Woman, Thou Art Loosed!

Sometimes, you show up to work with a certain expectation of how the day is going to unfold and then an irate black woman with a pickaxe comes through the front door with another. The hapless employees of an LA Rite Aid were treated to this experience last week, as the woman angrily explained that she didn’t “want to smell like shit when I’m knocking these bitches out.” “Don’t say shit, shut the fuck up. Be quiet and follow suit,” she ordered. They dutifully complied and she walked out with her stolen merchandise after warning she’d be back.

Nothing going on matches the official narratives for what’s going on. In fact, the contrasts confirm that these narratives are hysterical and schizophrenic. This makes it easy to come up with alternative hypotheses about a malevolent agenda that sound far more plausible by comparison. So, that’s what I’ll do today.

Years ago, I worked for a company with an obese black secretary who’d listen to Bishop TD Jakes. I’m not sure what his deal is, but I walked past one day and heard him saying “woman thou art loosed!” I don’t know what he was referring to either, but for some reason, that’s exactly what sprung to my mind when I saw the clip above.

If you tell women they’re empowered, they’re going to be doing a lot of things that they shouldn’t be doing, which is how we get our protagonist with the pickaxe. She’s been told for years that she’s a proud black woman who don’t need no man, it’s okay to steal, toss some drugs in the mix, and voilĂ ! It could’ve ended much worse for her.

There was an incident at McDonald’s where two angry lesbians leapt over the counter to assault a cashier and ended up taking a horrific beating with a steel rod because he was an ex-con who’d had enough that day. They’d been led to believe they could handle the situation but ended up hospitalized with a severe attitude adjustment.

Sometimes the stakes are much higher in every sense of the word. This summer, news emerged that an empowered female astronaut had drilled holes into the International Space Station during an “acute psychological crisis.” According to the Russians, this was to “speed up her return to Earth.” They want her held criminally accountable but she’s not even going to hold herself mentally accountable.

It’s never “her fault”.

I respect women, but I can’t think of a better weapon than a human who doesn’t think she’s responsible for anything she does and has been given permission to do anything she wants, especially when those things can be deeply irrational. I also get the sense that this dynamic has been understood by various entities since the Garden of Eden.

In terms of the COVID dystopia, it’s not a coincidence that many of the officials pushing it the most sadistically are women. I think a lot of men who’ve gone along with the official line worry about the public’s perception of their culpability when the truth can no longer be denied. Since women don’t hold themselves to account, they don’t actively worry about other people doing it either. This makes them useful tools for endeavors destined to end badly.

Like I said, I’m not a misogynist. My point is that the narrative I just put forward aligns with the dangerous insanity we’re living in, while anything you’re presented with on TV does not. I don’t think anyone’s been allowed to express this sort of common sense on a screen since Dirty Harry.

Think of all the progress San Francisco has made since these dark days.


  1. I get a certain amount of gratification seeing that dude beat those loud mouthed women down. I mean, I doubt I could do it over a fake $50, but sometimes a man has gotta take care of business.

    Last year, I did see a dude at WalMart punch out a woman who slapped him twice. She did it once, he said, “Do it again and I’ll knock you out.”

    She did. He did. (He walked out of the store and left her… I’m sure they were together when they came in, but something came up and dude took care of business)

    It was an entertaining day.

  2. I don’t know about ya’ll, but I always take my pickaxe with me to buy groceries.

  3. This is what happens when feminists believe their own press releases. And then they fall back on some variant of, “How dare you, I’m a GIRL!”

    Any guy over 13 who grew up with sisters knows the drill. They can (and did) throw anything and everything in their limited arsenal at you, with every intention of hurting you as badly as possible. But doing anything more than deflecting her wild flailing got you a whuppin’ in return from Mom and Dad for “hitting a girl”.

    “Life ain’t fair, son” is the best advice I’ve ever gotten or given. You never win against women. But it is sooooo damned entertaining watching them brawl amongst themselves.

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