Yours truly continues to chew the fat with members of Identity Dixie’s rogues gallery of “extremist” writers and content creators. As of late, I’ve spent time chatting with our very own verbose firebrand, William Whitlow. Mr. Whitlow has a been a long-time contributor to our little corner of the internet and has made quite a few friends, as well as, enemies (from both the Far Left and Far Right). Come sit a spell and peruse our discussion below.
BSB: Mr. Whitlow, you’re no stranger to controversial articles published on Identity Dixie – including legal precedent, White Nationalism, “Yang Gang,” Alt-Right e-personalities, etc. Before we dive into some of those topics, tell us a little about yourself and how you discovered ID.
William Whitlow: I became aware of Identity Dixie during the run-up to the 2016 election. Some acquaintance of mine shared a meme, and then another. I dug the content, so I followed the Facebook page back when there were under 2,000 followers. The more I read, the more I liked. I had begun shifting toward Southern Nationalism and dissident politics generally (from libertarianism) after the Dylann Roof incident. Not because I liked that mongrel, but because I was aghast at the ghoulish suggestion that Nathan Bedford Forrest’s remains ought to be exhumed from their place of honor in Memphis. It was a wakeup call that my “you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone” libertarian mantra was a fiction – they’ll never leave us alone, not even when we’re dead.
BSB: Identity Dixie has gotten a lot of flak from Bowl Patrol weirdos, and other assorted trash, that venerate mass shooters, mostly for our stance against such maniacs. What do you think is wrong with these people – mentally ill or government agents? The supporters, not the criminals themselves.
William Whitlow: I think it’s an unfortunate side effect of being aware of just how messed up the world is. What I mean is that lots of these guys are aware of the problems we face and who the bad actors are. Hopelessness, rage, and apathy ensue. Those who drink that cocktail are easily influenced by infiltrators who gin up these disaffected young men into doing and saying incredibly stupid things. “Our enemies control everything, so who cares how the world perceives us. They’re going to hate us anyway, so let’s worship Dylann Roof and spin the friendship windmill.”
Well, that, but drop the vocabulary about four tiers and add a bunch of expletives.
BSB: I’ve always considered becoming a cartoon villain to be a very stupid strategy. Is there any way for the Far Right to escape that trap? Essentially, not becoming cartoon Nazis in the eyes of normies?
William Whitlow: It’s a windmill I have been tilting at since I got into this thing. Poll after poll demonstrates that the ideas of the third position, once tailored to the individual nation (as the original proponents insisted they must be), are incredibly popular – so long as you don’t associate those ideas with certain men and certain imagery. Mention of those men, or those symbols, causes support to crater. As I mentioned earlier, there’s a “damn the torpedoes” attitude among many of the guys in the Dissident Right. If someone wants to make those jokes or share those memes among the initiated, by all means. But it’s going to drive away anyone who might otherwise agree with us. It doesn’t take much to convince a rightwing Southerner that Lee, Jackson, and Stuart are worth our respect and admiration. European fascists from the 1930s? A bridge too far. At least, at the outset.
BSB: Well, that takes me to a pretty serious topic. What’s the problem, if any, with American White Nationalism? In my experience, it is led by grifting sociopaths and personal ruin.
William Whitlow: Their fundamental problem is that they are eternally stuck arguing from a leftist world view. Every other nationalist movement in White nations, from Dixie to Russia and everywhere in-between has actual grounding in something that is real. We share religion, language, culture, history, and ethnicity. For the White Nationalists, almost all of whom are Yankees, all they really have is language. They adopt someone else’s (usually Germany circa 1936) culture and history, and don’t believe in God (or are faux-pagan).
What about ethnicity? One might ask because they’re all White. Pan-Caucasianism is a monstrosity birthed by the communists. It had no serious proponents until it came time for the Civil Rights movement on this side of the Atlantic and the nascent European Union on the other. The commies had to make White people a monolith so that all could be equally tarred with the brush of racism and be persuaded to accept a pre-cursor to globalism – if all White people are the same, a concept which would have been foreign 75 years ago, then it’s a shorter bridge to saying one race, the human race. Before that, even in the U.S., people were Anglo, German, Scots-Irish, Swede, Irish, etc. After? Just White.
