A Plane Crash, Real and Metaphorical

I was watching TV with my lady this weekend when she flipped on to a show about the “mystery” of what happened to Amelia Earhart. She was a celebrity aviator who disappeared in 1937 on flight to break a record. I’ve never wondered what happened to her because I’ve seen what a woman can do to a riding lawn mower. It seemed like one of those sure-as-gravity kinds of incidents: empowered female pilots airplane, dies in a crash.

Also, I had always assumed that Earhart was a lesbian due to her short hair and the fact that no man at that time would allow his wife to do something so dangerous. As we learned from the show, she did in fact have a husband who encouraged her to go on a one-way trip. Moreover, it doesn’t appear that he took out a huge life insurance policy on her which is quite bizarre.

We got into a discussion of the matter because she thinks my “sexism” is funny without understanding I’m being completely serious. When she inquired what I’d do if she wanted to take flying lessons, I replied that she could learn all about flying while chained to the stove. Women are going to have things programmed into them, and if the wrong people get to do that programming, they’ll self-destruct.  

Case in point, I came across a story about Ashley Judd. She’s one of those formerly beautiful actresses who’ve transitioned into childless, irate hags. She recaptured a bit of her old fame in 2017 when she delivered an unhinged performance of a poem called “Nasty Woman” at a march full of nasty women who were protesting Trump:

Right on, Karen.

2021 finds her in the Congo, presumably on some sort of white savoir mission that nearly turned into a death trip. This tweet from last week shows that she somehow sustained a serious leg injury:

Presented without comment.

I’m not sure if she’s been hacked up and eaten yet. It’s a distinct possibility, but I’m not going to waste my time trying to find out. The sad example of Ashely Judd is a reminder that one must ration his empathy. The toilet water is swirling as we prepare to plunge into that sewer called Perdition. There will be many casualties along the way, so you shouldn’t focus on those beyond redemption.


  1. Speaking of nasty women, is anyone here musing or amused by the fact that in similar fashion to how America’s First. Black. President was a mulatto drug dealing fag-with-an-attitude, who wasn’t actually an American at all, the First. Black. Asian. And. Female CEO is a cackling brown-bag-colored harridan who’s only accomplishment is having a sea you enn tea!

    I’m just asking for a friend.

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