The Boat Shoe Beat: Merry Christmas

Generally speaking, the War on Christmas has taken a different tone this year. Typically, it involves retailers and various media outlets scrubbing the word “Christmas” from their approved discourse and marketing campaigns. In turn, Fox News, along with their fans, complain about this ongoing battle in the Culture War. Random Nativity Scenes get removed in small towns in Heartland America, new ones are setup on someone’s private property, and a cringeworthy, B-tier Christmas movie gets pulled from Netflix and Boomer Facebook erupts in hysterics. I don’t blame them for their outrage, however. The modern Left really does hate Christmas. Of course, they don’t object to the rampant and vulgar consumerism that now plagues the holiday, but it’s the religious connection to Christmas that draws their ire.

But, this year, as all of 2020 as shown, will be different. The lockdowns have allowed normie leftists to show their true colors – that of the authoritarian stoolie. This is most visible on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, and in the workplace. Shitlibs tried their best, both civilian squealers and blue-state politicians, to crush Thanksgiving by reporting their neighbors, as well as businesses, for breaching COVID capacity and other unconstitutional do-gooder mandates. The same ideologues that embrace mothers killing their children in the womb, teenagers castrating themselves and ingesting hormone blockers, and chanting “My Body, My Choice” sure do enjoy playing the busybody hall monitor if someone isn’t wearing a mask or has too many cousins over for turkey. Christmas, like Thanksgiving, will be no different. Hopefully, their snitching is ignored and withers on neglected Facebook posts.

Regardless of whatever punitive edicts the blue-state overlords conjure up for the citizenry, it’s best to simply ignore them. The petty tyrants really only derive their power by people following their orders and legitimizing their status. The Gun Craze in Virginia earlier this year is indicative of their paper tiger position. In Virginia’s case, the vast majority of the Commonwealth’s counties declared a soft revolt against Governor Coonman’s attempt to disarm the taxpayers. Given that local sheriff offices aren’t going to enforce silly laws, various other law enforcement agencies simply don’t have the bandwidth to crack down on widespread non-compliance. However, if the State Police want to break into your home and taser grandma for serving a large batch of macaroni and cheese, expect that “Back the Blue” nonsense to end real quick.

So, if your blue-state (or RINO toady) autocrat makes an “executive order” requiring facemasks under the mistletoe or bans red velvet cake, tell ’em to f*ck off. They don’t follow their own orders anyway, those are for the little people.

If you’re a member of the “movement,” take a day off and enjoy Christmas. Leave politics aside, ignore invasive liberal dictates trying to ruin your family holiday, celebrate the birth of Christ, drink too much eggnog (Natural Light, in my case), and watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation for the 50th time. Christmas is a special time, don’t let the decline and frustrations of this year monopolize your mind.

God bless and Merry Christmas!

P.S. If you’re having turkey, save the neck for me.

One comment

  1. Merry Christmas, in my little section of yankeedom most people go out in public and conform, but we’re so far in Siberia that that is all it is, in private nothing has changed (there’s ‘rumors’ of flourishing speakeasies) God bless Dixie (I hope y’all win so we can be free too) and happy birthday Jesus!

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