So no, they don’t have an ethnos in the sense Europe does or the South does. They take something the Left created and try to stand it on its head – yes, all Whites are the same and that’s a good thing, as opposed to the narrative we all know and loathe. Because they’re jammed in mud deeper and thicker than Virginia’s in springtime, they become an easy target for the grifters. Men who tell them that they’re winning or, at the very least, that they can win. Their heroes? They didn’t win on Whiteness. They won on Germanness, Spanishness, Italianness. That kind of nationalism is something they don’t have right now, though I really hope they rediscover it again. Provided they do it in a different country from me, because I know what American Nationalism looks like, and I don’t care for it.
BSB: I think that’s the final destination for a sober mind in the Dissident Right. It’s always why I find most “Southern” White Nationalists aren’t very Southern – they’re sort of superficially Southern but aren’t grounded in the culture; they’ll lash out at their own people rather than celebrate its uniqueness. Just a big “nothing burger.” For a young, or inexperienced, person that wanders into the Dissident Right, what guidance would you give them for staying sane and safe?
William Whitlow: You need an anchor. Nationalism is nice. Friends are good. Family is better. Jesus Christ is best. We live in the times that try men’s souls. It is very easy to become despondent and want to lash out at the people who do this to us. Time and again, Scripture teaches us that no matter how dark or dire the situation, the remnant is preserved. Christ is eternal, every other one of those things I mentioned above are fleeting. Our enemies are creatures of Satan, and no matter how many points ahead Satan might appear to be, he is doomed to fail and has been since before God made the universe. “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” Psalm 18:2
If you believe that, you can never be lost and never be defeated. Especially by something as petty and insignificant as Satan and his minions.
BSB: I’m not necessarily a big fan of labels, although I would call myself a Southern Nationalist. However, the ideology is somewhat different depending on who you ask. What is your political philosophy within Southern Nationalism?
William Whitlow: Tough question! I would consider myself something of a third positionist, at least as it regards Yankee capitalism and Marxism. I’m neither of those things. I am a theonomist when it comes to social issues – Scripture tells us how society ought to be ordered to minimize the sin which is within us all. Those issues matter more to me than how much coin I have to kick up to Caesar. It’s hard to get worked up about economics, at least within the confines of imperial politics. The Republicrats differ on about 3% taxation of a tax bracket that is way above mine, while both seek to destroy the middle-class with an importation of foreigners and an outsourcing of jobs. I’m prevaricating a bit, so if I had to assign a name to my politics, it’d be George Wallace. His ’62 inauguration speech is a masterclass in Southern politics, though the genius largely gets overlooked in favor of the segregation forevuh soundbite. So, what am I? Christian, hardline social conservative, economic moderate. Doesn’t fit any of the traditional boxes, so yeah, third position. But tailored to the South and her history. I don’t identify with the deceased European varieties.
BSB: As I’ve mentioned in another interview, I’m mostly pragmatic in my political outlook – what fits the genuine and historical culture of the people, doesn’t rob the man on the street, and doesn’t promote Drag Queen Story Hour.
On the Right, our detractors will call us “liberals,” usually from the modern and/or very recalcitrant libertarians. What are your thoughts on libertarianism?
William Whitlow: As an ex-libertarian, I have a dim view of libertarians, and that colors my take on the philosophy. Libertarianism as it presently exists is just a different means to the end of the growth of communism. While I generally believe that the best government governs least, modern day libertarians are rather disgusting. They very much support Drag Queen Story Hour, gay marriage, abortion, selling heroin to five-year-olds, open borders, and all the other farthest lefty positions out there. Libertinism is a better moniker.
They don’t understand that the limited government philosophy of the men who founded this country was only possible given who lived in this country and who had a say. Freedom can only exist in a paternalistic, aristocratic society. There are generally three classes of people who support libertarianism in today’s world, and none of them are paternalist or aristocrats. The first are degenerates who get told by the government that they can’t do whatever degenerate thing they want to do (pedos, drug addicts, etc.). Even in a limited government society, these things should be banned. Second are the scumbags who want to blame someone or something for why they failed at life. What better obstacle than government, since government will always be there. Lastly, there are the ideological stalwarts — I respect this type, but they are rare. Most have seen the light about the kind of company they were keeping and got the hell out. There’s a reason Ron Paul went back to the GOP, for all its faults, after a few years in the LP.
