Paul C. Graham on the Dissident Mama Podcast

Originally published May 10, 2020, at Dissident Mama.

Today’s episode features Paul C. Graham, author, co-creator of Shotwell Publishing, philosopher, Southern-without-apology mover and shaker, and all-around great guy. Paul and I talk about his fascinating bio, Southern history, especially that of Columbia, SC, current events, and much more. Honestly, the two of us could have continued chatting another hour (or two!), so I hope you find this peek into what makes Paul tick as riveting an interview as do I. There are few better ways to celebrate today’s South Carolina Confederate Memorial Day than to hear the insights of one of her proudest native sons. Enjoy.

Mentioned in our discussion are Graham’s books “Confederaphobia” and “When the Yankees Come: Former South Carolina Slaves Remember Sherman’s Invasion,” as well as “American History for Home Schools, 1607 to 1885, With a Focus on Our Civil War” and “Exploring the Southern Tradition,” two works of which he was a contributing author. Be sure to check out more from my guest and friend at his website,

Download this episode or check it out on YouTube.