stuff up. This article made my day, thank you!
Now we is gettin’ real inclusive! Booyah!
“His judgment cometh, and that right soon.” – Shawshank Redemption
Whatever that thing is, it can’t possibly be racist since it has two black trans kids and a POC for a “spouse.”
Lol…..we are seeing a paradigm shift, and it is fascinating.
The Left is imploding on itself, and it is glorious.
It’s not even worth talking about homo’s and freaks. It’s like having a conversation about dog poop on the street.
Picture a rebuilt Dixie. A kind of super Switzerland. An enlarged all white CSA II.
What would there be “no of” there? A bunch a stuff … but certainly NO : blacks, browns, muslims, GAYS and men in womens bodies ( eg., women doing what are clearly mens jobs like representative, judge, prosecutor, police or in charge of men in prisons or the military. )
Let’s talk about HOW to make it happen.
Yet, here you are talking about such things. 👀
You should start you own website, with all your vast knowledge and wisdom, I’m sure it is the missing piece of the puzzle.
Looking forward to reading it👀
Right on! Let’s get about, as you insist, forming strategies for HOW to make this all happen. E.g., HOW do you propose to transition from the current state of things to the ALL WHITE – no blacks, no browns, no Muslims, etc. – utopia you’re advocating for? I’m with you to an extent, just not sure HOW to get from here to there without, you know, … hot war. But I’m “all ears,” brother; a lot of us are, so, … let ‘er rip, by all means.
BTW: when I agreed with you in a previous “discussion” wherein you said you “can’t write a book” and whatnot, I was only agreeing as that statement pertains to these comboxes. You can certainly “write a book” as easily as any of the rest of us can. We “write books” about that which we know; since this is a subject you seem to be preeminently qualified to speak to and “know,” I suggest you start writing the book on HOW to achieve these goals forthwith. As you say, we’re all just wasting time and words otherwise, and while the ship sinks. So, as I’ve suggested to you before on more than one occasion, … get to it! Time’s a-wastin’! Write the book (or, the 25K word essay, as it were), and divide it into “chapters” or “essays” of, say, 2,500 words (give or take), and submit it, as such, to our editors one “chapter/essay” at a time. See what I mean – pretty simple and pretty easy too – best of both worlds. What are you waiting on?!
🙂 Ya know I think maybe you and 501 c 3 ( Dabney ), over there like and need conflict. Maybe you don’t even know it. I mean, in the current situation we’re in ( America totally shot ), any normal “patriot” would welcome ideas to fix things, not attack them and the messenger AND refer to the 2nd Amendment as “nonsense.” Again … maybe you guys need a hobby so you don’t waste valuable time ‘creating / manufacturing conflict?’ I mean, to quote the fake president, “come on man.”
I am writing a book. However unless it goes viral it won’t cause change nearly as much as communicating a concept to a medium to large number of “communicators.” Think of a ‘downline’ like in MLM. Leverage.
Meanwhile what are YOU guys doing to help the south? Attacking messengers and great concepts isn’t helping “the war effort.”
If you get 70% of the people “demanding” such n such … then you say, well okay, and give them the such n such they “demanded,” how could a ‘hot war’ come out of that?
