Last night, I had the strangest dream. An old black lady was calling me to gather at her farm in Nebraska. The darkness was spreading, she told me as she strummed an acoustic guitar on the front porch. At this point, “rot” seems like a polite euphemism to describe a trajectory that’s outright satanic. That’s not great but what I find encouraging is how poorly the hacks employed by the people in charge fare at trying to convince us that things are fine.
Last week, a controversy erupted over allegations made against the actor Armie Hammer that he’d abused women and tried to get them to go pretty far with his “cannibalism fetish.” It was stuff that gets a man put in Hannibal Lecter restraints and wholly unsuitable for our Christian publication. If you’re unaware of his background, then yes, your initial suspicion is correct.
Anyways, deterring cannibalism fetishes isn’t in the interests of our overlords. Thus, the apparatus felt compelled to articulate a defense of something that’s appalling and inherently indefensible. I clicked on the article to see just how badly they performed this task.
Here’s a passage to illustrate my point:
A cannibalism fetish, or vorarephilia, is characterized by a person who fantasizes about consuming someone or being consumed. The key word there is “fantasy.” The fetish never goes so far as actually eating or killing someone, of course—that’d be illegal. Just having the conversation around eating someone, and being sexually stimulated by that, is considered a cannibalism fetish
Yeah, tell that one to Jeffery Dahmer. “Hey, Jeff everyone deserves to indulge their fantasies so just make sure you keep it consensual and definitely don’t do anything illegal. There’s a fine line, buddy.” This morning, I “fantasied” about eating a bacon cheeseburger. Guess what transpired at lunch time.
This sickening fiasco is part of a wider trend where they’ve realized that they can’t tell you that you’re not seeing what you’re seeing, so they try to tell you that what you’re seeing is actually okay if you were sophisticated enough to understand why. The problem for them is that this approach ends up infuriating regular folks.
So, now they’re doing the heavy-handed censorship and persecution of normal people that we dissidents have been experiencing for years. It’s a vicious process because more crackdowns leads to them putting forth ever more flagrant outrages against reason and decency. I’m not really sure where and how that ends, but I’m setting out to find this rickety old farmhouse tomorrow at dawn.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
A Jewish actor whose grandfather founded the Communist Party of New York, wants to eat people, and literally licked the blood off of his White Christian ex-girlfriend, Paige Lorenze, at the home within which he had mannequins that he practiced tying up in various sexual and brutal poses… The guy literally just proved nearly every neo-Nazi meme of the past decade – but nothing to see here. The world gets crazier and crazier.
Anyway, another good piece, Tom.