Brotopia Rising

Battle Beagle (@HarmlessYardDog) Tweeted:

Entire real estate markets exist to socially distance from these people.

-Manferd Mann


I am so glad I checked my emails today.

The absolute lack of concern for the dead man, obviously part of the population replacement pool, is glaringly obvious.

The only concerned person is the ghost man with the misplaced faith in the PIGs who is videoing it. There are numerous fat POC soldiers helping the murderers, a POC female cop totally unconcerned and the idiot with the phone who still believes in right and wrong. Not too far in the future, a man who does what he did, this crime of accusation of heavenly hued queans when only he is the shade of guilt, will be attacked by the soldiers and arrested by the PIGs, for accusing a martyr class person of theft and murder when she was simply engaged in social justice.

On a more immediate note, there is no way that both of these bitches get charged and convicted. One of them will get off. It is so American in everyway that the bitch is concerned with her phone being in the car, that the man is left to lay like a sack of meat with no one checking his vitals, and that only social control is commanded by the Soldier of Freedom, his only concern being lining people up horizontal to the wrecked chariot, which all eyes are on and only the ghost man with the camera even glancing at the robbed and slain man.

The tragic death of a car.

The loss of a phone.

The interruption of food delivery.

This is the most acutely accurate celebration of American values I have seen in years.