The Boat Shoe Beat: Padraig Martin – Butter and Whiskey

I recently had the privilege to sit down, with several libations, and chat with our very own Padraig Martin. Over the course of many drinks, we discussed the South, his upbringing, Florida Man, secession, and various forms of Nationalism. Unfortunately, due to my Anglo sensibilities and decorum, I did not inquire if the Irish are considered “White.” Perhaps, I’ll save that loaded question for another round of drinks and one more viewing of Patriot Games.

BSB: Padraig Martin, welcome to the Boat Shoe Beat. You’re one of the more prolific writers at Identity Dixie. Could you tell us a little about yourself and how you stumbled upon our corner of the internet?

Padraig Martin: Sure. Short answer is that it was entirely by accident, but anyone who reads my articles knows that I do not do short answers. *Laughing* To begin, I am not a Southerner. Yes, I was raised for a long period of time in the South, and I have some Southern ancestors, but I was raised in an Irish household, and I went to high school in New York City. Thus, it seems odd that I would find myself a contributor to a Southern Nationalist publication. I was always conservative, but generally from the Civic Nationalist side of things. As a boy, I beat up an Argentine who disagreed with Reagan’s bombing of Libya. I was also racially aware, especially in New York City, where predatory blacks frequently targeted White kids, but I did not consider myself a racist.

However, as the country rapidly disintegrated after the election of Obama, especially with the extreme violence and rioting in the aftermath of the justifiable shooting of Michael Brown, I found myself realizing that leftists finally pulled the pin on that which can only be described as a race war. After the Dylann Roof shooting, the immediate reaction of the Left and feckless so-called conservatives was to target Southern iconography, beginning with the CSA Battle Flag. That got my blood up. My wife is Southern. My children are Southern. They have a right to preserving their heritage. While getting onto social media platforms and engaging in useless arguments, I began seeking out organizations to join and rhetorically fight back.

Thankfully, the SPLC posted “Hate Watch” – a wonderful tool for finding the right organization. I joined the League of the South, thanks to the SPLC while continuing to write my own blog pieces. One of those pieces caught the attention of Silas Reynolds. After it was published, I continued to contribute to Identity Dixie. I eventually left the League of the South over strategic differences (I still like many of the senior officers, especially Dr. Hill and Michael Tubbs), but I felt that LS was employing the wrong strategy to achieve its objective of a Free Dixie. ID’s strategy is, in my opinion, the better one and I have remained committed to that strategy ever since.

BSB: Ah, I remember the late Mr. Reynolds, a good writer that one was. As for the League, I think its early incarnation was effective, but disagree with its current direction. Do you think that a Southern Nationalist organization can effectively engage in peaceful street activism? If not, what is the alternative?

Padraig Martin: I think they can, and they have. The Flaggers are a good example of a group that engages in some level of street activism, albeit in a very controlled way. But I think Charlottesville was the beginning of an obvious strategy that has been employed by the government. Anyone who does not know by now that the antifa are directly employed by the U.S. government with big corporate support, is a fool. They are as communist as Coke and Nike will let them be, but I digress. A pattern has emerged: police departments and federal agencies learn of a rightwing street display, they call the antifa, they allow and encourage the antifa to attack the rightwing group, then they arrest the rightwingers for defending themselves. It happens over and over and over. It does not help the cause. Southern Nationalists need to stay laser focused on changing the “America First” zeitgeist of Southerners and bringing them around to a “Dixie First” mentality. Dr. Hill has a prominent voice. He is articulate and intelligent. He should have the number one podcast in the South, explaining to Southerners in a measured way why it is important to secede.

That would do more good than punching blue haired federal agents in the face.

BSB: So, you suspect antifa are actually employed by the State? I’ve always considered them de facto agents of the State rather than de jure.

Padraig Martin: I think it is a combination. Some are clearly federal agents. I personally know one federal defense contractor who is highly engaged in the Rose City Antifa. He and I briefly worked together on a project before he told me he was headed to Portland for a new contract. I am sure he is not alone. That stated, you are correct, the vast majority are de facto federal agents by virtue of their actions on behalf of big corporations and the federal government.

BSB: I agree, and I would not be surprised in the slightest if antifa was also being infiltrated by Uncle Sam just as much as the Right, while also working in tandem with them. As for “America First” – do you see that as diametrically opposed to Southern Nationalism? Or can someone be in both camps?

