I Demand Accountability!

Shortly before his execution, Ted Bundy came clean in an interview. He admitted that while he was a prolific serial killer and torturer of young women, at least he wasn’t a racist. I’ve always respected that because racism is the worst thing you could ever do. I’d rather die than endure such an accusation.

Then again, I’m not a homosexual and I don’t work for the FDA:


I know that Congress is rightfully preoccupied with Israel not getting enough billions of dollars, but I demand a full hearing into these outrageous comments. This guy is so arrogant he thinks that if you work for the feds you can fedpost all you want, while we can’t!

Racism is alive and well in the USAKKK and it will continue to fester until we, as concerned citizens, demand accountability from our legislative representatives. Just listen to what this bigot is saying:

Literally advocating a registry of unvaccinated people like “NAZI GERMANY”!!!!!!!

Forcing us to wear “Jewish Stars”

Shooting blacks with vaccinated “blow darts”

-Hunting these blacks down with drones that will shoot them with the darts

-Making disparaging statements about Nicky Minaj

Going door to door and “stabbing” minorities with a vax, while claiming it’s “just vitamin C”

Also, I’d like to point out that the notion anyone could get so exasperated by blacks that they would advocate the use of force against them is so full of hate that they’ve become delusional about what’s really going on in this country.

20 years ago, I spent the summer on a job site with a cretin who would banter in this appalling fashion. He’d swing a hammer all day and talk about about his nefarious schemes for ridding this country of black people if there wasn’t a good song on the radio. They all involved luring them to wherever with fried chicken. It was all hilarious to him, just like the man in the video.

 “Haha, that’d work great. Those ******* would be at the bottom of the ocean in no time,” I’d have to say in order to blend in. It sent chills down my spine, like I was one of the good Germans stuck working at a concentration camp.  I thought that when Barack Obama was elected president our country had progressed beyond the horrors of the past. Clearly, I was wrong.

This fiend is saying that blow darts are “a great solution,” but what he’s really talking about is the Final Solution. The Holocaust is one of history’s most irrefutable events. It was planned at the Wannsee Conference, and I know this because I watched the movie.

I’d thought we’d moved past this, but clearly not.

So, this trendy bistro in DC is the 2021 version. Here’s where it gets creepier: he wants to do it to the white people first in order to claim it’s not racist. It would be racist of me to look out for #1, but I must say that as a white man, even as an ally, this statement is alarming.

Of course, Dr. FDA can’t even resist doing a racism with this one, saying he’s going to bring in “an Amazon rainforest tribe” to do the blow darting. Indigenous peoples do not exist for our utility, but apparently he never got the memo.

I’m just so appalled I can’t write anymore. I look forward to fighting against the drones and their Amazonian auxiliaries with my black allies.


  1. Unvaccinated Rednecks and negroes versus federal government psychopathic homosexuals? I think we’ll come out on the winning side!

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