I’m a man who notices things, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a hero. In Weimerica, expediency is the best option. I was in the checkout line at a Wawa in suburban Virginia when I noticed a young man of color stroll in, pick up a drink and a bag of snacks, and casually leave. “Commendable restraint,” was pretty much all I thought. Maybe I should ask George Soros to fund my campaign for dogcatcher.
The problem is that as this country falls apart, we’re increasingly at the mercy of whatever principle such people harbor in their minds about how much to steal. Perhaps, it’s more a question of their logistical imagination.
A friend of mine was waiting in a courtroom, and the case ahead of him was a guy who got busted for riding around on a bicycle with a trash bag, shoplifting from one prominent chain store to the next. His public defender’s argument was that, yes, he was apprehended with the bag of stolen merchandise while riding the bicycle in the footage. However, it was too blurry to verify his face. He walked out a free man, like a black version of Ocean’s Eleven.
As a nation, the message we’re sending to our miscreants is somewhat analogous to Alec Baldwin’s screed from Glengarry Glen Ross: “They’re sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it?”
They’ll literally dispatch a SWAT team to take down your grandma if she protests at the capitol, but there are plenty of drug addled bums out there presented with a golden opportunity for crime. It might be that the nature of these people prevents them from conceptualizing what they could accomplish if they came up with a plan and then put a day’s worth of hard work into it.
Watching the BLM looting spree last summer, it seemed as if the blacks were reaching a point in their collective consciousness where they’d realize they could steal whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. They could pick a whole city clean if they organized themselves for that purpose. Fortunately for the rest of us, that doesn’t fall within their suite of capabilities.
Pondering the malevolent designs of our tribal plutocrats, it becomes clear that they don’t have any functional plan for running this place after they’ve finished perverting and destroying it. The thought process seems to be that white people are a threat, and a traditional white expectation is that people get punished for stealing, so therefore that needs to end. The fact that white people find their new reality highly disconcerting makes the policy all the more justified.
You can’t make sense out of all this stuff using logic, I guess that’s my point.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
The same features that make blacks useful to the ruling class also make them not a threat to the ruling class. It is a pretty nifty system.
Well said Sir.
“white’s” (used be classified as “Aryans” have had their chance to organize for their own well being but refuse to do so. Fascism is the only solution = will they take it or continue to vote Republican ?
Agreed Action.Even as a kid I was amazed so few Whites seemed to care or fight back.While its true that all manner of evil and brainwashing and oppression has been heaped upon us,we must at some point realize our complicity in our demise.We are truly oppressed with the power of Hell,and it is strong and scary but many don’t seem to resist at all.They love eating all the shitty hispanic and oriental food,they love reading the awful Jew papers and magazines,they love the rap music foisted upon them by the Jew music industry,etc etc.They may force us into intergrated schools and housing but they didn’t force us to do those other things.There are many ways people could have resisted peacefully and just taken pride in their race.I and others resisted passively becoming traitors to our ancestors,too bad so many didn’t.But perhaps when Whites are slaves(coming soon)those burrito eating,rap loving Whites will realize what they have lost.Or maybe they won’t.