An Easy “W”

I remember watching Clear and Present Danger as a kid and wondering to myself why they couldn’t just blow up drug cartels in real life. Granted, the premise of the movie was that this is wrong and Jack Ryan had to unravel the caper to stop it, but the concept seemed pretty damn sound.

Most of the comments on this clip are basically “why can’t we do this in real life?” which leads me to suspect that many people got the same impression from it as I did. As it turns out, we had a president who probably saw this movie as well.

Although, the notion of using American firepower on foreign criminals sending poison to kill Americans and wreck communities seems like a no-brainer, so probably this idea has crossed many minds. We have a powerful military, so logically it follows that we should use it to defend ourselves from a country that doesn’t. You don’t need to be Carl Von Clausewitz to figure this one out.

The fact that the Secretary of Defense would find the notion of deploying American soldiers to defend the American border outrageous isn’t a surprise. It’s just that we’re not a nation with a low tolerance for killing foreigners, especially when they’re brown and residing in poor countries that lack adequate AA networks. There’s one whose name starts with an “M” fitting this criteria. Moreover, I can’t cite a single international law that’s ever hindered this practice.

It’s apparent that striking brown people with impunity is the task we’re up for seeing as we’ve been doing it for decades at this point. Meanwhile, intervening against a force capable of defending itself such as establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine would lead to catastrophic losses. So, I guess my point is that the only way to take home a “W” at this point would be operations against taco-loving poison producers.


  1. In a sane country, Esper’s actions would be called Treason and dealt with accordingly. But, and as you know all too well, we don’t live in a sane country. That’s why we call it “Clown World,” or, as I rather like to call it, “Clown World Hell.”

  2. 🙂 You know what the left / woketards / libtards / deep state / Karens / phony southern conservatives / rino’s do right?

    They censor any speech they don’t like especially if it’s true.

    The only difference between all of them is … the phony’s and rino’s CLAIM they don’t and CLAIM they’re against that :))))

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