Jim Jatras on the Dissident Mama Podcast

Originally published January, 21, 2022, at Dissident Mama.

Jim Jatras is a retired Washington, DC-based attorney, political analyst, and media and government affairs specialist. He formerly served as a senior foreign policy adviser to the US Senate Republican leadership, and before that served as a diplomat in Mexico, the Office of Soviet Union affairs, and the Office of the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. Jatras is also an Orthodox Christian and an outspoken political and cultural critic.

A self-proclaimed “unReconstructed Byzantine,” Jatras and I discuss the covid “winds of delusion,” jab exemptions, referring to “the American Republic in the past tense,” the media-industrial complex, the American “ethnos,” the South as globohomo’s whipping boy, Transatlanticism, Kievan Rus history, the Orthodox Church and geopolitics, and more. I’m telling ya, folks, it’s a stupendous interview, just brimming with both big-picture takeaways and fascinating particulars.

Download this episode, or watch on YouTube and now on Odysee!

Some Jatris content related to our chat include:

• Orthodox Reflections’ panel discussion “The Journey Through Pandemia
• “How American Media Serves as a Transmission Belt for Wars of Choice
• “The Media As Watchdogs of American Hegemony
• “It’s Time for Us All To Escape from the ‘Trans-Atlanticism’ Straitjacket
• “War with Russia Is Not ‘Inevitable.’ Keep Repeating That
• “What’s Really behind the State Department’s Meddling in Ukraine?
• “It’s Later Than You Think” from his speech at the 2021 Ron Paul Institute Student Seminar

You can read more of Jatris’ articles at the Strategic Culture Foundation and Chronicles, check out some of his other interviews on YouTube, and follow him on Twitter.