A Useless Education

I was speaking with a mother of a college student the other day and she was frazzled over her child choosing not to buy or rent any books for the semester.  I laughed at her child’s decision and admitted that there were large stretches of my university career where I never cracked open a book and if her child at least went to class and paid attention, there’d likely be no issue.  Basic attendance and attention spans can even get you honors in a mid-tier university.  After having put her at ease, I reflected on what I had said and came to a troubling realization.  Universities have become useless.

Let’s start from the top. Upper academia is getting worse.  This decline may best be exemplified in the famous Sokal Affair.  For those not aware, Alan Sokal managed to get an absurd paper published that proposed quantum gravity is a social construct to prove that peer review means nothing.  This was done in 1996 and it doesn’t seem things have gotten better since.  Apparently, there is a rise in fake articles and journals, as evidenced here, here, and several apparently inspired by Sokal here.  It also seems like professors are becoming lower quality as are theses/dissertations (how else could the fake papers get published, after all?).  Measuring this decline is difficult and likely subjective.  There could be an analysis comparing length of words of theses from 30 years ago to today, but this means little.  I’m sure all the fake papers had a lot of large words, but big words don’t mean big ideas.  Many foolish people today are rather loquacious.

As I said at the beginning, you can just show up to most university classes and pass, or even excel, without doing the readings.  Standards were going to go down as our society decided everyone needed a college education.  This was the case when I finished almost a decade ago, but it’s just getting more absurd.  Some universities are going so far as to say grading papers is racist and this sentiment is apparently gaining steam.

When you go down to primary and secondary education, there’s this US News and World Report article that demonstrates an across the board decline for students since 2015. This decline isn’t surprising when we look at other stories, though it’s also possible we’ll stop measuring it so that we stop getting bad results.  The Powers that Be hate results that show uncomfortable truths.  A teacher was fired for giving zeroes to students who didn’t turn in homework.  That school decided no grades below 50% were acceptable.  Not only that, but some school districts got rid of homework and one of San Diego’s school districts did away with grades altogether.  Both were because of disparate outcomes based on race.  It never ceases to baffle me that we must pretend the racial bell curve isn’t true, when every piece of evidence demonstrates it is.

We in the Dissident Right have been saying for some time that young men should go to trade school rather than college, unless they plan to get a professional degree.  Again, avoid upper academia.  Aside from declining standards, you’ll most likely end up an adjunct professor who makes not quite 13 grand a year or  $8 an hour.  If your goal is a classic education, you could buy The Harvard Classics and teach yourself.  This may be the only way to get a true classical education in the near future.  As books keep getting banned, you’ll begin to see not just classic books like Little House on the Prairie or works of Dr. Seuss (you didn’t think the handful of his most “offensive” books would be the end of it, did you?), but also the classics, like the works of Shakespeare or Homer because of the values of the time period from which they come and/or their connection with colonialism.  There’s seemingly a rise in nonwhite classics “scholars” who hate their colleagues and the field itself.  I wouldn’t be surprised if schools start getting rid of the classics programs altogether or switch it from studying the classics of Western civilization to the Chinese or a faux African or South American canon.

If it were just academia that was declining, it would be bad, but survivable.  Many of our great-grandparents didn’t get past the 8th grade, after all.  More than just losing the formal education, we’ve also lost the more essential or practical skillsWhy we don’t have the skills are based on a variety of factors (urbanization, increasingly more obtuse technology like cars, failure of elders to pass on knowledge, etc.). Regardless, the fact that a generation has grown up with few practical skills is concerning.   Essentially, we’ve got a rising generation that is more formally educated, but knows less about what they are supposed to know, while simultaneously giving up the practical knowledge the generations before had.

This is why mentorship is so important.  This was exemplified in an interesting way in Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino and there’s no reason why it can’t be replicated in your local community.  If you are an older man, take a younger man under your wing and help him learn the skills that his own father didn’t teach him.  If you are a dad, be sure to be both on the lookout for mentors to help you fill in your gaps and make sure you teach your kids and others who need and want to learn what they need.  The System is failing us in every way.  We need to be able to turn to and rely on each other.