Padraig Martin: America First, while a nice thought and one with which I would have wholeheartedly embraced in 2013, stands in opposition to my Southern Nationalist beliefs. The United States is dead. The country is not coming back. The debt is uncontrollable. The economy is propped up by cheap money. We manufacture almost nothing. Our military is led by weak politicians in uniform who have made heterosexual White Christian men a hated janissary class. Crime is encouraged at the local level by woke district attorneys. The education system is more concerned with teaching children that White kids are bad, and transgenderism is good versus the fundamentals of math. Pedophilia is on the verge of becoming legalized. The United States has been thoroughly ripped apart by an apathetic technocratic class and elected sociopaths. I want the South to escape this hell hole – and as someone who has worked in 78 countries, I have seen countries that were hell holes. I am Dixie First. Get out before the whole thing implodes.

America First is trying to reanimate the dead.

BSB: I’ve always preferred the other regions of the country to adopt their own form of Nationalism over Civic or generic White Nationalism, something more genuine and authentic. Do you think it’s even possible to cultivate regional Nationalism outside of Dixie?

Padraig Martin: I do not. There may be some of the territories turned states that might be able to embrace a Nationalist concept – such as Alaska and certainly Hawaii. But the other regions differ greatly from the South in a key way: the South was largely, genetically, economically, culturally, and linguistically isolated after the War of Northern Aggression. The North won its war, imposed a brutal Reconstruction period, and then largely ignored the South until the advent of television and activist journalism brought Jim Crow into Yankee living rooms. Otherwise, for the better part of one hundred years, the South was the forgotten child of the United States. As such, while “Americana” was being defined by Yankee and Midwestern myths, such as the Pilgrim Thanksgiving, Johnny Appleseed, or Paul Bunyan, the South was left to cultivate its own regional sense of self. Thus, Southerners – even those who would not consider themselves Southern Nationalists – see themselves and their culture as different from those in the rest of the country. I would add, the Northeast, which is dominated today by various Catholic Ethnics (Irish, Italian, Portuguese, etc.) and Jews, are far too tribal at a granular level to consider the creation of a separate regional state.

BSB: I agree, and I think most of the regional cultures have been absorbed by the American Empire’s dominant monoculture (the current decadent version). Speaking of American culture, and this is something the younger guys may not understand, how drastically different was the America (Florida and even New York) of your youth compared to today?

Padraig Martin: Oh wow, a world of difference. When I was growing up in Ocala, my grandmother used to drive around saying, “The country is getting browner, not blacker.” And she was absolutely right. Her other complaint was that she despised Snowbirds – elderly Yankees who wintered in Florida. She considered them locusts (her term). Back then, Ocala was very much a backwater town with a couple of nearby attractions. Meanwhile, the highways and explosive growth of Orlando had not yet hit. Outside of Disney and Sea World, Orlando was pretty quiet. Most of Northern and Central Florida was rural, with small roads and a lot of CSA Battle Flags. Today, Orlando is unrecognizable. The monstrosity that is Interstate 4 is a mess. There are a lot more Northern transplants, especially in Orlando and the Miami metro region. You can still find small towns, but they seem to have been abandoned, as rural Florida continues to get eaten up by major developers. It is sad.

As for New York City, I was thirteen when I went from Ocala to NYC. It was a culture shock – and extremely different from Ocala in 1986 or the New York of 2021. NYC was extremely tribal at that time, with little neighborhoods comprised primarily of Catholic Ethnics. Italians, and especially the Italian Mafia, ran the city. The Irish had their neighborhoods into which even Irish kids, who were not from those streets, did not dare to enter. The Germans had small communities that were shrinking at the time. Anglo-Saxons were almost unheard of in Queens. The Soviet Union was collapsing and that led to a number of Russian and Soviet immigrants, which came with Russian Organized Crime.

The New York of the 1980s had black enclaves, such as Harlem and Jamaica, that were crime ridden and filthy, but for the most part, the blacks stayed within their own areas. Puerto Ricans were similar. Thus, in New York, which eventually hit a record murder an hour in 1991, the crime was largely constrained to areas that were not dominated by the Catholic Ethnics. Wanton robbery, rape, and murder were all black and Puerto Rican problems. On occasion, a Wall Street banker might get mugged on a subway. But NO ONE was going into Gambino, Lucchese, Columbo, Bananno, or Genovese Family controlled neighborhoods and committing crimes. Every kid new someone who was connected. Despite being in the heart of America’s biggest city, it very much had a small town feel. You did not travel out of your neighborhood very often. If you saw someone’s mother walking with groceries, you would race over to carry them up to her apartment. Holding open a door for each other was an important sign of respect. Everyone watched out for the neighborhood girls to ensure undesirables were not following them home from school.