BSB: I’d like to circle back to some of the topics you’ve written about. You’ve mentioned Third Positionism, but you’ve also been against UBI (Universal Basic Income) and “Yang Gang.” Can you flesh that out for us?
William Whitlow: Universal Basic income actually finds its roots in libertarianism, oddly enough. Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek proposed cash subsidies as an alternative to government programs. Milton Friedman later fleshed out the idea, and his writings became the basis of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which is a watered-down form of UBI (not as large, and you get the shortfall between your earnings and the baseline after filing taxes, rather than a monthly stipend). The reasoning behind it is that programs are expensive and siphon off funds intended to help people in the form of maintenance and salaries. Taxpayer —> IRS —> HHS —> Housing assistance payment to a needy person. There’s a lot of waste between the payor and the payee. SNAP is proof that such waste cutting works. I don’t recall the exact figures, but something like 90 cents on the tax dollar paid into the system goes to feeding hungry Americans. Why? The money gets deposited directly into a debit account, rather than go through an agency. The libertarian thinkers also argued that receiving cash, instead of services, offers the recipient freedom to make choices – he might spend a little less on food and save up for a business.
I’m less sanguine about the choices people will make given freedom than these guys were. I see more Jordans, ATVs, and liquor purchases and then you still have the problem of feeding and housing these people. So, I’ll say my support of UBI is still there, but let’s use SNAP as a model. Each program gets a debit card. Should cut down on the useless bureaucrats. Yang’s proposal bothers me because the UBI payment is supplementary to all existing programs, rather than a replacement for bureaucracy. Without some kind of counter balancing reduction in spending and a commensurate increase in efficiency, such payments are an inflationary tool. The last two years have proven me right on what I was arguing back in 2019 on this score. COVID has led to Congress passing enhanced child tax credits, higher unemployment payments, and the three stimulus payments. This led to a boom in consumer spending, which was followed by a boom in consumer price index. Yang has also argued for a social credit score, akin to the one the Chicoms use. Inflation coupled with social credit is disastrous for people like us and the people who read this blog. Suffice it to say, we’re bad boys, according to the blue haired mavens who would be running the program. No yangbux for us. Might not seem like a big deal now, but when you’ve got spiraling inflation, those yangbux are the difference between eating and starving. The government could then enact all kinds of “voluntary” submissions. You want your yangbux? Give up your guns. Etc.
BSB: That’s a thorough review of the issue. My critique isn’t really dollars and cents, it’s more the social and spiritual degradation of not working and living off subsidies. All of this is theory until you’ve seen a broken man without a job or prospects of a job.
But let’s pivot to COVID. There are some on the Dissident Right, albeit folks we would never associate with today, that agree with the Left on lockdowns, masks, etc. What’s your take on the whole COVID hysteria?
William Whitlow: The federal government owns a lot of land that the Constitution says it can’t. In a Free Dixie, I’d much prefer to distribute that land to such broken men. Yeoman farmers might not be rich, but they have spirit. I suppose my last answer is framed within the context of imperial politics, rather than a more perfect world without the Empire. I do agree with you that permanent welfare breaks a man.
But on to COVID. The non-Whitlow answer (i.e., a short one): fake and gay. The Whitlow answer: I won’t go full conspiracy theorist here, but it was never as bad as advertised. It’s a giant scam that was designed to get rid of Trump with a combination of bad economy, accusations of mishandling the “pandemic”, and fraudulent mail-in votes. I’ve had the coof, and while it’s as sick as I’ve ever been (102 fever for ten days, with a bad cough), it was never life threatening – because I didn’t go to the hospital. My limited conspiracy theory is that I think the ventilators are killing people. I came to this conclusion based on all of these high profile anti-COVID radio and political personalities (I think we’re up to seven now) dying of COVID. Seems a bit convenient for the narrative. They all got sick, they all went to the hospital, they all got put on a ventilator, they all died. I don’t really believe in coincidences.
