I’ve been so pissed off and alarmed about this vaccine stuff recently that my mind has fallen onto a single track. It feels like we’re living through a slow-moving semi-apocalypse. But hey, maybe some of us will make it out alive. That’s why I’m trying to stay positive by pondering future possibilities.
The USA has adopted a sound future defense posture. It seems to consist of shooting vaccinated lesbians into space in order to smite non-believers using advanced terror systems that only a nation a diverse as our own could deploy.
The context is starting to make sense. We left Afghanistan because this quagmire is going to get resolved from orbit. Those Talibans have already been lulled into a false sense of security, as seen here taking leisure excursions to celebrate getting their women back in check:
They’ve already got the uniforms, which are ripped straight off of Battlestar Galactica. So, what do you think they’ll be using the space technology for? Just to track your microchip to make sure you can’t walk into Walmart without the latest booster? To watch you take a shower?
No, this is about fear. I never watched that show because it’s for nerds. Although, Star Wars was one of my favorite movies as a boy. In the following scene, these imperial officers are discussing how order will be maintained after “the last remnants of the old republic have been swept away“:
“Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station” explains the commander dude. That makes a lot of sense compared to my paranoid prophecy about elite tranny airborne units being dispatched to crush discontent. Let’s face it, those creatures are more reliable at killing themselves than any of us.
It’s far more efficient to establish a compact space unit to operate orbital weapons platforms capable of threatening whole cities with annihilation for non-compliant behavior. It would appear that’s now in its infancy, as fashion always comes first for these freaks.
How are we going to survive? Sorry to point this out, but you’re not likely to get that far as most of us will perish in the current COVID situation. It probably won’t pay to worry about this stuff at all. However, if you do, some new strategies are going to be required.
Your first instinct would be to fall back to a rural location that’s secluded and defensible from a conventional infantry assault. But, you’ll need to remember that nobody gets to hide from the eyes in the sky. Disguise will be imperative. Moreover, it’s impossible to repel an orbital strike.
What you’ll need to do is camouflage yourself in a locale the “powers that be” wouldn’t want to turn into a giant crater. As bad as it’s gotten, much of Virginia might still be at risk. Thus, my plan is to get a condo near the Holocaust museum in downtown Richmond and start dressing like those FBI guys from the DC rally:
I also plan to take more subtle measures to throw them off my trail. Every month, I’ll make sure a new Loot Crate arrives at my door. My recycle bin will be full of the trendiest craft beers. This is what’s known as “deep cover.”
Full homo just ain’t something I’d be able to pull off. My squeamish efforts would out me right away. That’s why I’ve settled on a non-threat identity to the system, something I can pose with greater credibility. But hey, you do whatever you feel is necessary. Only God can judge you after the orbital strike.
Like I said, y’all are gonna to have to do your own thing because it wouldn’t be wise for us to congregate. Again, there’s a clear advantage to being in a trendy locale full of compliant human shields they won’t be inclined to vaporize a few million at a time.
Also, rest assured that if they decide to take you out, you’ll never see it coming. It’ll be instant death as a martyr. I guess my point here is that we shouldn’t get those paranoid hamster wheels spinning.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.