  1. Its a phenomenon that extends beyond universities, I have noticed it for awhile now. The problem with Yankees, their Jewish masters and Marxists in general is that they cannot create and have no culture. They are by definition parasites, and a swarm of locusts are not the same as a people and therefore cannot produce things as a people would.

    Look at NASCAR or SEC football and tailgating in the 70’s, any cultural activity that used to be a by product of people doing things on their own when gathered with one another, just by nature of who they are collectively, naturally, organically. Then it gets taken and completely subverted by the parasites who need you to produce those things so they can steal it and feed, it makes them feel as though they have something because they themselves cannot really do that, its unnatural to them, creation is not in their nature. It most importantly, and is the primary reason behind their subversive behavior, is that it serves to take your cultural productions from you and use them to change you into what they want you to be, it is the tactic Jews have always used and where I suspect Yankees got the idea, if not directly, then certainly from the Marxist ideology that they embraced starting with Lincoln and his inner circle who were Marxists.

    They seize control of cultural outlets, just as soon as they centralize and control the banks, in the nations they are enslaving, it is what they use the money they steal to do. It is no coincidence that Jews and their Yankee servants go after things like the movie industry, the music industry, the publishing industry, the News industry and every other thing that by right belongs to you organically that then they transform into an “industry” in order to standardize their control of it. They do so in order to use your own culture to change who you are as a people, this is the mechanism by which they turn you into their puppets.

    Just look at what they did to Hippies in the 60’s, it went from a natural, healthy response to the warmongering Republicans and the industrial environment of the atomic age of their parents and was turned into a Communist revolution in everything but name only overnight. They in effect take control of components and manifestions of your culture that flow outward from you as a people, that in normal development are used to affect changes in your culture and continue its growth in a healthy manner, it flows outward from the people, who are in turn guided by their collective soul. They subvert that mechanism and reverse the flow from outward flowing to inward flowing, they then use it to change you as a people. Instead of you as a people changing what needs to be changed around you in order to bring your corporeal exsistance in line with who you collectively are in spirit, which by definition is what makes your home yours, it is what defines you as a people, aside from mundane things like race and is why there can be no such thing as magic dirt to a true People, they use it to artificially change you collectively in disguise as you. Every society has these mechanisms and they are the red meat of Marxists.

    Subversion. Subversion. Subversion.

    Subversion is their life blood, without the ability to do it they cease to exist, just as any parasites do when cut off from the host.

    So how is it related to Universities and mentoring our children? Well its simple, University used to serve that purpose already, we are just recreating the wheel and they will quickly identify and subvert that mechanism as well, unless we stop them. If you build it purposely to be decentralized, as is our nature as Americans, they then will first centralize it and subvert that centralized false version, using your cultural trappings as a disguise, which they use to supplant the true version. It happens time and time again. Look at the 90’s and how we revolted against corporate music, they quickly turned our music and internet freedom into a new industry and seized control of it, almost overnight. They constantly are looking for it, the video game industry and streaming of those games by our boys were taken from them very quickly. Anna (((Sorkenstien))) and Gamergate was just her following a formula they have used time and time again to identify and then seize control of the culture of their host People, so that they might use it to control and then consume it. Gamergate is a story unto itself, which is still ongoing. Needless to say that natural cultural manifestation has been turned from something where gamer used to be synonymous “racist” to where now Twitch, the game streaming platform, was purchased by Amazon and the biggest streamer there is a hardline Marxist who indoctrinates our children on a daily basis disguised as us squatting in something that once was a natural production of our young boys. Your speech there is very, very controlled where as it used to be free. Its a long story and a very sad one to men my age that glimpsed it when it was in its true form, to now see what it has become.

