Greetings, From Your Greatest Ally

One of the most shameful incidents of Trump’s presidency occurred right before 2020 came to an end. Jonathan Pollard, a traitor convicted of spying for Israel, was flown to his country of true loyalty on a plane owned by Trump’s largest donor, Sheldon Adelson.  He was greeted on the tarmac by Netanyahu, who presented him with an Israeli ID.

It’s a testament to the sheer hubris of these people that their media would cover such an outrageous abuse against a country for whom they purport to be the “greatest ally”:  

The lack of self-awareness is simply incredible.

Trump was deluded into thinking that Netanyahu would have some sort of tepid loyalty in exchange for all the grand gestures made on his behalf. The most cringeworthy moment was the presentation of a golden key to the White House. Somehow, Trump reasoned that stuff like that would give his dear partner a moment’s hesitation from endorsing his fraudulent removal from office.

He certainly reciprocated the gesture a month later.

He seemed genuinely offended at getting thrown overboard so quickly. This should’ve come as no surprise since Israel has never demonstrated the slightest fidelity to the U.S. During Trump’s trade war with China, Israel went so far as to award China a contract to operate its largest port at Haifa.

Some of this mistaken calculus should certainly be attributed to Trump’s ego. He had the unique wherewithal to hijack both a political party and the cable news cycle. This probably led to some arrogance when calculating that he could prevail against systemic power.

In contrast, his predecessor Obama was a product of affirmative action who was manufactured by the Chicago political machine and then picked up by international finance in a rapid ascent to the presidency. Obama had quite the ego as well, but an obvious underlying insecurity stemming from the fact that he wasn’t his own man. He, too, had strong Israeli credentials. For example, his chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel served in the IDF rather than the U.S. military during the 1st Gulf War.

Despite launching multiple Zionist wars, he wasn’t spared from Netanyahu’s ire for pursuing the Iran deal advocated by a rival Zionist faction. Obama was given humiliating lectures in the Oval Office, which Netanyahu made a selling point during political campaigns. Obama knew who exercised real power and he just had to take it. You could see the consternation on his face.

It’s not clear how much shame a senile pervert is capable of feeling, so it’s tough to make a prediction about how Biden will fare in this regard. He’s supported by the faction behind the Iran deal, so that’s not going to be something the Netanyahu crowd appreciates. Still, there’s no point in flying across the ocean to deliver a humiliating lecture to a guy who doesn’t remember he’s the president.


  1. Biden won’t be in office long enough to do much, he should be gone by late summer at the latest. As for Trump, the master negotiators has been hoodwinked and played at every turn for four years. Nancy and Chuck, backstabbers in his own party, Netanyahu and even his own daughter and her loathsome Jewish husband.

  2. Any Middle East peace deal should include the discussion of removing all U.S. financial and military aid to Israel. They are far more corrosive to their “allies” than their enemies.

    “The Jew continues to monopolize money, and he loosens or strangles the throat of the state with the loosening or strengthening of his purse
    strings…He has empowered himself with the engines of the press, which he uses to batter at the foundations of society. He is at the bottom of every enterprise that will demolish first of all thrones, afterwards the altar, afterwards civil law.”
    Franz Liszt – “Die Israeliten”

    That is one seriously based piano virtuoso. Wonder what he would have said about the (((atonality))) movement.

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