One can point to any number of factors that warrant skepticism. I think the death counts were greatly inflated by way of attributing a person’s death to COVID if he/she were infected at the time some other death causing incident occurred. Stage 4 cancer and coof? COVID death. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) and coof? COVID death. George Floyd was the only person in America who died in 2020-21 while having COVID whose death wasn’t attributed to COVID. And the vaccines? Oof. FDA rules require that in order for a treatment to be made available on an emergency basis, which all these shots are until at least 2023, there can be no viable alternative treatment. The handout to Big Pharma is why the government is killing people with ventilators and denying that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are effective treatments. Gotta make this thing as scary as possible with no other hope so that people line up to take the jab.
There’s a concept from game theory (if you remember Heartiste from ten years ago before he became political) of the shit test. The thinking goes that women will do shitty things in order to see what men will tolerate. Men who do not tolerate the shit are high value, and the woman will then behave. Men who put up with the shit are low value, and the woman will spiral into shittier and shittier behavior in search of a correction. COVID was a massive shit test for the American public, and the American public failed. Thus, the government has gotten more restrictive and more ridiculous in its demands. We’re to the point now where people who don’t want the jab could be fired from their places of employment and banned from grocery stores. The government won’t give up this newfound power. Secession is the only way out.
BSB: Indeed, extremely fake and gay, Whitlow. I also got the China virus and it was nothing compared to a sinister cold I picked up from one of my kids. At this point, I don’t really believe anything that comes from the federal gubmint, including the COVID panic. I touched on this when interviewing the Irishman, but what are your thoughts on secession? Is it possible and what are the necessary conditions for it?
William Whitlow: It’s a lot simpler than one might think. For secession to occur, the centripetal force needs to be exceeded by the forces desiring dissolution. The glue has to lose its stick, to put it more colloquially. If you’ll recall, I wrote several pieces praising Trump for the impetus he provided for dissolution. MAGA is a fiction. The Empire is too far gone, even if Trump had been a serious person, rather than a clown who delegated his authority to his leftwing son-in-law. But what he did do is highlight – to both sides – that we aren’t the same and probably never can be. Trump supporters think Democrats are insane, Democrats think Trump supporters are insane. CNN (caveat emptor) did a poll awhile back that showed 52% of Trumpers supporting secession and 41% of Biden voters supporting the same. I’d hazard a guess that the 52% skews toward Dixieland. I’ve had people who used to think I was crazy for promoting secession quietly admit I was right all along. What I don’t want is a repeat of 1861, and I think the poll (if accurate) is indicative that the other side doesn’t want that either. I don’t think there’s a will for warfare. I’d prefer a velvet divorce a la Czechoslovakia in ’89. I certainly don’t support involuntary population transfers or other forms of…erm…physical removal. But I would support voluntary population transfers for people who wouldn’t want to live in an independent South. Yankee, go home. I would not be willing to accept refugees from the Northern states who vote Republican. They aren’t our people and never will be. If the Midwest Trump states want to take them, so be it. But, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and all that.
BSB: A Free South is the dream, and hopefully a peaceful one. One of your latest articles was about the Virginia gubernatorial election. How do you think Youngkin is going to govern? I’m not holding my breath.
William Whitlow: He’s a venture capitalist stooge. A Republican of the old order, rather than the new quasi-populist order. As I said in the piece, I think Youngkin being allowed to win, rather than be another victim of Democratic fraud, is a symptom of their concern that they pushed the envelope too far in 2020. Too many people don’t have faith in elections anymore, so they have to throw some Republican wins. They don’t want someone who will actually rock the boat, but they don’t want conservative minded people to think there’s no way left but out. Coonman added to Youngkin’s “credibility” by demolishing the pedestal in Lee Circle and giving the land to the city of Richmond. Indicating a “fear” that Youngkin would put Lee back in his place of honor, despite the fact that Youngkin has repeatedly said he supports tearing down Confederate statues. Youngkin winning has the added bonus of giving the communists and establishment Republicans a talking point: Trump lost Virginia twice (by questionable means), look what happens when you go back to Mitt Romneyesque Republicans. Never mind that Romney and McCain also lost Virginia, because voters have the memory of a goldfish. Youngkin will have to deliver on his promises with regards to education, but if you still have your kids going to public school…you’re beyond hope as it is.