    As to what you are saying for men to take young men under their wing and teach them, we used to naturally just do that on jobsites at work, they identified that quickly enough and now hiring, promotions and all of the rest have nothing to do with men and their worth as men as judged by other men.

    I am trying not to ramble here, but its very difficult because the phenomenon I am talking about is absolutely everywhere and in everything, its systemic. If you tried to standardize this mentorship idea you are talking about, it would become part of our culture and at then it would be identified as a part of white supremacy, codified into something they can control and then consumed by them, like the parasites they are.

    When I was a kid and first started noticing this and was constantly told, “well, just build your own” it used to drive me crazy. For one we did build our own, it was just taken from us, secondly anything we built to replace it would just be taken as well. I have been telling people forever, this is the reason we don’t build anymore, building anything or culturally being something is a death sentence for you, the locusts will swarm you and then you and whatever you had will first be turned into a gross parody of itself and then consumed. The analogy I use when speaking of this mechanism they use is that of a spider, first they trap you in a web of law where you cannot bar them from you, then they, the spider on that web, inject you with their venom (cultural Marxism) which dissolves you into a consumable sludge, then they sink their fangs in and feed on the essence of what you were or had created, leaving only the hollow shell of what you were behind.

    University is only a word, underlying that is exactly the mentorship idea you are talking about, that was the very genesis of University in the first place. You are recreating the wheel and they will certainly notice and come for it. You must forget labels for a moment, your enemy does not think in terms of labels, they are a parasite, a spider looking for something to dissolve and eat. They view you as food and look for that essence to consume and control, they don’t care what you call it, your culture and its productions are what they crave, labels don’t matter. Mentoringship and teaching are synonymous with university, it’s where the idea came from, it is precisely why they covet education so much, they know our children will subconsciously view it as their people mentoring them and they disguise themselves as you and feed them poison.

    They will come for what you are talking about as well, just as they did with me on the tailgate of a Job site or the faculty lounge of the university, to them its the same, because it is the same thing.

    I have some ideas about what to do about it, but I don’t want to share them here, because this site is one of the things they covet. They are certainly here reading our every word, using it to create a false version they can control at this very moment, like they did in Nashville or with the God awful abomination they are currently working on for TV, “The Magnolia Network”. They first need us to create the thing they are subverting, which is why I don’t want to speak here about what we can do about it.

    We need to be able to gather and speak with one another alone, just us and no one else, not open to the public and consisting only of us first. We must organize and flesh out concepts such as this so that we are not only aware of them, we have counter measures in place long before. We can’t have a mentorship program, which will quickly morph into our version of university, which will then be taken just like the other one was. We cannot build anymore and that has to change if we are to surive. We have to come together and begin leading our people from outside of the yankee government and their shell institutions.

    Before we can begin mentoring, we must develop the ability to protect it from being taken from us and then used to destroy us, just as university was. We can’t just keep doing things as if we are free and in a natural environment, we are not and steps must be taken to protect our productions before they are ever created that would otherwise not be necessary.

    Either we organize, right now, or we die with nothing left of us but the Yankee McCulture and no memory or living embodiment of our collective soul. Its the worst death there is.

  2. Odd that you would cite Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino when what was portrayed was that the older man completely rejected his own family and ignored his own grand children who tried to ask questions about their heritage. (Shutting the foot locker). Instead he lavished his attention on the “more worthy” foreign kid. Absolutely the most anti-white anti-family film Clint Eastwood ever made.

    1. If I remember correctly, the reason why he wrote the family out of his will was because they were just trying to take his house from him/didn’t actually care about him or his dead wife. They were all selfish and rude at the reception to the funeral. Regardless, it is a good example, arguably the best, of what this type of mentorship looks like. It’s also a well-known enough film that it’s easy for people to use as a frame of reference.

      1. It’s debatable if giving away your material possessions to someone who isn’t your own kinship (even if it is innate possessions like a muscle car and a worthless house) is correct, however the whole basis of the story wouldn’t make any sense if Eastwood’s character wasn’t in a neighbourhood of a differing racial makeup from the beginning of the movie. There’s many far reaching implications of the flim beyond a boomer giving their car to some Asian kid.

