One obstacle to performing logic is a mental process that establishes a conclusion and then interprets all evidence offered as confirmation of this conclusion. In other words, whatever is thrown your way won’t change your mind about whatever stupid thing you’ve settled it on.
For example, somebody on our side of the spectrum would interpret the violence, squalor and dysfunction of a black neighborhood to their well-documented anti-civilizational cognition. The veracity of this conclusion would be confirmed by an abundance of historical evidence that in the past they never had any civilization at all and the fact that everywhere they dwell in substantial numbers, the same things antithetical to civilization happen.
While the issue isn’t really pondered by the average black person, the variety that considers themselves woke historical geniuses attribute their current state of affairs to the fact that they built the pyramids. They attribute the disparity between past and present to the evil of White people who’ve misappropriated prior civilizational achievements.
Nothing is ever going to shake their faith in this utterly retarded narrative that can’t be substantiated by a single fact or sound line of reason. Pyramids are in Africa, Africans are in Africa and then they fill it in with whatever wacky story their feeble minds concoct, from the divine powers of melanin to how we’re mutated cave beasts. You can tell from the expressions on their faces when they blather about this stuff it makes them feel really smart.
Nonetheless, it appears Showtime is rolling out an entire series on this one. The trailer features people of all races piling on White people, but it’s got Black Jesus and pyramids in there, too. It features some black lady declaring that “one of the definitions of American whiteness is ignorance.” So, I suspect that will be the undercurrent of the entire thing although I’m not going to tune in and find out.
The concept of racial separatism strikes normal people as extreme and immoral, but I don’t know what other solution there is to live with a race whose existence is only possible through your tolerance and siphoned surplus productivity and who provide violent antipathy and astounding levels of crime in return. That’s a very shitty bargain, but to them we’re getting the deal of a lifetime and nobody’s going to convince them otherwise or simply get them to behave.
I guarantee that it’s never once dawned on any of these people denouncing America as a White supremacist country that in a White supremacist country, their presence wouldn’t be allowed let alone this “documentary.” Its production offers them no clue that some group of people who hate White people are actually in charge even though 3 seconds on Wikipedia would offer some insights into Showtime. They only find this out when they cross the line they couldn’t see and are then forced to grovel.
We’re not extremists. Broadcasting hateful propaganda featuring information that is risibly false against the peaceful population that keeps a country functioning is extreme. Hateful propaganda for violent, stupid people aimed at White people leads directly to violence against White people. That’s the goal of this series and if someone can’t comprehend that I don’t know what else to say.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Amanda Seales is obviously sporting whitey blood from somewhere in her background.
And isn’t that true for most of these grievance people, including O’Bummer.
Had they not had whitey bed some grandma somewhere along the line, there would be far less attractiveness, not to mention the IQ deficit.
Yet, they (half white or whatever) claim to be “black”. Sounds like a shell game to get more power and money.
Yes, if this country actually WAS a white supremacist country, I would use my very own supremacy to squash these hucksters immediately. Why in hell would I allow some half black person to be POTUS, if I were actually a white supremacist with power?
Its all a damned lie.
A logical end to the Yankee American dream. Too bad they took the occident down before they finished themselves off.
I did not make the connection that White People ate Ignorant. Wow!, we built Stable, Prosperous, Orderly Civilizations and Societies. Just think what we really could have achieved if we were smart.
> “…It features some black lady declaring that ‘one of the definitions of American whiteness is ignorance’.”
To be fair, Americans in general are one of the most ignorant demographics of people to ever exist, and that would include American Whites– even middle class ones who go to “good schools” (we all know what that means) and live in the suburbs.
But that’s obviously not what what was meant by that quote, and Black Americans are even more ignorant than White ones, an impressive feat no doubt.
But what this is really illustrative of is this: the real reason why leftism is so dangerous is because its *not* total falsehood. There is *some* amount of truth mixed in with the lies, especially the further back in time you go. Like pushing for women in the blue-collar workforce with lines like “some girls are better at mechanics than boys”, which is true, and that’s how they get their foot in the door.
If they had rolled out a *total lie*, and proclaimed that most women are better at mechanics than most boys, it would be instantly recognized as absurd and dismissed out of hand. But mix a lie in with truth and it becomes much easier to swallow.
Its for the same reason that Evangelical Protestantism and its worshipping of the secular state of Israel and the Jews as “god’s chosen” is so much more dangerous than, E.G. New Atheism, Wicca, Satanism, etc. Anyone can look at those groups and pretty immediately grasp they’re comprised almost entirely of fedoras, crazies, or edgelords who adopt a position merely for the shock value. But show them a nice all-American Christian family with a mom & dad and kids playing baseball in the back yard, “oh, we’re actually Evangelicals”, and it becomes a lot harder to recognize the slow-acting poison for what it is.
The normie-cons *are* actually correct, however trite and cringe it may be, when they proclaim that African-Americans are the way they are because of “tha Democrat plantation”. African and Caribbean Blacks are so much more polite, better behaved, more civilized, etc. A well kept secret is that they despite African-Americans way more than even most self-proclaimed “racist” Whites here do– you just never hear about that because it doesn’t fit with the liberal narrative.
Anyhow, the takeaway is this: never assume that *everything* the left says, or has historically said, is totally false. They would not have been able to get to where they are presently if that were the case. Its almost always a ratio of truth mixed in with lies, with that ratio skewing more and more towards lies the more time goes on.