BSB: Youngkin is clearly no Harry Byrd or Wallace. Speaking of the older Southern statesmen, who are some of the South’s historical leaders that you admire, politically not militarily?
William Whitlow: Harry Byrd, Wallace, Strom Thurmond, Huey Long. All men who knew what it was to be Southern and led as Southern men. All the “bad guys” I was told as a kid not to like. I recall meeting Strom many years ago when I was a boy and getting his autograph. My mother destroyed it for the expected reason. If you go back and read his opposition to the Civil Rights bill of ’64, everything he predicted came true. It allows a government agency, not the voters, not Congress, not the President, to dictate what discrimination is. It allows that agency to convict a man without a trial. And it allows that agency to expand or detract the classes of individuals to whom the bill applies at a whim. A gaffe is defined as when a politician accidentally tells the truth. Trent Lott’s gaffe was dead on right: we wouldn’t have had all these problems if the rest of the country had voted for Strom in ’48 like Mississippi did.
BSB: Just a few more questions and we’ll wrap this up. Throw you a couple of softballs. What is something, or several things, you love about the South?
William Whitlow: I love the perseverance of the South and her people. For all the Yankees and other outsiders have put us through for the past 160 years, we are still here, and we are still Southern. Invade us, rob us blind, force us to integrate, tell us we can’t worship our God in public, tear down our statues, and still we remain. Bless their black hearts. To borrow from Wallace, we truly are the greatest people who ever trod the earth. We bend our knee only in church and bow our heads only to God.
BSB: To our detractors, of whom we have very many, what would you like to tell them? As you know, they review this humble blog vigorously.
William Whitlow:
109 Hold not thy peace, O God of my praise;
2 For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful are opened against me: they have spoken against me with a lying tongue.
3 They compassed me about also with words of hatred; and fought against me without a cause.
4 For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.
5 And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
6 Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand.
7 When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.
8 Let his days be few; and let another take his office.
9 Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.
11 Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labour.
12 Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.
13 Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.
14 Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out.
15 Let them be before the Lord continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.
16 Because that he remembered not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart.
17 As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.
18 As he clothed himself with cursing like as with his garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones.
19 Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually.
20 Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the Lord, and of them that speak evil against my soul.
21 But do thou for me, O God the Lord, for thy name’s sake: because thy mercy is good, deliver thou me.
22 For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.
23 I am gone like the shadow when it declineth: I am tossed up and down as the locust.
24 My knees are weak through fasting; and my flesh faileth of fatness.
25 I became also a reproach unto them: when they looked upon me they shaked their heads.
26 Help me, O Lord my God: O save me according to thy mercy:
27 That they may know that this is thy hand; that thou, Lord, hast done it.
BSB: Hopefully, they’re able to read and understand that. I have my doubts, but the Word is like holy water to these vampires. Anyway, what would you like to tell our fans and supporters, especially those that may be blackpilled by the State of the South?
William Whitlow: The enemy gets Scripture, so shall the Brothers:
8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
9 Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;
10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.
11 For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.
12 So then death worketh in us, but life in you.
13 We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
14 Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.
15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
God will see us through this. The South is the last Christian nation on Earth. The remnant shall not perish. This I believe with every fiber of my being, as surely as the South shall rise again. Deo Vindice.
William Whitlow is a regular contributor to Identity Dixie. His articles can be found here.

Universally hated by feminists, wine-moms, Yankees, hipsters, and weirdos. Last known whereabouts: the Tidewater. Dissident support here: Rick Dirtwater is The Boat Shoe Beat (
Amen and Amen!!!
What a crescendo!
The flu apocalypse hoax was not engineered to get rid of Trump, that was just a bonus. Similar to the war on terror it is part of a social transformation agenda. Paired with the climate hoax they want to achieve the great reset aka a global communist police state.
I agree, but I did say I was trying to limit my conspiracy theory 😉