One memorable incident was of a black guy following two girls in Catholic school uniforms off the bus at about ten feet behind them. He was in his 20s. One of the girls was a sister of an up-and-coming connected guy, but he was not around. When the girls entered the building, the black guy ran toward them, as if he lived in the same building and just wanted to get inside. We all knew better. When the cops found the guy – he was quite… looking for the right word… “disheveled.” It turned out he was the lead suspect in a series of predatory rapes in White neighborhoods. You could not do those things today.

At dusk, the Italian and Irish mothers would yell at the top of their lungs from their windows to come and eat. You could hear the windows open, almost in unison, before mothers’ heads popped out: “Tony time for dinner…” “Mickey, Patrick, Danny, come and eat…” It also was not uncommon to have a mother, with curlers in her hair and in her nightgown, come down with a wooden spoon and beat her son in front of the one hundred teenagers hanging out because of something stupid he did. No one called the cops. We had police in uniform who would occasionally patrol the streets.

We knew their names, threw snowballs at their squad cars, and they would never bring us to jail – they would bring you to your parents, which was worse, because that meant a belt. Today, none of that world really exists anymore.

BSB: I’m younger than you but the world of my youth, and even early 20s, is very much different today than that time period. Virginia has changed drastically and much of it is unrecognizable compared to the late 1980s and 1990s. Today, it’s almost rare to find a native accent, particularly in the cities and urban areas. How is Florida’s native culture wrestling with modernity?

Padraig Martin: Great question. Floridians were the first hit by mass Northern migration, so we had to do things differently than other Southern states that are more recently being invaded. There are really three “Floridas”: everything south of I-4, which is dominated by Northerners and Cubans; everything north of I-4 and east of Tallahassee is still very Southern; the Panhandle, which is also very Southern – but as a Dixie vacation destination. Native Crackas (only Floridians deserve the title) and long term, legacy Floridians have become far more conservative, and they have a unique way of blocking out recent transplants. You will see “FloGrown” stickers on cars (i.e., born in Florida), Florida flags, Florida restaurants that serve Florida foods… it is refreshingly nationalistic. I have personally witnessed on more than one occasion in my area (outside of Jacksonville) whereby native Floridians have yelled at mask-wearing visitors or transplants to “Go back to Yankeeland!

There is a sense of pride in Florida, especially due to our actions during the COVID outbreak, that has really bonded legacy Floridians. We are proud our governor did not shut down the economy. We are proud of our production and freedoms. We are proud of our history. Those who do not appreciate it are shunned.

BSB: Florida peacefully “rebelling” against the COVID lockdowns has been a major white pill. It also helps create that state-level nationalism and pride. What are your thoughts on Governor DeSantis?

Padraig Martin: Governor DeSantis has been a pretty great governor. Sure, he did the usual Israel trip to placate both Jewish voters in Southeast Florida (who will never vote for him) and the Establishment Christian-Zionist wing (which will only vote for him if he shows fealty to Israel). But his policies have been outstanding. He has run a balanced budget, built a budget surplus war chest, refused to increase unemployment subsidies during COVID, passed a series of laws that effectively crushes antifa activity in Florida, ordered the prosecution of radical antifa members from Jacksonville to Miami, exited federally managed OSHA, and has now begun rebuilding a state guard to add to Florida’s independence – all without a state income tax. The state has a Triple A credit rating, one of only three in the country (Georgia and Indiana) and the lowest unemployment rate. We are a net federal tax payor, meaning that we give more to the U.S. government than we receive, so DeSantis is offsetting that with creative budgetary and tax methods to further reduce our exposure to federal overreach. Finally, with 21 functional ports, we have begun receiving cargo ships in Miami because of dysfunctional West Coast ports – largely due to DeSantis who took additional steps to allay the surcharges at the ports. Cargo is clearing an average of three days in Miami vs 213 days in Long Beach (Los Angeles). His policies on schools, especially ensuring that there are no child masks or vaccine mandates, is the best in the country. Finally, he is the first governor in the South to protect Confederate monuments in the modern era with the passage of a bill that protects monuments. It was, unfortunately, too late to save many of them, but we finally have it in place. Anyone who damages a monument will be charged with a felony. He is – in my opinion – the best governor in the country.

