Let’s Take a Shot

Someone who’s reached a conclusion through an illogical process can’t be disabused of the notion by walking him through the flaws in his reasoning. Consequently, stoic silence can serve you well around white liberals talking about vaccines.

They’re told what to think, which gets internalized as their own ideas because they attribute the beliefs to their sophistication. But, what underlies everything is fear. It comes in several forms.

For instance, plenty of folks in my industry have MBAs from expensive schools. It doesn’t seem like these degrees proffered much utility beyond pumping up their opinion of themselves. However, many have a pathological fear of losing their jobs and driving for Uber.

I’m afraid of being executed in a FEMA camp. Driving for Uber is the last thing I’d worry about, but I keep hearing it from them since the pandemic caused the economy to nosedive. I suspect that on a subconscious level, they understand an MBA isn’t a skill like being able to wire a house, so there’s very little separating them from the worst job they can imagine, which is somehow driving for Uber.

I hosted a social gathering of these folks over the weekend. The buzz was about how many companies are requiring everyone to get vaxxed or submit to testing every week. Thus far, I’ve been able to avoid doing all of that, while just keeping my mouth shut. But, a few drinks can thicken the plot real quick.

Why Uber?” I exclaimed. “What about an asphalt crew in the summer?” The conversation turned to me, and I knew I’d screwed up. But, it was off to the races. A couple was describing how they had chills and throbbing head pain that kept them up all night from their first jab. “So, ya’ll made yourselves very sick to avoid getting very sick?”

They looked at me as if I’d been possessed by an evil spirit from a trailer park, rendered incapable of grasping the obvious fact that the jab was salvation from death or being hooked up to a ventilator. I pointed out that I’ve had one fever and two colds in the past 15 years. “But you smoke!” one said. I tossed my cigarette into the grill and replied, “Only when I drink”.

Liquid courage is contagious. Sure enough, somebody’s husband I’d never met before chimed in with, “That vax is gonna sterilize your semen.” “The only shot I’m takin is some of this vodka, who wants one?” I followed in an attempt at levity.

The evening went downhill from there. All the cosmopolitans eventually went home, and the husband stayed to lecture us about how devil worshiping pedophiles are trying to establish the NWO.

One comment

  1. Well, it illustrates what I’ve said before; almost every American I know is stark crazy.

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