Every now and then, I come across a clip that makes me realize this is about the best we can expect from America. The one below definitely fits the bill. A junkie OD’ed at the library as his pitbull support animal mauled an obese black security guard, while his valiant colleague attempted to save him as a useless female looked on. The junkie was revived with Narcan and given a citation which I’m sure he’ll follow up on.
Here’s a gem from Steve Sailer’s comment section:
The public library, city hall area of SF is such a s–thole now it makes me mad. Recently , my girlfriend parked near the library when we went to the nearby symphony. A drug addled homeless person destroyed the back end of her car ($2K to fix) just to see if there was anything worth stealing in her car (there wasn’t). The car also had to be detailed because the robber or some other loser decided that it would be fun to take a leak in the now open car. I guess we should have praised the lord that he didn’t poop in it.
As a kid, I’d go to the library and realized that the concept was noble. A repository of knowledge free to all citizens who wished to pursue intellectual improvement. But, just like the public schools I attended, that’s not really how it worked in practice. Noticing the disparity between concept and reality is how one becomes an extremist, so be careful.
Noble concepts were lived by the great men of the past, like righteous combat. Much the same as a library, nobody upholds the standards anymore. The pitbull gets it, but he’s a dog. No dog is an army, that’s why the Romans deployed Rottweilers with legionaries and the Spanish paired their Alanos with conquistadors to instill some genuine terror in the natives. The security guard certainly didn’t deserve what happened to him, but still it’s sad that the dog only had a bum in his corner.
It used to be that even in a movie, the villain would want to triumph over the hero in fair fight, man to man. For instance, in Commando Bennet had a gun and could’ve finished Colonel Matrix off easily. However, an appeal was made to his masculinity:
Bennet, stop screwing around and let the girl go. It’s me that you want. I only have one arm, you can beat me. Come on Bennet, throw away that chickenshit gun. You don’t just want to pull the trigger. Put the knife in me, look me in the eye, see what’s going on in there when you turn it. That’s what you want, right? Let the girl go, just you and me. Don’t deprive yourself of some pleasure. Come on Bennet, let’s party.
I’d be surprised if a library in SF served any function other than a venue for drug addled miscreants. I doubt a sane person would venture in there without a sidearm, which probably isn’t allowed. The other thing to point out is that we just take it for granted that a library will have security guards. It’s a place of learning where everything is available for free, so that’s not a good sign from a civilizational standpoint. At this late stage, it would take somebody with the mentality of Bennet to go in there just for fun.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Ten years ago I lived in DC. Needed to print something out so I went to the library. Found a long row of computer workstations… all of which were occupied by sleeping homeless people. I stared, unable to move, transfixed by disgust and the very real sense that civilization’s expiration date was drawing near.