    2. I did not care for it either. The whole idea of him only winning, not by fighting it out with the gang, but basically falling on his sword so the government would do it for him made me really uncomfortable. When even Clint can only act like a man if the police give him permission, then you know America is lost. Also, the fact that we are facing white genocide and cultural erasure and he chose a foreign kid to mentor made me feel like I was watching one of those woke Hollywood moms with their adopted trophy minority kid on their arm and not the High Plains Drifter, Clint Eastwood. I just thought of it as boomer porn and left it at that.

  3. Thank you for this thought-provoking article. My 17-year-old son has recently begun the college application process, and we’ve been looking at colleges over the past few months. I am shocked and frankly sickened by the cost of higher education and just how mediocre it has become. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s a public or private school, the quality of the education delivered today clearly doesn’t begin to measure up to what I received at a small state college back in the 1970s. And every place we have toured has aggressively pushed issues of race, sexuality, and social justice into our faces while minimizing the time spent discussing academics. I can’t see spending more than $100,000 over four years to turn my child into a useless poorly-educated communist. We are definitely reconsidering the idea of a college education and are now looking more closely at trade schools and apprenticeships.

    1. One of the best things about college for me was just having the college experience, getting out of my small town, away from parents and meeting all kinds of people, many of whom became friends. I got my first job after college not with my degree, but networking from teachers. If I had a son (like I hope to have at some point) this is what I would advise:

      1) take a gap year between high school and college. Just get a full time job, preferably one you are interested in, but if not, no problem. This would be a great time to study anything of interest, such as a martial art if there is a good school in your area.
      2) consider starting close to home, maybe at a community college just to get some gen eds out of the way. It breaks down the jump from home to uni into smaller steps, so it is less likely he will end up making “poor decisions” and getting his stomach pumped after a drinking contest.
      3) consider another gap year before moving on to uni. Another great time to study a martial art or anything else of interest.
      4) for choosing a uni I would have three rules:
      i) don’t go to a school known for being super liberal or a party school
      ii) make sure to pick a school with a good (large attendance) campus ministry(s). For me it was the Baptist Student Union but there were other denoms present too. Way better than frat culture if you ask me. Lot’s of students met their mates at the BSU. It is hard to imagine a better place for a lad to meet girls.
      iii) don’t spend any more than you have to. How is an expensive school supposed to be better than a cheap one?

      I wouldn’t rule out integrating even more gap years tbh. Sean Hannity once remarked that he went through school one year on, one year off when he worked. Not a bad idea.

  4. Reminder that Dr Seuss was a communist, and right-wingers need to stop whining about his books being taken out of publication. He would not have defended you.

  5. Ethan, I enjoyed your article and agree with the importance of mentoring the next generation. I just really dislike Gran Torino. Just another brain washing flick to get whites to embrace their displacement. It appeals to the same emotionalism that is used to encourage white teenage girls to dream about having mixed raced babies to heal the “racial wounds” of the world. When I watched it the first time one of my first thoughts was his son was right to move his family to the suburbs so his children wouldn’t be a persecuted minority in the heavily non-white public school system of the ruined city. The picture painted of a family that didn’t care about him and his wife when she was still alive is just more propaganda to hasten the destruction of white families. Years ago when my kids went off to college one of the poison memes being directed at them by the Progressives was the idea that your real “adult” family is not your birth family but the friendship group you create once you “escape” the influence of your family. Eastwood should be ashamed of that film, it ruins an otherwise mostly great body of work. Oh well “Buzzards got to eat, same as worms.”

  6. Gran Torino doesn’t ruin an “otherwise fine body of work”. Million Dollar Baby embraced feminism and euthanasia. High Plains Drifter was completely deconstructive of the myth of the Pioneer West. John Wayne hated Clint Eastwood, refused to work with him, and tried to stop him from making any more Western movies.

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