Ryan Dawson on the Dissident Mama podcast

Originally published April 19, 2022, at Dissident Mama.

Ryan Dawson is the creator of The Anti-Neocon Report. The blogger, podcaster, filmmaker, and author of two books, “Welcome to the USSA” and “The Separation of Business and State,” has been involved in political activism for more than two decades. Dawson’s content has been featured by the likes of George Galloway and Pat Buchanan, and has garnered him appearances on TV, from Russia Today and CNN to The Daily Show and Al Jazeera.

Dawson’s hard-hitting material has roused much elitist ire over the years, so much so that he’s had numerous YouTube channel’s deleted, most notably one that had accrued 81,000 subscribers and 4,000-plus videos with a total of 30 million views. The North Carolina native and unapologetic advocate for the South now lives with his wife and children in Japan where he’s also a Goodwill Ambassador for the state of Nara.

The two of us talk about censorship and alternative media, “holocaust denial” and 9/11, the scourge of Californians, Stinkin’ Lincoln, the Yankee Empire’s “moral” wars, being pro-Russia, the ingredients of a John Wilkes Booth Cocktail, and more.

Download this podcast episode, or watch on Odysee or YouTube.

It was challenging trying to track down some links that encapsulate Dawson’s prolific career, not only because he’s been at this a long time and on many diverse platforms, but also because much of his work has either been erased or buried. Some of Dawson’s older videos can be found at Alt Censored; and some interviews during his stint as host of Geopolitics with Ryan Dawson, a show on FBI-whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds’ Boiling Frogs Post, are available; as are a couple episodes when he was fill-in host for Mike Rivero’s What Really Happened Radio.

These days, you can find all of Dawson’s new content, films, and ways to follow him at the ANC Report homepage. Also of note are Dawson Time, a website that offers more history-based content, including videos by Dawson and his twin brother Scott, who’s an amateur archaeologist and historian; and Dawson on Reed Coverdale’s monthly show The Four Horsemen. Be sure to check out my current series “Russia-Ukraine: Through a Dixian lens,” which just so happens to feature the rendition of “Dixie” sung in Russian that Dawson mentions in our conversation.

One comment

  1. Back several years ago, the then jewish sycophant would ravage me on his YT channel any time that I would bring up the subject. I found that after many attempts that I could not trust the guy because he would do nothing but cuss you out and call you names. I ended up calling him the Karate Kid Wannabe.

    This went back and forth for a while until I saw he was a shill and gave up on him.

    Maybe, just maybe, his shtick is real now. At least he calls them out now, when before one would catch his ire for even mentioning the subject (he is a massive smart ass). But now I can’t bear to listen to a word he says, so I won’t bother listening to the interview (no offense, Mama).

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