Real American Heroes

Back in the day, the Canadians produced some crazy PSAs about domestic violence. My favorite takes place in a boardroom. A woman contradicts a man, so he slams her head into the table, and warns the “ignorant cow” to never talk back to him again. He finishes off her crumpled body with a stapler.

Aired on national television.

The point of the commercial is that you shouldn’t commit violence against your wife that wouldn’t be acceptable at work. But, what if you were a Secret Police official tasked with framing hapless idiots for a plot that you concocted so they can be caged for the rest of their lives in order to bolster domestic terrorism statistics?

That sort of person would be operating under a different ethical paradigm from the widget sales team in the above ridiculous PSA. While they’d go home and enjoy some maple syrup and a hockey game, he’d probably indulge in pastimes less constrained by conventional morality. For example, forcing his wife to participate in a sordid orgy. If he also beat her bloody for expressing discontent, would that be a surprise?

The above juxtaposition is purely hypothetical. But, if you haven’t heard of the case of FBI agent Robert Trask, it’s worth reading up on to gain some insight into the vacuous character of someone with no qualms about framing innocent people to get a promotion. Such individuals constitute the tip of the spear when it comes to carrying out plutocratic directives.  

Hi, we’re here for the gangbang.”

It’s very difficult to put a good spin on a situation like this, but the media is trying. Notice the use of the verb “thwart” in relation to his role in the absurd Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot. One of the problems they’re having with shutting down contradictions of the official narrative is that it contradicts itself because people like him keep doing stuff like this.

The satanic pedophile counter narrative drives the establishment insane. I don’t know to what extent it’s real or contrived, but what I do know is that Robert Trask is real and so was Jeffery Epstein and many other such cases.

We’ve spotted Granny on the infrared. Send in SWAT!

What many understand on an instinctual level is that malignant character has an iceberg visibility profile. What’s on the surface indicates there’s much more hidden from view. People with a complete conception of evil can’t be brought back into line with the official narrative for this reason.

They might drift over to Q Anon crap rather than more sane explanatory content, but anything that elucidates how we’re menaced by awful and dishonest creatures has more credibility than the official narrative.

Would you buy your son an FBI action figure?