Don’t Be Sorry

At this point, an apology is only good for temporarily placating a woman with whom you are in a romantic relationship. In any other context, it serves no utility beyond an admission of guilt and an invitation for further aggression. If you’re willing to humiliate yourself like this, you have no moral ground to complain about whatever happens next. What happens next is that you get cancelled, so you could’ve just kept your dignity for the entire process. Your dignity is what’s at stake, the getting cancelled part is already a done deal.

Life offers a man many options, such as not capitulating to his enemies. Like I already said, this is especially true when it would serve no utility, which it never does once you’ve done a racism. A world of inspiration on this matter abounds. For example, that fat guy from North Korea.

When he’s threatened with being cancelled, he replies with a nuclear strike plan. He’s still on the job, and that ain’t a coincidence. So, actually maybe Joe could’ve kept his show if he didn’t apologize. He should’ve paid attention to the fate of Qaddafi, who agreed to their disarmament demands and ended up getting sodomized to death with a rifle on global television as a reward for his compliance.

When these people want you gone, any concession made to them furthers the process of getting you gone. Once you get your first shots, it’s time for your booster and then one after another until you drop dead. The only scenario where you should consider making some concessions is if you’re being held captive at a remote location by Kathy Bates following a car accident during a blizzard. This could make life easier for you.

I’m not a genius trying to elucidate some esoteric principle of the universe. I’m merely pointing out one of the immutable truths of our age and I ain’t sorry about a damn thing although I’d probably beg Kathy not to break my legs.


  1. When accused of racism, the best thing to do is respond that you are White and what do they have against that, followed by the fact that there’s no such thing as racism because the word was made up by communists just to start trouble and wasn’t even in the dictionary before the 1940’s. Never apologize. Never back down.

    After that, you can request that they please go bother the Jews about running the African slave trade. And the earlier trade in castrated Slavs, sold to Muslims.

  2. For someone who projects himself as strong, this “apology” was the epitome of weakness.

    Your reference to Qaddafi reminded me of a video I made about that instance (getting Hillary to sing was difficult):

    1. I had a beer and watched some of these. The Victoria Nuland / Pink Floyd one was my favorite.

      1. Thanks, Tom. Some are quite old, obviously, but many times the subject matter re-emerges.

        Also note that I don’t favor either “side” of politics, meaning I give them all hell.

        My favorite is actually the only one I was able to get my wife to sing:

        Now, if someone wants to see the videos that have been scrubbed from YT, they can visit the Bitchute channel (which houses many of the covid video parodies that YT won’t allow). I really liked making those.

  3. I’ve said Nigger many times in my life, and I could never be elected to political office. But, unlike Joe Rogan, I ain’t apologizin. Oh yeah, the niggers I went to public school with called each other nigger, and called me honkey. But we still got along pretty well.

  4. It was really blackpilling to hear Joe apologizing like he did for saying THE DREADED N-WORD.

    Like, I always look at stuff like that, and think to myself “I would totally not apologize for saying that, screw them!”

    But then I have to do a moment of self-reflection about what sorts of personality types find themselves in high positions in society, especially our current society.

    The fact that myself, the folks at ID, or the commenters here would not have apologized, were we in his shoes, is true.

    But here’s the thing: *because* we are the way we are, we would *never* have found ourselves in the position that Joe is in right now where he is being pressured to apologize in the *first place*

    People like us who are somewhat rigid in our beliefs, find compromise difficult, don’t go along with the mainstream of society, can’t help but call a spade a spade, or are attracted to non-mainstream blogs like this one, etc, people like us are weeded out *long before* we would ever find ourselves in an influential position, like Joe has now, or Trump had back when he was in office– the social intelligence required to network and have good relations with people from all around the world and do the types of things they do… I’m not saying its *impossible* for a book-smart person or someone with very deeply held beliefs to find themselves in those types of positions… but its very rare. Those types of people are statistically negligant. Positions like those select for adaptability and flexibility, not at all the personality type or archetype of the political revolutionary or fringe-cultist.

    ^ And yes, if you’re a sincere Christian in 2022 America, you are literally a member of a fringe cult, no different than how Christians were perceived by “respectable people” (i.e., pagans, secularists) in Ancient Rome. Funny how the more things change the more they stay the same

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