Electric Dinosaur on the Dissident Mama Podcast

Ryan Randall, also known as Electric Dinosaur, is the writer and artist behind the Southern-without-apology comic book “Rebel Yell,” as well as “Gun on the Chickahominy,” a casual pixel-target game set during the War Between the States, which is due out May 21. This young and creative Southern son has already felt the burn of internet censorship, so let’s find out why some crowd-funding platforms and YouTube have their panties in such a progressive wad over his content and see what keeps Randall keepin’ on in these (sometimes) seemingly fruitless times with their never-ending woke battles. Let’s “exercise our imaginations,” shall we?!

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A few links pertaining to our conversation:

• “Rebel Yell, A Hero for Southerners” – A 2019 interview with Randall by our compatriot Carolina Contrarian
• Good Reads – Reviews of issues #1-3 of “Rebel Yell”
• “Mosby’s Confederacy” and “Ultimate General: Gettysburg” – Southern-themed video games on Steam
• “Brother in Arms” – My essay about our mutual friend and graphic artist Matthew Silber
• “Snowflake Buddies” – Silber’s book made available by the good folks at Shotwell Publishing
• “Eric July on PC Comics” – Tom Woods Show interview
• “What is Distributism?” – An explanation by Joseph Pearce of The Imaginative Conservative
• “DM Podcast, episode 29” – My interview with Dr. John Devanny

Originally published at DissidentMama.net on May 12, 2021.