Dates scheduled for 3:00AM don’t entail dinner and a movie, but instead a rather specific activity in which a participant expects to participate with another type of specific participant. Unlike elementary students, they’re not “groomable” and may, in fact, pose a very serious physical threat if that isn’t respected. From Florida (of course):
“An Alabama man said he shot a man when he got into a truck for an online date and discovered that the driver was a man and not a woman.“
Online? This date would’ve been a whole lot safer over Zoom.
“Player told investigators that after hopping into the truck and seeing that his date was a man “became frightened and fired his weapon as a reaction.” He shot the man in the stomach, records state……the shooting victim crashed his truck into the motel.“
He shot “the man“? Wow, big time misgendering. Yeah, the shooter was black. The mainstream media doesn’t like to make it known, but this scenario is actually a common way for trannies to bite the dust. They trick a black guy into meeting them thinking they’ll be able to “groom” him upon arrival. The end result rarely makes the news. The last public incident involved a Virginia Tech football player beating someone to death:
For trannies, the chances of suicide and being the victim or perpetrator of homicide are through the roof compared to the general population. It’s part and parcel of their lifestyle, as one might phrase it.
Society has been preaching to these creatures that they can make history but most likely it’ll just be in the coroner’s report. But, it also laments that this is happening while promoting the psychosis that leads to what it’s lamenting. Really weird, huh? Couldn’t possibly be on purpose.
Clearly, the idea is to lock the gains in early, so to speak. If someone has their mind warped as a child, odds are it’s going to stay warped. If chemicals are introduced, they’re permanently screwed up. The concept is satanic: writing one’s name in his book. As I’ve seen from a couple of movies, if you write your name in this book, there’s no going back.
Basically, the theme is that this is a bad idea, but it’s done in the expectation of a positive result. That’s pretty much the same bargain they’re offering children to transition. Since the same people who own Hollywood fund the push for this derangement, the mind ponders a certain parallel.
On a side note, I’m pretty sure the term “grooming” was a euphemism invented by the British media so they didn’t have to say “Pakistani men raping British girls.” It’s currently being used instead of “converting healthy children into trannies.” It’s now decried as an offensive term even though it sounds vastly better than a literal description of the process. Objectively that’s strange, but not in context.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Admiral Rachel Levine: “Her forces will fight their way into Moscow as Putin kills himself in a bunker.” I look forward to your submissions. You always make me laugh!!!