BSB: Of all the Southern states, I believe only Texas and Florida have a ghost of a chance at genuine independence. I wish more of the Southern states understood the necessity for independence from the American Empire. However unlikely, what are the odds Florida could secede and become her own republic?

Padraig Martin: It really is a shame, but I think balkanization is becoming far more popular. I saw a poll in which 65% of Southern conservatives favor secession. That gives me hope. I give Florida about a 20% chance. If the Feds were to do something egregious, I think it would greatly increase that number. The biggest problems for Florida are (A) Pro-American Cubans and (B) Pro-American Republicans from the North. Native Floridians can probably be brought on board fairly quickly. But many of the Yankee transplants are the victims of years of official “Lincoln” – “Union Good” narratives. They will likely be concerned with a decoupling. Meanwhile, the Cubans are deeply wedded to the United States because of their experience with Communist Cuba. In this regard, I believe the Texas Nationalists dealing with their Tejano population have an advantage. Cubans view themselves as Americans; Tejanos view themselves as Texans. That stated, as the federal government continues to aggressively pass policies that look more and more Marxist, Cubans will likely shift quickly. I already know Cubans who are advising their children not to join the U.S. military because it is anti-White. That is encouraging. Consequently, I am counting on the U.S. Technocratic Class to do something outrageous that forces Floridians to make a decision about their future – remain in a dying union or cut out on our own.

BSB: My prediction that would cause the “Great Fracturing” would be the Left successfully (and through codification) eliminating the First Amendment with hate speech provisions, as well as, reducing the Second Amendment to something mirroring Great Britain. Once that happens, the states will have to secede (at least in theory). What are your thoughts?

Padraig Martin: I somewhat agree with you, but I do not think it will be a hate speech restriction. Normiecons have been programmed to reject hate speech and, as you and I both know, some of the most virulent enemies of the Dissident Right derive from the “anti-racist” Right. Rather, I think it will be a major restriction on faith – something to the effect of a requirement to marry homosexuals and loss of tax privileges for unapproved religious sermons. I believe that is coming with the next Democratic Congress. I also believe they will limit the 2nd Amendment, again with Republican support. It is important to remember that grifters like Florida Senator Rick Scott and Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw supported red flag laws which violate the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments. It will have to be something big, like outlawing semi-automatic weapons.

But it will come and that will be the point at which local governments will have to choose between maintaining their power locally or submitting to the federal government. One thing I would add: I believe it would be wise for the Gulf States to coordinate resources and training among their various State Guards – ostensibly for the sake of training for a natural disaster. That could be expanded to coastal Southern states, like Georgia and South Carolina. I think Virginia might be amenable to such a program with the right government. North Carolina is a bit hit or miss with its Democrat governor. But such coordination would be great prep for possible future secession.

BSB: I know many normiecons could care less about our current hate speech regulations (through corporate censorship), but I think clearly re-writing the First could be the catalyst, paired with a run on the Second. To move on from the South and focus on something near and dear to you – Ireland. Your Irish identity is very important to you. What is the state of Ireland for those not aware?

Padraig Martin: Regarding Ireland, it really is my heart. My mother was born there. My Irish grandparents met in the United States and my grandfather (from Cork) joined the American Army. While he went off to fight in Europe, my grandmother went back to have her baby (my mother) with her family in Galway. That decision is why I have Irish citizenship. When my grandparents returned and eventually settled in Florida, I was raised by my Irish grandmother (my grandfather died before I was born). Almost all of my extended family lives in Ireland. Prior to COVID, I traveled to Ireland about 3-4 times a year. Three of my daughters were baptized in Ireland. It really is very special to me. Being Irish is crucial to my identity.

Unfortunately, Ireland is being destroyed. Ireland is complicated. In my opinion, Irish elites are desperate for two things: Euros and mainland European respect. Ireland was extremely poor until the Celtic Tiger boom beginning in the 1990s. But it still took a long time to crawl out of extreme poverty. The economy became tied to the EU and Euro infusions for development. The result was that Ireland gave up enormous concessions to placate Brussels. When the 2009 financial collapse occurred, Dublin really became dependent on monetary support from the EU, leading to even more devastating policy concessions. Many of those concessions included an embrace of demographic replacement of the ethnic Irish. Today, Dublin is unrecognizable. With a steady stream of Muslim, Brazilian, and African migrants, new leftist policies that are not supported by the rest of the country are introduced – destroying the very fabric of Irish identity. Meanwhile, Irish politicians seem to immediately embrace any and every crackpot policy concept coming out of Far Left European academia.