I mean … come on man …
I realize you’re likely too incorrigible to see the following disabilities in and about yourself and to take the proper steps to correct it all, but I’ll make one last-ditch effort to get through to you. First of all, that is a real unruly temperament you have – you really should make an effort to do something about that, and here’s why:
No serious person will ever take you seriously so long as you retain that disposition. I’m not one to assume anything about anyone else, but I’ll make an exception to my own rule in this case and assume that you’d rather be taken seriously by serious people than to be written off as a total dimwit, no? E.g., when you accuse FatherDabney and me of liking and needing conflict, you’re simply projecting, which is what liberals do. You know what that word (projecting) means in this context? It means that you are accusing us of one of your own worst faults. This leads me to my second point, which is that you have insulted several of the ID writers/content creators over the last two or three months because we’re not writing the kinds of articles you think we should be writing. Now, I can only speak for myself in my capacity as a contributor at this site, but you evidently need to be told what you’re too brain-dead or otherwise emotion-driven to be able to figure out on your own, which is this – when you insult one of us, you’ve essentially insulted us all, including our editors, who ultimately determine which of our articles get published and which don’t. Is any of this making any sense to you or do you see where I’m heading with it? Probably not, but I’ll continue:
It’s a common fool who rushes headlong into a thing (any thing), or who advocates for rushing headlong (“balls to the wall”) based on something as questionable and silly as poll numbers collected from fickle-headed dimwits who, truth be told, have no idea what they want from one day to the next if they knew what they were talking about and could see past their noses in the first place; and the majority of whom (including you) probably shouldn’t be let within a country mile of a voting booth. Which is one of the problems we’ll have to deal with and solve in a Free Dixie, by the way – we’ll have to place severe restrictions on the franchise (yes, even for Whites) again so that stupid people aren’t “empowered” to screw everything up before we ever get started good. You might just as well be telling us all to jump off of a three-thousand foot cliff and hope we sprout wings on the way down (because 70% of respondents believe we will in fact sprout wings on the way down). Well, Josey, the contributors (and I daresay most of the readers) at this site ain’t that damn stupid, and, moreover, your constant harangues haven’t a snowball’s chance in haites of turning us that stupid, fyi. So, you might as well shut up about it, or start acting like you have some sense. You wrote:
That is the second time you’ve libeled me in barely as many days, sir. I’ve never said in my life of the 2A that it is “nonsense.” In spite of the great number of books you say you’ve read, you’ve got a real problem with reading comprehension, Josey. I’d hate to speculate about why that is, but it IS a problem that you need to work on correcting, otherwise you simply come off to intelligent people as an idiot when you misquote me or anyone else in that manner. What I actually said was,… well, I’ll just quote what I wrote in the thread to which you allude:
In other words, Josey, everything is written in a broader immediate context, and that in an even broader context. When you or anyone else (mis)quote me or any other writer out of context, immediate or more broadly, you’ve simply formed a pretext – a pretext in this case to further libel me, apparently with the idea in mind that doing so undermines my credibility. Wrong! The gun control “babble” and “stuff” I’m alluding to in the above quotation as “nonsense” is the back-and-forth yacking about it between idiots on the left and the “right,” the vast majority of whom have no more idea about what the founders intended by the 2A than you had before I enlightened you on the subject.
Finally, you wrote:
I won’t presume to speak for FatherDabney (who is perfectly capable of speaking to the question for himself), but if you want to know what I’ve been doing – for the better part of thirty years, I might add – I suggest you click on my “by-line” at this site and read all the content (articles) I’ve written that are collected there, and go farther back in time to when I wrote as a guest contributor and read those articles, keeping in mind that some number (I don’t know how many – never bothered to count) of my articles when I was a guest writer were dumped when WordPress dumped the site. In addition, go farther back in time still and read the content at my old blog. There’s all sorts of stuff posted there on any number of topics, including homeschooling stuff, history stuff, constitutional and Bill of Rights (including 2A) stuff, 14th Amendment stuff, Islam stuff, immigration stuff, Secession stuff, etc., etc., etc. But I’ll tell you, in short, the most important thing I’ve been doing for the South all these many years – training and educating the next two generations of God-fearing, independent, self-governing, self-sufficient Southerners. Because, you see, my position all along has been and remains, that an independent nation populated by a dependent people won’t remain independent for any length of time worth noting. Here are the links to the content (my content) alluded to:
If you desire more, just knock and the door shall be opened unto you, sir.
Well 🙂 ya gotta wake up a little earlier to fool ol Josey. You’ve moved up from freshman psychology to maybe … junior?! MAYBE it’s subconsciously done??
“I’m gonna try and lead the sheeple down a certain path … and when someone with at least 1/2 a brain catches on, I’ll shoot their thoughts down with quotes from old books none of them have read, and if that doesn’t work I’ll slip over into the whole crowd of sheeple and say they’ve insulted ALL of us!” 🙂
I do declare, sometimes it is fun to have a little ‘comic relief’ side show in this circus of crazy. Thank you AGAIN sir.
And I just can’t resist … last I checked my IQ was 157. 🙂
You betray your own dumbassery in citing that (frivolous) number, sir. Please be gone; I tire of arguing with you. However, if you continue to challenge me with irrelevant crap “arguments” like the above, I’ll just continue to make you look like the fool you are in response. Instead of throwing up sophomoric insults, in other words, why don’t you challenge what I’ve said directly and on point? I know why, but the question is, “do you?”