Still #1!

I’ve been wondering about the possibility of Putin’s radiation-induced heat taking some off White folks. So, I Googled “what is the difference between homeland security and national security” and found the following from some law library:

National Security — A collective term encompassing both national defense and foreign relations of the United States with the purpose of gaining: a. A military or defense advantage over any foreign nation or group of nations; b. A favorable foreign relations position; or c. A defense posture capable of successfully resisting hostile or destructive action from within or without, overt or covert.”

Homeland Security — A concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States; reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters, and other emergencies; and minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies that occur.”

Alright, so this is saying that bad things can happen inside the homeland to the homeland. These things would be classified as homeland security issues. However, if someone from outside the homeland launches a barrage of ICBMs which then detonate inside the homeland thereby destroying the homeland this wouldn’t be a relevant homeland matter. It would follow that we’re still enemy #1.

To confirm, the Homeland Security Secretary recently reminded an Al Sharpton conference of this fact. He cited terrorism without being able name a single terrorist incident that physically occurred. This is an aspect of America where I sympathize with the blacks. It doesn’t matter how much they do in comparison to what we don’t do, we’re always #1.

In light of the recent black terrorist attack on the NYC subway, I checked the New York Post on Twitter to get some content. For balance, I spent a few moments looking for White terrorist incidents. This was the best they could dredge up:

Blacks pride themselves on notoriety. So, if I was a black guy proud of the notoriety of my race, I’d be pissed it’s unacknowledged. None of these hacks are in subway terrorist’s league. Moreover, he actually committed this heinous act whereas those White chumps in the FBI stats got entrapped in fake plots. He made videos with terrorist threats as well, although they’ll be deleted before this gets published.

Still, rappers pack YouTube full of videos with explicit death threats, statements about their willingness to begin shooting without regard to bystanders, boasts about committing specific homicides, and taunts to the family and friends of their victims, all while brandishing weapons. These lead to exactly the sort of real violence referenced, often with over a dozen victims in a single incident. By volume, ISIS has nothing on this black musical genre alone.

I came across a story about the macabre commemoration of “Goonew”:

Very dignified.

I then pasted his moniker into YouTube and found a slew of videos of him brandishing weapons doing all of the above. Of course, there’s nothing unique about him until after he got embalmed. There’s more of these rap /random black mayhem/mob attack videos than everything made by Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and all of the atrocities in Ukraine put together. Orders of magnitude more, in fact. And, yet, none of that matters.

I’m an evidenced-based thinker. Therefore, I wish we could weigh it before we crown #1 because if terror was a sport, White Americans wouldn’t even have a minor league franchise. Team Black would be the GOAT. But, competition isn’t how you win in a White supremacist nation. We’re in charge, so we rig the game. I’m pretty sure that’s how it works, right?


  1. Regarding the Goonew funeral, curiosity got the best of me so I googled the phrase “African funeral rituals.” Here are a few relevant pieces of information I gleaned from the first item that popped up in my search.:

    (1) “Rituals are as much a celebration of the role of the dead as it is mourning his passing.”
    (2) “The “right” burial ensures that the ancestor doesn’t remain to haunt and exert power over the living, but instead rests in peace and protects the family.”
    (3) “If the deceased is not buried “correctly,” or a person lived a life of dishonor, his ghost can remain as a part of the world of the living and wander around and cause harm.”
    (4) […]
    (5) “Death rituals for removing the body from the house to take to a morgue or the burial site are meant to confuse the dead so he can’t find his way back home or into the house too soon. Some customs, according to Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, include”:

    Hole in the wall: Take the deceased out of the house through a hole in the wall instead of a door and seal the hole so he cannot find his way back in. This also symbolizes he is now a part of the ancestral community.
    Feet first: Take the dead out feet first so he is facing away from the location of the house.
    Zigzag path: Take a zigzag path to the burial site to confuse the dead if he tries to go back home.
    Obstacles: Throw such obstacles as thorns, branches, or other barriers on the path, again to make it difficult for him to find his way home.

    Best I gather from the above is that the (living) people in that video are “celebrating” the deceased in death to protect themselves from the harm his spirit would no doubt inflict upon them otherwise. Additionally, so long as they carried his body, feet first (facing away from the building), out a hole temporarily carved in the side of the club in question, then led the funeral procession in a zig-zag pattern through the streets of the city on its way to the cemetery or burial location – while the occupants of the tailing vehicle in the procession were dropping thorns, branches, or “other barriers” in the procession’s wake – his family members need not worry themselves with the looming prospect that he might find his way back to haunt they black asses, and/or cause them harm, no mo.

    Peace of mind is a powerful incentiviser.

    1. So, a pagan burial ritual, then? I shouldn’t be surprised – America hasn’t been Christian in quite some time. Christian societies don’t legalize and tolerate the murder of children. Pagan societies do.

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