The majority of Ireland is treated much like America’s red states, where the people are more conservative. But since Ireland is a unitary political state, Dublin dominates decision making. It’s bad. By 2040, Ireland is expected to be 25 – 30% non-ethnic Irish. Worse for the Irish is that Catholicism, which was always a unifying glue for the Irish in times of trouble, has taken a bad hit. A series of scandals have undermined the Church’s moral authority when the Irish need it most. This has led to a disintegration of moral integrity, which in turn has led to a variety of laws from homosexual marriage to abortion – policies unheard of in conservative Catholic Ireland only twenty years ago.

Finally, Irish identity, which was always critical to the Irish people, has lost its variety of champions, who are desperate for elite Continental European acceptance. No one seems willing to step up and fight for preserving Irish identity and Nationalism. The National Party seems to be doing some good stuff, but they are still small. In total, the Irish are more screwed than us.

BSB: It sounds like their managerial class is rather stupid and suicidal, but I’m not at all surprised. Like the United States, does Ireland have their own anonymous “Dissident Right” movement trying to save the Irish? I know there are effective Nationalists in Continental Europe, it sounds like they have not manifested themselves on The Emerald Isle.

Padraig Martin: No doubt, Ireland is led by cultural suicidal maniacs. Then again, the Irish have been conditioned by a steady diet of leftist drivel produced by RTE (the national television station). Many in Ireland equate sophisticated viewpoints with Far Left opinions originating from the mainland continent. That is how the right-of-center Irish political party, Fine Gael – which once had its origins in fascism with the Blue Shirts – elected an openly homosexual Prime Minister whose parents hailed from India. Mind you, this is a country in which divorce was illegal until 1997 and abortion only just became legal a few years ago. Suddenly, a country that fought for more than 700 years to preserve an Irish identity, surrendered itself to a foreign sodomite.

As for an Irish Dissident Right, they exist and they are building. I am in contact with quite a few. The issue with Irish Nationalism is that, for the longest time, it had a symbiotic relationship with various violent struggles – whether those were the War of Independence beginning in 1918 or the Troubles of the 1960s – 90s, and minor manifestations in between. Thus, Irish Nationalism is often equated to a motivating factor for groups like the Irish Republican Army. It gets more complicated when a political movement originally predicated on Irish Nationalism, Sinn Fein – literally meaning “Ourselves Alone” – used the mantle of Irish Nationalism to win political power in Ireland in the last election, only to be the most ardent globalists and supporters of globohomo. In some ways, that was foreseeable. Sinn Fein, and by extension, the IRA (Provisionals), of the 1960s were not the same organization as the Sinn Fein and IRA (Originals) of the early turn of the 20th Century. The latter were a hard-core group of Nationalists with strong racial and religious foundations; the former group that emerged in the 1960s were communists. Modern communism is largely a globalist movement that is wedded to immoral deviant concepts straight out of the Frankfurt School, the demographic replacement of Whites by more compliant brown skinned peoples, and, economically, a corporate consumerism ideology.

Regardless, for those Irish citizens looking for a champion to stand up for them and push back against the ever-encroaching, globalist leviathan, Sinn Fein was clearly not the answer. They are agents of Nike, McDonalds, and Pfizer – just like every other so-called Marxist around the world, from Atlanta antifa to the Greek KKE. There is a political party in its relative infancy – An Pairti Naisiunta (The National Party). They are good and slowly building credibility, but it will take time. The good thing about Ireland is that Irish identity is not entirely bred out of them and they have a very large, world diaspora willing to support any movement to preserve Ireland.

BSB: Is it possible for genuine Nationalists to support each other from “across the pond”? The various American Nationalist groups are usually at each other’s throat. Do you think there could be some outreach and good will between Southern Nationalists and Irish (or other European) Nationalists?

