So, 2021 has already opened with a bang, several bangs to be more accurate. Considering the track this country is on, this year will likely be much more dramatic and unusual than 2020 (and, that was a really shitty year). Earlier this week we witnessed the U.S. Capitol get stormed by MAGA supporters and a few get killed by police. That shouldn’t be too surprising. When presented with two options, BLM and antifa rioters versus White Trump supporters, the boys in blue will quickly go from solidarity kneeling to Magnum Force kill squads. The reason is fairly simple – the Establishment, and their agents of the State, are incredibly fearful of Whites en masse. Actually, they’re petrified.
You see, antifa, BLM, the media, etc. are all de facto agents of the State. They just have different techniques and methods to accomplish their assigned goals. Antifa are the useful idiots of the political-class; in fact, many times they are the children of prominent politicians. They are deployed to disrupt and destroy the genuine Right, and they are protected by de jure agents of the State (think federal and state law enforcement and leftist prosecutors). BLM is utilized for much the same purpose, only their goal is to provide the Uniparty (Democrats and Republicans) with their casus belli to implement anti-White legislation, as well as, pamper a protected class which will vote for a faction of the Uniparty. Lastly, the media is stationed as the propaganda arm of the State – the MAGA Bastille Day is considered “insurrection” while summer long riots that leveled entire cities is labeled as “mostly peaceful protests.”
The bright side to all this is that the Trump faithful realize what a sham this entire country has become. From ridiculous media lies, flagrantly turncoat Republicans, unconstitutional lockdowns, a clearly stolen election (nationally and in Georgia), and, finally, the pathetic defense of the U.S. Capitol Building, it is apparent that the Empire is a massively corrupt and flailing polity. It cannot win wars abroad and it cannot govern its citizenry at home – from both the Right and Left. In addition to that, a sizeable portion of the Right no longer cares what the gatekeepers of the Republican Party have to say. With the MAGA crowd (ostensibly the Right’s base) off the reservation, no amount of GOP disavowals and pleads for unity will allow them to shepherd the flock. And, that absolutely terrifies the State and its proxies.
In modern America, leftwing political violence is like a knob – the Establishment can turn it to various levels to achieve certain desirable outcomes, mostly at the expense of Heritage America. Republicans will meekly condemn leftist violence and Democrats won’t even mention anything happened, they may even blame it on conservatives. However, rightwing violence is more akin to a switch – it’s either on or off, and rarely is it every flipped on. When it does become activated, the elites understand that it is the potential harbinger of their downfall – which is why the media and entire political-class has pivoted, perfectly in sync, to paint the MAGA folks as terrorists and insurrectionists. Plus, the Capitol Building siege wasn’t conducted by radical Timothy McVeigh-types, rather by hordes of normie, overwhelmingly White, rightwing Trumpsters.
The cherry on top of this entire spectacle was watching the political-class cower in utter fear within the confines of the Capitol Building as the Red Hats, some carrying Confederate flags or adorned in coon skin caps and Viking raider horns, broke through the feeble Imperial defenses. To be honest, it was the wildest exhibition I’ve ever seen in post-normalcy America. It really is a delicious irony to recall politicians labeling rightwing dissidents as anonymous cowards or deplorable rubes and then seeing them shrink in terror and plead for heavenly protection while “sheltering in place;” afterwards, forced to wear to what amounts to an ostomy bag over their head as they’re ushered into protective tunnels under the city.

The major thing to remember is that these people are moral cowards and charlatans. That being said, they’ll likely wage war on the MAGA folks that neither they nor the GOP can control. I fully expect Trump to retire to the sidelines and hope the Establishment doesn’t lock him (or his family) up on some trumped up charges. And, for the law enforcement apparatus of the Deep State to target all of the protestors that entered the Capitol Building, as well as, engage in a low-level campaign against the overall Right. But, with a country that is becoming increasingly ungovernable, I’m not certain that a stretched and decaying American Empire can withstand a growing “White mutiny” at home and expensive “democratic commitments” abroad.
The Chinese and Russians just witnessed the U.S. government almost toppled by a few hundred, unarmed, White men trying to “Make America Great Again.” They understand that the American Empire is a paper tiger more interested in corruption, mass immigration, reconfiguring its consumer economy, and enforcing anarcho-tyranny on its historical people. The power, or lack thereof, of the American Empire was made crystal clear on January 6th, 2021.

Universally hated by feminists, wine-moms, Yankees, hipsters, and weirdos. Last known whereabouts: the Tidewater. Dissident support here: Rick Dirtwater is The Boat Shoe Beat (