When Pets Make You Pay

A heartwarming story emerged back in 2007 about Bad Newz Kennels. That’s local slang for the city of Newport News. It’s the hometown of former NFL quarterback Michael Vick which offers all the safety that the moniker would imply.

He was running a dog fighting ring out in Surry County that bred pit bulls for combat and disposed of them through various macabre executions. The last one just died, which merits more coverage than the grannies murdered at the Christmas parade:

Frodo. This dog was definitely adopted by White people.

If I recall correctly, it was stumbled across by law enforcement investigating his drug dealer cousin. The only thing I can say in his defense is that there probably isn’t a black guy who doesn’t have a cousin selling drugs so that would be like blaming him for the color of his skin. This would be the one few instances I can think of where Americans were allowed to express public outrage at the conduct of one.

Anyways, blacks have this bizarre psychological dichotomy where they’re terrified of someone else’s golden retriever but eager to own a pit bull. Perhaps it’s a feature of time preference, but I always got a certain peace of mind from the fact that my border collie was never going to maul any neighborhood children or just snap one day and try to take me out.

A quick search of “mauled by pit bull” before writing turned up a litany of senseless carnage. The worst happened earlier this year when a newborn was killed by one that had been in the family for eight years, leaving the father so distraught he torched the house.

Merry Christmas, arf arf.

To be fair, there are plenty of Whites who’ve met with horrific consequences for this choice of pet. However, I suspect there tend to be different pathologies at work when they choose to invite such risk into their lives. A relatively analogous situation comes to mind along with a crude aphorism, but I’m not going to say anything.

What I will say is that an obsession with highly dangerous animals is probably the tip of the iceberg as far as what’s wrong with somebody. I watched Tiger King which basically cataloged the psychosis of a gay cowboy, swinging con man, polygamist spiritual weirdo, husband-murdering sociopath and a bunch of others best kept out of America along with their deadly beasts.

A creature bred to kill makes a lovely addition to any home.

If owning a giant cat is symptomatic of derangement, I think that pit bull adoption indicates a virtue signaling personality: “Oh, you think they’re dangerous because you’re ignorant and don’t have the cultural IQ to get along with them.”

Virtue signaling is the only way to make sense out of the White shitlib attitude towards animals and humans alike. For instance, “Cecil the Lion” became the George Floyd of 2015 after he was bagged by an American with a permit. Jimmy Kimmel cried while condemning the hunter and there were calls for him to be killed like Cecil.

What made this so funny was the bewildered reaction of the locals: “In my village in Zimbabwe, surrounded by wildlife conservation areas, no lion has ever been beloved, or granted an affectionate nickname. They are objects of terror … Americans care more about African animals than about African people.”

Fast forward to 2021, the news emerges that Dr. Fauci was conducting experiments that involved torturing beagle puppies to death by having insects eat their faces off and cut out their vocal cords so that the “researchers” didn’t need to be bothered by the sound of their suffering. I saw the video and cut it right off after less than a minute. This is coming from someone who likes horror flicks.

Not a peep was heard from them. I’m already on my annual post-Christmas bender and rambling here, so I guess I’ll wrap this up by speculating that my border collie probably had a conscience, but it didn’t apply any transgression he’d committed more than 15 minutes ago. That’s much better than I can say about these people.