Better Liars Ain’t In Their Cards

A hack named Laurie Segall from 60 Minutes (google her for a case study in tribal nepotism) conducted a jailhouse interview with the Q-Anon Shaman. I’d assumed that Biden would hold a Roman-style triumph in which the shaman would be clad in his buffalo patriot outfit one final time, then tied to a pole and carted through the crowd to be garroted on CNN.

That’s because the last thing a proficient propagandist would do to bolster the coup narrative is film this harmless jackass talking ever again. “Your actions on January 6th were an attack on this country. Do you understand that?” was her attempt to paint him into a corner.

He responded with some weird claptrap about sacred energy and explaining he’d thwarted the theft of muffins from the break room. The scenario is so comically inept it defies the imagination:

A terrorist who lead the assault our sacred democracy. You believe it, right?

We’re experiencing a dual phenomenon where this train called the USA careens further off the rails as the blandishments from the conductors become ever more bizarre and disconnected from the lived reality of the passengers.

Segall’s dead eyes and vacuous voice imparted the expectation this would be the tenor of her inquiry: “Aren’t you like aware that you’re, you know, um, a domestic terrorist?” She’s literally the best they could muster. What an exasperating joke.

There’s another segment where she’s concern trolling the shaman’s mother. The poor woman pointed out that he walked through open doors escorted by the cops. Still, Segall pushes the violent insurrection canard, amateurishly trying to get it to stick like a kid tossing a tennis ball against a brick wall.

He’s a good boy, he’s sorry, please let him out” was essentially the mother’s point. I guess they were hoping she’d come off as a lunatic who raised her son on a terrorist compound instead of a middle aged woman to whom we can all relate. I was reminded of my long-suffering mother’s routine in the principal’s office back in high school:

She nurtured evil in her womb. Oh wait, it’s the lady next door.

I’m not denying that they’ve got the power to work towards whatever anti-Christian, self-destructive objective they aim to accomplish. My contention is merely that they’ve squandered the capability to manufacture a plausible narrative to obfuscate the endeavor.

The plutocrats really should just fire the entire media apparatus and experiment with a new cadre of liars. But, that’s the problem with nepotism. They’re stuck with their own kind.

3:08, the only reason this doesn’t happen is that Biden is too senile to pull it off.


  1. “A terrorist who lead the assault our sacred democracy. You believe it, right?”

    Their “Democracy”, not ours. Not the Southern People’s “Democracy”. Or the folks in Kansas and Nebraska’s “Democracy,” either.

    What they mean is the Yankees’ and their special(K) “partner’s” “Democracy.”

    They hold onto Washington DC merely as a symbol of their invasion and conquest, and to rub our noses in their usurped misrule over what used to be our country. Otherwise, it would be ridiculous for the Capital to still be located geographically in Virginia and Maryland, instead of in Massachusetts, or New York, or Pennsylvania. Which is where most Yankees believe that the original and true Capital was located anyway, before Southern skulduggery and scheming got it moved to Virginia/Maryland.

    As Michael Cushman pointed out on SNN one time, 90+% of the tribe live in a strip extending roughly from Philadelphia to Boston. Southern independence would eliminate them immediately from our polity. Just as it would eliminate their ostensibly White, and culturally and politically incompatible subjects, as well.

    Southern independence would also eliminate 80% of our socio-political problems, at the drop of a hat, and bring the rest within reach of a practicable solution.

    Shanghai Joe could be president of the United States of New England, governing from some “shiny city upon some hill,” northeast of the Mason-Dixon line.

  2. Never talk to Communist propagandists. This is why our people need not only leadership and advocates, but we need the actual media that the Communists pretend to be, we need the real thing.

  3. “….theft of muffins from the break room”

    That along with the breaking of two windows was the huge terrorist act everyone on the media has talked about for the last three months. Meanwhile, normal people actually had to deal with six months of leftist and BLM burning police cars, building and cities.

  4. Forgive me, but when I hear two jewesses arguing, I know that there is skulduggery going on.

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