A Reasonable Request

As Taliban fades from the picture, the true enemy comes into focus. That would be us, of course. The next combat deployments will be domestic. In the meantime, I’ve got a reasonable request.

If it’s acceptable to classify white people as terrorists, would it be okay to declare black people as insurgents? Before dismissing the notion as racist, consider some talking points. It’s my contention that this status suits them much better than the terrorist designation describes the role we play in society:

  • Insurgents tend not to care if a recruit is over 18.
  • Insurgents kill lots of people.
  • No quarter is given.
  • The US government always fails at stopping insurgencies.

The fact that black people generally conduct their insurgency against themselves doesn’t exempt them from the classification. Historically, most insurgencies feature an element of intra-ethnic conflict.

In between all this Afghanistan stuff, I came across a couple stories that were rather alarming. First, a mother was working via Zoom in Florida. Her toddler capitalized on this distraction to acquire a pistol and put a round in her brain. She died on the spot as a shocked coworker looked on.

He must’ve had some rudimentary training to get the safety off. Oh, wait.

Next, another toddler disarmed an unsuspecting father as he was eating. He was dispatched with a bullet to the back. Once old enough to walk, they’re ready to join the fray.

Ignore the “irresponsible parenting” thing and focus on insurgency.

Once the reprisals are finished and a new order is established, it wouldn’t be surprising if we beat Afghanistan on weekly shooting totals in both volume and kills to the point where it would be obvious that we’ve got an insurgency going on and they don’t.

The Taliban has apparently seized billions of dollars’ worth of counter-insurgency equipment it probably won’t be able to keep functional. Then again, if there isn’t one, that would be a waste of time anyways. Meanwhile, I wouldn’t feel safe sitting parked on a street corner in Chicago after dark in anything less than a MRAP.

Appealing to make a modest alteration to an insane dialectic created by hateful people who want us dead amounts to naïve and wishful thinking. I get it, but I’m just frustrated that the textbook definition of terrorist is impossible to apply to a white American male.


  1. It’s true that the government will probably start deploying elements here in the US. It wouldn’t take much to induce this, and any concerns about domestic use of the military would be swept aside in a “muh white nationalism!!” panic.

  2. We are going to die isolated and weak if we do not organize as a people, not an ideology or anything else, as a PEOPLE, well defined, no magic dirt, not reconstructed people. We have to organize, we have to have spaces just for us alone, we have to have terminology and be able to pay ourselves.

    Yes they invented the term terrorist for you and the Patriot Act was named that because that is who it was really intended to to kill. It’s not speculation anymore. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I can help AND get paid for it? Washington crossed the Delaware because he was out of money, we need to always be thinking about that and how to remove ourselves from the death grip of wall street and the Federal reserve bank. We need to start hitting back at the Yankees, the head of the snake, not being mired in their endless cannon fodder. We need to do a million things and we have to organize as a people to do even one of them.

    You are a terrorist, you are a white supremacist, you are going to die in a gulag, its not some distant future anymore. We have to come together.

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