Putting in the Work

In the past, white men of adept and inquisitive minds would attempt to discern clarity from nature by codifying the principles under which it functions. We’re well past that era. A 22-year-old dubbed “Sir Isaac Lootin” by the New York Post provides a wonderfully illustrative anecdote.

“Deliberate.” would a be more appropriate description.

After reading up on his exploits, it would appear that he formulated his own version of Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion. I’ve done my best to interpret them below:

Law 1: Store personnel are forbidden from interfering with shoplifters. Don’t be subtle and take your time.

Law 2: Steal less than $1,000 so you’ll be ineligible for bail and released with a summons on the spot.  

Law 3: Toss the summons. It’s an impotent document.

I don’t think that the scientific comparisons are unfair because scientists develop confidence in a hypothesis by testing it to produce the same results again and again. Indeed, it might be said that replicability is the essence of science:

“This guy comes here every day stealing, every single day. He comes and he steals,” fumed the store manager. “We call 911 and make a report, and that’s it…Sometimes he comes three, four times [a day] to get all of a [certain] merchandise.”

Yeah, I’d say that sounds about right. Here’s how it’s done:

Rodriguez’ M.O. is not sophisticated. He doesn’t use fake bellies or false-bottom boxes favored by professional shoplifters. He simply enters the store and helps himself — filling a bag with items he plucks from shelves, and then walks out without paying

Over the course of 2021, this led to a mere 57 arrests until he got a bit stabby. This has given retailers a brief reprieve while his legal troubles are sorted out behind bars. But I’d say this chapter of his criminal career would best begin with a quote by another science guy, Thomas Edison. He once observed that “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

I think the lesson here is that it isn’t the law preventing every single retail chain in the Soros cities from having their shelves stripped bare overnight. It’s not a lack of criminal manpower, either. Here’s what’s holding back the flood:

Most miscreants lack the agency to take full advantage of the rules instituted for their advantage. They’ll emerge from their intravenously-induced stupors or amateur rap video shoots to steal when they need the money. It’s a primitive mindset, much like that of ancient hunter gatherers who’d go foraging once they felt hungry. This guy understood what a modern man with a work ethic could achieve.

What’s your problem, racist?


  1. So what? Whites, especially Southern whites cannot own stores or any other business because we can’t compete with the free money given to everyone else. We cannot even gather amongst ourselves much less do business with with one another in our own way. So why care that the system they empowered in order to invade our home and steal from us does not protect them? Good, I’m glad they are stealing from the Arab at the gas station, the Mexican at western union, the Vietnamese at the restaurant, good, they deserve it. Their entire purpose in our home is to displace and then replace us, if you defend them or the system that put them here you are a fool.

    Which leads me to a subset of Southerner that I despise that has developed since the occupation began, the law worshippers. The back the blue, the type to watch Judge Judy all day screaming you should have just obeyed the law! The same people that stood back to back with Communists and built the militarized police and gulag system. The same worthless so called “Southerners” who live in fear of a free world and seek only comfort and safety for themselves.

    Now that the law is turned against them, be it through overt ways such as blatantly not following up on crimes against them or not so overt ways such as simply not showing up in the first place. Southerners have no obligation to follow laws set down by tyrannical invaders hell bent on our utter destruction. They are not real laws and this government has nothing to do with us, it is not legitimate in any way. Our adherence to “the law” only serves to legitimize it. The “law” is not such thing, it is a result of lawlessness, of murder, of rape, of theft, of subjugation. It is not legitimate and should be treated with distain. If the South should perish it will do so do to law worshippers going to the camps, because it’s “the law”. We are outlaws in the Weimarican empire, be proud of that, become ungoverable. Do not defend those who used the “law” to harm our people now that it is time for them to face real justice for empowering it . If you are judging blacks or anyone else for disregarding law they know is not theirs, then just know that I respect them a thousand times more than I would ever respect some servile, groveling, law worshipper and it is a large part of why they are winning.

    “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”

    -Thomas Jefferson

  2. I’m going to repost this on Gab now, I like to include the author’s Gab page when I repost from here, do you have a Gab account? You should.

    On a side note, our organization is pitiful, can the site have a page with the links to the authors socials etc.? We need a list of some sort, we are all so scattered to the wind, its impossible to organize when we ourselves are so disorganized.

    1. Exactly, now we have to make sure that Yankees live with this and it destroys them. They open up our borders, its high time we open theirs.

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