Padraig Martin: That is a hard question to answer because it is not a relationship of equals. European Dissident Nationalism – as a movement – is light-years ahead of American Dissident Nationalism for a number of reasons. We – Americans – are in our Dissident infancy, in large part, because the general policy of America’s ruling class, until about ten years ago, was one in which American identity was deeply ingrained into the citizenry. It was critical since the foundation of the U.S. that “American” transcended every other differentiation. One was encouraged to be an individual, but an American individual. Now that the United States has abandoned this concept and practice, preferring to compartmentalize and instigate racial and ethnic animosities, we are now operating in a new paradigm. Suddenly, Whites have no choice but to tribalize. Europeans, because of their close geographic proximity and centuries of warfare have always been tribal. They had no choice. Plus, Europe was ground zero for the primary competing ideologies of the past two millennia. Whether it was Christianity or Paganism, Catholicism or Protestantism, Monarchism or Republicanism, Socialism or Capitalism… European ideals have struggled between passionate factions for centuries. Thus, Europeans are highly experienced at tribal factionalism.

The United States was remarkably stable and played within the two-party lines from its inception, with the exception of a couple of revolutions – one, the so-called Civil War – and the other was the cultural revolution of the 1960s. In both cases, the U.S. ruling class recaptured the narrative and put the boundaries back in place, within which the Americans fell back in line. Ten years ago, the U.S. government, ruling elites, and the technocratic class abandoned that strategy. The concept of creating racial, ethnic, and class conflict manufactured from the top down is all rather new to us. Ultimately, I believe we – American Dissidents – can learn a lot from European Dissidents than they can learn from us.

All that said, I think Southern Nationalism has been the most enduring of all the Dissident concepts, which is likely the reason that it is a priority of the U.S. government to destroy it. Being Southern is an ethnicity and even if the American ruling class tries to deny that, their actions speak louder than words. There is a reason that they are targeting Southern identity so vehemently at a time when they are simultaneously going to war against White Christians more broadly. The South is a natural fifth column in the United States. As Washington continues to do everything to kill American identity and White Christians, a foreign power antagonistic to the U.S. ruling class, with ideological sympathies to the South, can very easily instigate revolution inside the American Empire. Again, this has happened in Europe in the past. Whether it was Germany instigating Irish revolutionary sentiment or the Soviets inspiring communist sympathies amongst ethnic minorities throughout Europe, Europeans know how to build successful bridges to allies. We should learn from them. The ruling class is right to fear the South. Southern Nationalists should look to European Dissidents for guidance as the world gets more complex and the likelihood of war increases daily. It will be important for our survival after the United States collapses.

BSB: What are your thoughts on American White Nationalism? Is it the same as Southern Nationalism or a distinction without a difference?

Padraig Martin: I am a Southern Nationalist first and a White Nationalist second. I view them as distinct. White Nationalism is broadly racial; Southern Nationalism is ethnically specific. In my opinion, broad based White Nationalism cannot work because tribal distinctions are ingrained within us. I root for all White peoples to succeed and preserve their heritage, culture, and racial/ethnic integrity – be they English, French, German, Irish, Norwegian, etc. Thus, in that regard, I am a White Nationalist. But I think broad based attempts at nationalism are designed to fail.

BSB: That’s largely my view on it, too. I hope other Whites success, but my focus is on my people. Since we’ve covered a lot of ground, I only have one more question. What do you love the most about the South and what’s your prediction for her future?

Padraig Martin: For me, it is the people of the South. There is a beauty about the culture and demeanor that I think many Southerners sometimes miss because it is right in front of them. I know most Yankees certainly do not see it. But myself, not being a born Southerner, I have the privilege of stepping back and watching and loving the Southern people. It is the dignity of hard work. It is their dogged determination. It is the passive surrender to fate (“it is what it is”) combined with a willingness to fight for a cause. A challenge to one’s honor can solicit fists from someone high or low born. It is Southern culture’s beautiful simplicity coupled with a far more complex historical narrative. It is Dixie’s love for tradition and memory. It is the Southern girl’s commitment to physical beauty and coy charm. It is the Southern boy’s curiosity. It is their humor – whether around a fire pit or a supper table. Southerners are a godly people, genetically my kin, who endure, persevere, create, laugh, and remember. They are the last vestige of an America that once loved itself. For all these reasons, I have fallen in love with the Southern people, especially my Southern wife. Consequently, I dedicated my life to Dixie and I will do so till the day I die.

Padraig Martin is a regular contributor to Identity Dixie. His articles can be found here.


  1. Being that y’all mentioned secession, I don’t believe it’s possible. However, I do believe forming our own towns, colonies if you will, is a great idea.

    1. Having our own colonies (in our own homeland) sounds quite good compared to submitting to diversity. If we could count on commies leaving us alone I would probably be all in. But how would we avoid being visited by the National Guard to relieve us of our homes? I suspect Orania will meet a similar fate soon enough.

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